
how to get a text from textbox that is betwen two dots

i just want to get a text from textbox that is betwen two dots for example. www. abc.org . h ...

excluding first and last lines from sed /START/,/END/

Consider the input: =sec1= some-line some-other-line foo bar=baz =sec2= c=baz If I wish to process only =sec1= I can for example comment out the section by: sed -e '/=sec1=/,/=[a-z]*=/s:^:#:' < input ... well, almost. This will comment the lines including "=sec1=" and "=sec2=" lines, and the result will be something like: #=sec...

Excel parsing and converting text

I need to be able to convert cells from one format to another according to the following rules: Property Description --enter as-- Folio Identifier ---------------------------------------------------------- Lot 23 DP789678 23/789678 Lot 7 Section 12 DP6789 7/12/6789 Lot 1 SP 45676 ...

Splitting a string with no line breaks into a list of lines with a maximum column count

I have a long string (multiple paragraphs) which I need to split into a list of line strings. The determination of what makes a "line" is based on: The number of characters in the line is less than or equal to X (where X is a fixed number of columns per line_) OR, there is a newline in the original string (that will force a new "line"...

Another preg_replace question!

Ive got a string that are words bunched together and I need to seperate them, and every word that ends in 'A' should probably be on a new line, item onea second itema third I also need to check if the word ending in 'A' should actually end in 'A' like extra or sultana. item oneasecond itemand an extra item I have an array full of ...

Insert text on the current place of the cursor in the browser

I have a modal window which helps formatting text. I have multiple textareas on the window. The modal should not be attached to a specific textarea, so when I press an Icon in the modal window, I need to insert a string/emoticon etc where-ever the cursor is currently. My question, How do I know in which element (textarea/input/whatever) ...

How to split file on first empty line in a portable way in shell (e.g. using sed)?

I want to split a file containg HTTP response into two files: one containing only HTTP headers, and one containg the body of a message. For this I need to split a file into two on first empty line (or for UNIX tools on first line containing only CR = '\r' character) using a shell script. How to do this in a portable way (for example us...

Easy way to add text above all methods in a solution in VS 2005?

A colleague was working on a Perl script to consume a C++ source file and add text above all of the methods in the file. He was looking to develop code using regular expressions from the ground up to detect the top line of the method: void MyClass::MyMethod(int somethingOrOther) Trying to do this from scratch is fraught with landmine...

Obfuscating email in html

I'm currently developing a website, into which I've included a filter that attempts to obfuscate any e-mail addresses present in the webpages it serves. As it is now, it converts the addresses into images. I've also seen a few other methods in use; some split the address into characters and use generated javascript to include it in the...

Text Manipulation Split Classes in a Single File into mulitple Files

I used XSD.EXE to to generate a C# files from an XSD schema. Unfortunately, this tool extracts all the classes into a single allClasses.cs file. Has anyone got a good technique(or tool) that will extract each of the classes in the allClasses.cs file into their own respective file e.g. ClassA.cs, ClassB.cs, etc. ? ...

Is there a Windows utility that will let me do multiple programmatic find/replaces on text that I cut & paste into it?

I've inherited some C# code that contains about a thousand lines of source that I need to modify, transforming it from this: newDataRow["to_dir"] = comboBox108.Text; To this: assetAttributes.Add("to_dir", comboBox108.Text); The lines occur in various places throughout the application in groups of 40 or 50. Modifying each line by ha...

how to create exclamations for a particular sentence

I would like to create exclamations for a particular sentence using the java API? e.g. It's surprising == Isn't it surprising! e.g. It's cold == Isn't it cold! Are there any vendors or tools which help you generate exclamations, provided you give a sentence (i.e. the left hand side in the above example). Note: The sentences will be p...

Shift a region or line in emacs

Hi, I'm looking for a way in emacs to shift text to the right or to the left by n spaces. A similar functionality that it in vim << or >>. It should work on a region or if no region is selected on a current line and not move the cursor from its current location. The solution from EmacsWiki does not work very well as the M-x indent-rigi...

Text manipulation in Java

I have a string with this format: "key=some value|otherkey=other value|key3=yet another value" I need to create a function with this signature: public String update(String all,String key, String value) Where all is the previous string, key the given key to replace (or add) and value the new value. I thought about some solutions bu...

Get latest 100MB Of text file in linux.

Hi, How do I get the latest 100MB from a text log on Linux? Is there a tool for it, or could you point me on a script? I have no programming experience on Shell Scripting, Perl or Python, and I don't want to install mono so I can write it in C#. Thanks!! Yvan Janssens ...