
How do you size a textarea?

Every time I develop a new form that includes a textarea I have the following dilemma when I need give its dimensions: Go through CSS path or use their attributes col and rows? What pros and cons can I found using both paths? What semantic information gives using these attributes? How people usually does it? ...

How can i prevent the textarea from stretching beyond his parent DIV elemnt? (google-chrome issue only)

How can i prevent the textarea from stretching beyond his parent DIV elemnt? I have this textarea inside a table that it is inside a DIV and it seems that it cause the entire table to streach out of it's bounds. You can see an example of the same situation even in a more simple case, just putting a text area inside a div (like what is ...

jQuery live counter for SPECIFIC chars in textarea

Googling is driving me mad; all jQuery textarea counters I can find either count words, newlines or characters. I would like to count a specific character as it gets entered in the textarea. More specifically I would like to 'live count' the amount of @ signs that get inserted before the backend processes it. Live is nicer (with the cou...

Jquery - If cursor position at the start/end in a textfield

Hi, i have a textarea and I want to check if the cursor is at the start or at the end (I dont need the current position). Did anybody know a simple jQuery solution? Thanks in advance! Peter ...

Why is my text area disabled on Ipad?

Hello, I have a social network that allows people to ask questions and write blogs. For some reason on the ipad, you can write a title, and choose a category, but for some reason it will not let you write in the text area where one would compose their blog or ask their question. Is there some sort of special text area that ipad wants sup...

php :: new line in textarea?

Hi guys, How do you create a new line in a textarea when inserting the text via php? I thought it was \n but that gets literally printed in the textarea. Thanks ...

css styling for table inside textarea

hi expert, i'm retrieving data from database and display it inside textarea in table format, i try to apply css styling for table inside textarea but no effect, does any one know or done this before, please advice, i'm using javascript editor to the display more like word so user can format the document, <style type="text/css"> table...

does textarea distinguish \r\n or \n?

i have a texaarea which put regular expression to match html,so it's senstive to \r\n & \n, and i don't know textarea how's doing with this, when i write a wring regular expression with muliple lines,put these string to the textarea,then send to the server process match procedure,it will not work,i think the main reason is \r\n \n symbo...

about textarea \r\n or \n in python

i have tested code in firefox under ubuntu: the frontend is a textarea,in textarea press the key ENTER,then submit to the server, on the backend you'll get find \r\n string r=request.POST.get("t") r.find("\r\n")>-1: print "has \r\n" my question is when we will get \r\n ,when we'll get \n?is this platform independent? this is im...

Printing the content as in the textarea

I want to print the Textarea content as it is entered. Eg. In text area it is like "First line""secondline" But when i print it as pdf its priting like "First line" "secondline" Any help? ...

jquery and textarea

Hi, i have this jQuery code: $("#text_a").html('<textarea name = "text">".$text_user."</textarea>'); And if I put in textarea text with new line i get this error: unterminated string literal I get an error with this text: First line... Second line ... ...

HTML/CSS input/textarea, default text, and colors

Two semi-related questions: 1) I've seen <input> and <textarea> boxes that contain some default text, like "enter search terms here", and the moment you click on the box, the text disappears. How is this implemented? Is this a Javascript thing? 2) Can the default text be in one color, and whatever you type (either overwriting, or appen...

Textarea input - how to deal with paragraphs and headings?

I currently use the following expression which I use to put paragraph tags around textarea input before storing it in a MySQL database. $inputText = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>' . preg_replace('#([\r\n]\s*?[\r\n]){2,}#', '</p>$0<p>', $inputText) . '</p>'); This works well and good, except when I wish to use header tags. These are ...

Get line-break working using PHP GD2 and a <textarea>

I'm trying to figure out how I can put text including line-break from a textarea on an image generated using GD2 library. I tried \n and , nothing... It's a stupid question but I can't find this information on the web. Thanks! ...

Jquery textarea val() doesnt take new line.

I get a textarea with a keyup function attached. When the user type something, I want this text to be rendered inside the blockquote tag. It works, but id doesn't take the newline and spaces. Can you helpe me? $('#post_body').keyup(function() { $('blockquote').find('span').text($(this).val()); ...

can't set max-height to blocquote cloned div

I get a textarea with a keyup function attached. When the user type something, I want this text to be rendered inside the blockquote tag. bloquote css is set towhite-space: pre-wrap;. In this way it take into account the newline. The problem now is that bloquote doesn't care of max-height property(200px). If itype in the textarea enter k...

Jquery: how get text width inside textarea

It is possible to get text width inside a textarea element. I don't care of its length$('textarea').val().length This cose doesn't care of font-size. I would prefer the absolute width of the text inside. It is possible? ...

Ext JS textarea grow bug

Hi, we have an application that use some TextArea components in various tabs. The problem is that when we insert text into a TextArea (with grow:true) the TextArea correctly resize itself, but when we change the tab and display a new TextArea, this new TextArea has the size of the TextArea present into the other tab. When we click on ...

Flex setFormatOfRange not working on actionscript-created TextAreas.

I have the following code: var vg:VGroup = new VGroup(); var summary:TextArea = new TextArea(); summary.text = "something" var tlf:TextLayoutFormat = new TextLayoutFormat(); tlf.fontSize = 18; tlf.fontWeight = "bold"; tlf.color = 0xFF0000; summary.setFormatOfRange(tlf, 0, 2); vg.addElement(summary); (the TextArea is a spark.component...

MYSQL insert string from html's text area with semi-colon...advise?

Hey ya guys This is in regards to PHP, Mysql and Html's textarea. I want to dump a user's input from html's textarea into my mysql database. The situation is that if the user has semi-colons within the text itself, mysql will reject the insert command for obvious reasons. What I want to know is that are there any ways to force mysql to...