
Are there any platform agnostic SQL query builders with syntax, logic formatting etc.?

Are there any lightweight tools that allow easy-to-read crafting of SQL independently of the main apps/utilities associated with a particular database? I lately find myself working with MySQL, Access & now MS-SQL and use Notepad++ to build queries as it provides basic syntax highlighting that helps my unfamiliar eyes, but no logic forma...

How to read large text file on windows?

Hi there, I have a large server log file (~750meg) which I can't open with either Notepad or Notepad++ (they both say the file is too large). Can anyone suggest a program (for windows) that will only read a small part of the file into memory at a time? Or do I need to write my own app to parse this file? ...

Why does VIM create a X~ file for every X?

What is the purpose of the X~ files? And if its unnecessary, is there a way to prevent Vim from creating one? ...

What Fold should I use in VIM?

I usually edit RUBY files in VIM. I want the methods(def...end) to fold. Could you please help me define the fold syntax? ...

What is the difference between vim72 and vimfiles folder?

I am learning VIM. The VIM folder in the windows has two subdirectories VIM72 and VIMFILE. What is the difference between them? Where should I install my plugins? ...

How to open a new window below a split created by vimdiff?

If, at a command prompt, I run vimdiff file1 file2 I get a vim instance that has two files open side-by-side, something like this: ╔═══════╤═══════╗ ║ │ ║ ║ │ ║ ║ file1 │ file2 ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ ║ ╚═══════╧═══════╝ This is very nice, but sometimes I want to open a third file to look at. I d...

Lightweight editor for web.config files

I'm looking for a lightweight text editor for web.config files which has colour syntax highlighting (like in visual studio). Any suggestions? ...

I get this window while editing Ruby Files in Vim. What is it?

I usually get this new window open up suddenly while I am editing a Ruby file in VIM. This is getting irritating because, i cant type in anything while its processing. And it usually happens arbitarily. Does any one here know which plugin could be doing this? Or is this somekind of VIM's process? ...

Any recommended iPhone script/code editor apps out there?

I'd like to write code even when I'm not at my desktop machine. Any recommended iPhone script/code editor apps out there? I'm not meaning desktop applications like XCode for writing iPhone apps. I'm meaning iPhone apps cause I want to write code on iPhone. (any code like java c ruby etc and doesn't limit to writing codes for iPhone.....

What are the pros and cons to use iPhone/Android phones to write scripts?

What are the pros and cons to use iPhone/Android phones to write scripts? I'd like to buy a new mobile phone which I can utilize my time to do some scripting even when I'm not at my desktop computer. I heard that you can't save files to your iPhone unless you jail break it. This maybe a big problem if I want to create some new scriptin...

Html TextEditor

I need html/css text editor, that is: free quick (no java or like) no wisywyg can autocomplete attributes and styles i write <script type="", autocomplete should show me list with text/javascript I like Notepad++, but cant find smart autocomplete for it, as in visual studio. Windows or Linux, no Mac please ...

In PuTTY, Emacs key combination has no effect

Please try to forgive this slightly off-programming-topic question. At least I'm getting this problem when porting my C++ code to Linux. The problem I'm having is very basic: some key combinations are not recognized by emacs. One result of that is that I can't 'undo' edits in Emacs. I'm running Putty.exe from Windows to my Ubuntu machi...

How to edit multi-gigabyte text files? Vim doesn't work =(

Are there any editors that can edit multi-gigabyte text files, perhaps by only loading small portions into memory at once? It doesn't seem like Vim can handle it =( ...

How to improve dsoframer performance?

Hi, I'm looking for a control that we can use as a text editor in our win and web application. Do you think dsoframer can be a good choice? using dsoFramer ,it takes 3 secs to create a word document .Is it possible to make it faster? ...

Easily open include filenames in vim?

Basically, I'm editing files that have include file names and I want a quick way of opening the file without having to type the path/filename: include('inc/doctype.inc.php'); Is there an easy way to do this? (Ideally, I'd like to use :tabnew to open the file in a new tab.) Thanks. ...

Python module for editing text in CLI

Is there some python module or commands that would allow me to make my python program enter a CLI text editor, populate the editor with some text, and when it exits, get out the text into some variable? At the moment I have users enter stuff in using raw_input(), but I would like something a bit more powerful than that, and have it disp...

What type of TextBox Editor using in stackoverflow for asking questions and post the answers

What type of TextBox Editor using in stackoverflow for asking questions and post the answers. I am not sure but It sounds like some kind of jQuery plugin Can any one please help us to figure this out ? Kind Regards, Saurabh ...

Undoing diff put when copying lines between vimdiff windows

If, at a command prompt, I run vimdiff file1 file2 I get a vim instance that has two files open side-by-side. Let's suppose that the text in the files looks like this (file1 is on the left, file2 on the right): ╔═══════╤═══════╗ ║foo │-------║ ║bar │bar ║ ║grue │-------║ ║~ │~ ║ ║~ │~ ║ ╚═══════╧═══════...

How do you change the emacs init file to customize the font for new frames?

I want to know, what text do I have to input in the .emacs file so that it uses a especific font (like the clean 5x8) on the new frames, such as with the speedbar. I can modify the speedbar font size and type by using SHIFT-LeftClick but I want it to stay by default. ...

How can I turn on parenthesis matching in Xcode?

Curly brace matching was pretty easy to turn on. How can I turn on parenthesis matching in Xcode? ...