
How to search for carriage return in eclipse

Hi, If i have the following text in my eclipse editor: Text Line 1 Text Line 2 I would like to concatenate the text into: Text Line 1Text Line 2 My first idea was to search for carriage return character '\n' and replace it with '' to concatenate it. I tried using the search function of eclipse, but it does not recognize carriage ...

how i integrate html text editor in windows application?

how i integrate html text editor in windows application? ...

In Visual Studio, how to visualize code line length for non-test code only?

I'm using guidelines right now, but I do not think there is any way to disable them for certain projects (my project with tests). In general, how do you reconcile long, descriptive test method names with a line length limit for non-test code (both of which I think are good)? If you feel the same way and have solved this, what solution ...

how to achieve mod_rewrite functionality in text editor's search and replace?

RewriteRule ^/?page/?([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)$ $1.php [L] is it possible for a text editor to find and replace a string in a manner as how apache's mod_rewrite does it? i mean for example, in a text-file, i'd like to enclose all email addresses inside double qoutes, by inputting [a-zA-Z_]@[a-zA-Z-]+\.[a-zA-Z.]+ in the "find what" field and "$...

Multiline Regular Expression search and replace!

I've hit a wall. Does anybody know a good text editor that has search and replace like Notepad++ but can also do multi-line regex search and replace? Basically, I am trying to find something that can match a regex like: search oldlog\(.*\n\s+([\r\n.]*)\);replace newlog\(\1\) Any ideas? ...

Text Editor which shows /r/n?

I'm looking for a text editor that can show me the actual carriage returns and newlines. E.g. if I save this string: "This\rIs\r\nA\nString" Instead of showing This Is A String I'm looking for some text editor which will show This\rIs\r\nA\nString I believe a problem with my text-file parsing in a certain program is being caused ...

Online text editor

I am looking for an simple online text editor that will load an online file (CSS) and allow a user to make changes then save the file to their desktop. Syntax highlighting would be nice, but not necessary. I found Edit Pad which would be ideal, except I need to be able to load the content into it. Most of the users I help need step-by-s...

How do I indent multiple lines at once in Notepad++?

In many text editors that are aimed at programmers, if the user has a selection that spans more than 1 line and presses the TAB key, those lines are indented by 1 TAB (or a number of spaces, depending on how the editor is configured). However, this does not seem to be the default behavior of Notepad++. Is there a way I can do this in No...

Looking for a bare-bones open-source editor written in python

I'm looking for a bare bones cross platform editor written in python that I can pick up and customize. The fewer dependencies the better. Please note: I'm not looking for a python editor or python IDE. Just a no-frills editor, that I can use as a base for an app that I'm starting on. Must be open source and free to modify for commerc...

Is there a way to get emacs's anything to do "fuzzy" searches?

I'm not sure if fuzzy is the correct way to phrase this, so allow me to explain what I want to do. Often times, I'm looking for files that I know are within a particular directory in my local SVN working copy, and I have an idea what directory they're in, but don't want to think of the precise path or there may be several copies of it i...

Java: Syntax highlighting component keyevents

Hello, I just met the lib BeanShell. And now I'm making a Java Editor with a run-button who runs the code without compiling. For the texteditor-component, I use the open-source jEdit Syntax Package. Here is a link with a demo: link. Now I wrote code that adds every time the user pressed enter automaticly added the same number of tabs ...

Implementing on-the-fly text styling in a JEditorPane

I have an idea to write a note-taking app in Java that does some simple text replacement as you type; probably a small subset of the Markdown syntax. So for instance, if you entered a line that was #sometext, it would get rendered: sometext Wikidpad is part of what I'm trying to do (I'm not just re-implementing that, just parts of the ...

in java language, in order to make a text editor like textmate, what widget should i use

hi all, i want to write a text editor in java. i want it have a snippet feature similar to textmate. now i have no idea what to use as the main editor area. should i use some widget in swing? great thanks. ...

Windows text editor that shows/hides lines based on RegEx or Grep syntax?

Hi, all. One of my application components produces some extremely hairy log files. They require a lot of poking and prodding before they produce useful information. I'm on the hunt for a text editor for windows that will let me enter text in either RegEx or Grep-style syntax, and automatically show/hide the relevant lines. Does anyon...

Vim textwidth comma indent problem

If i set the following option in Vim, set textwidth=80 the text will break at 80 characters. This works, but the problem is if a comma (,) is on the end of a line, Vim indents the next line. What can I do to avoid this behaviour? ...

Custom background for active window

How can I configure a different background color for the active window in Emacs? ...

Gedit minimap plugin?

Hello all, Is there any plugin or hack for Gedit to implement minimap functionality as in Sublime . ...

Visual Studio editor and Long lines...

Visual Studio (and most other editors like Notepadd++ and Textpad) doesnt handle long lines well. For instance, I use SMO to generate database scrits. Some of these auto generated SQL script have single lines with thousand and thousand of characters in one single line. When I open that in Visual Studio it just freezes.. or it slows down...

ASP.NET Editors

I'm trying to get something out of VS. Any recommendations for a simple, yet powerful text editor that has syntax support for asp.net and a nice FTP client built in? ...

Non-editable area in ICSharpCode.TextEditor

Is it possible to have non-editable areas in ICSharpCode.TextEditor? What I would like to do is to show the user an editor where he can enter code, but I want to provide a template for him, which should not be editable and provide the user with context data. ...