
using javascript, how can I count a mix of asian characters and english words

Hello, I need to take a string of mixed Asian characters (for now, assume only Chinese kanji or Japanese kanji/hiragana/katakana) and "Alphanumeric" (i.e., Enlgish, French), and count it in the following way: 1) count each Asian CHARACTER as 1; 2) count each Alphanumeric WORD as 1; a few examples: 株式会社myCompany = 4 chars + 1 word = 5...

ASP.NET: How to change color of certain texts in a gridview?

I have a gridview that displays data from a DB... Currently I can only change colors of all the texts in a cell, but what I need to do is to change the color of certain texts only. Is there a way to do this? Is this possible? Im just a newbie so please be patient with me.. This is my function for changing color of texts in cells: pro...

An Emacs alternative which exposes a text model to a scriptable environment?

Hello, everybody out there! I'm currently seeking for a technical solution to create a nice literate programming environment. Unfortunately, most editors are too much hard coded, and their functionalities just cover most famous needs, and can't cleanly cover special needs. I came to Emacs (later after some others), but I also came to n...

Flash TextField, dynamic size

I'm building text balloons to display variable length messages in Flash. My question is pretty simple, though the answer may not be. I have: The string I want to display. The font information. The width/height ratio I want the text field to have. How do I calculate the width and height of the text field it needs to display the text ...

Getting certain lines of text c#

Hi I was wondering if someone could help me. I would like to able to be to have my program give the user the ability to only read a certain block of code from a text document. However I would like it to be placed behind a button so it can be turned on and off. I have experimented wih different ways of doing this but nothing has made the ...

Graph data representation in text form

What would be the best way to visualize DAG's nodes and edges in a text form/file? The node can be referred by its name. ...

What is good rich text editor with autocomplete option for webpage ?

I tried using jQuery autocomplete plugin - it works great, but only on simple text fields. I'd like sth. simmilar that would work with tinymce or ckeditor or any rich text... help please! ...

Verifying that an uploaded file contains only plain text

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that allows the user to upload a file that should only contain plain text. I am looking for a simple approach to validate that the file does indeed contain only text. For my purposes I am happy to define text as any of the characters that I can see printed on my GB QWERTY keyboard. Business rules mean...

Getting text data from C++ using JNI through std::ostream into Java

Hi everyone, I have a class in C++ which takes an std::ostream as an argument in order to continuously output text (trace information). I need to get this text over to the Java side as efficiently as possible. What's the best way to do this? I was thinking of using a direct buffer, but another method would be to take all the function cal...

Looking for an efficient Java Swing based console

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a highly efficient Swing Java component which I can just plug into my application UI. I already tried using the classes within Swing such as JTextArea with no avail; they simply aren't high-performance enough and have any crippling drawbacks. Additionally, it'd be nice if it had standard console features such...

How can you use jQuery to do something to a certain string in the page text?

Is there a way to use jQuery to search a <p> and do something to each occurrence of a string. For example make every string "magic" in the page bold? Is there a way to do it for a character so that every 'a' could be made bold? It appears contains just gives the element that contains the text and not the string itself. ...

setting textarea value in IE and FF

A demo for sharing data between an input (id=obHid) and a textarea (id=idField) if($.browser.msie) $("#"+idField).text($("#obHid").val()); // IE else $("#"+idField).attr("value", $("#obHid").val()); // FF Iskrahelk, ...

I can't select the text on my website, I think it's masked by some css

Hi, the title says it all, could someone take a quick look, why the text in the dark grey isn't selectable. I think it's masked by a invisible layer or somewhat, but I don't see it. The url: http://www.coldcharlie.nl/test/ Edit: I think it's the shadow part, I'll take a look at that first. ...

How to convert text to speech on a web page?

I am making a web page that displays fragments of text from news sites (CNN, BBC, etc.) but I also want it to be read to people who can't see. How can I program the HTML page to read the text for them? Any ideas? Thanks, Boda Cydo. ...

Flex dataGrid columns missing header text

I created a component that is multiple datagrids side by side that share the same columns (each datagrid is the same as the one before but with different data). Problem The header text only shows up on the last datagrid. How can I get the text to show up on all the datagrid headers? Here is how I instantiate the component. ...

two variables in one text box - flex - actionscript-3

quick question.. I'm trying to make two variables appear in one text box but I'm not sure how to do so Here's what I have. title1.text = dg_post.selectedItem.post_title; date1.text = dg_post.selectedItem.post_date; I'd like to have post_title and post_date appear in the title1 box and remove the date1 box altogether. ...

pre tag- text overflows the box SOLVED but for ie6 (ie7 not tested)

I have applied the following style to the pre element: pre { background-color: #FFFFCC; border: 2px dashed #FF6666; padding-top: 7px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 10px; float: none; padding-right: 10px; margin: 10px; } The text overflows the box. When I applied the float:right property...

Appengine convert a field of type "String" to "Text" after saving serveral items?

So Here is the problem, I've created an entity with a field of type "String" made several of those items and now realise I need more room and therefore need to convert that field to "Text". I tried the null trick but that isn't one of the options. Any ideas? ...

Dependency propery for ValueConverter or rebind control?

Hi all, I have custom control with some text in content template: <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:TouchScreenKey}"> <TextBlock><ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding Title, Converter={StaticResource CaseConverter}}" /></TextBlock> </ControlTemplate> and custom IValueConverter CaseConverter - with property Upper...

Draw text on shape in ActionScript 3

Is there any way to draw text in a DisplayObject or Shape using only ActionScript? The only way I can find on the web is by creating a TextField, but I can't add a TF to a DisplayObject or Shape. Edit: Solved thanks to viatropos. For anyone that's interested: DisplayObject implements IBitmapDrawable which can be passed as an argument...