
If timer is started and running , donot reset it once again using flex3

I'm having 2 problems. 1 - I have a text area in which I am matching a string. If it matches then a timer will start. But that condition will likely be satisfied more than once, so I would like to give a condition that if timer is already running don't do anything, if(!timer.running) then start timer. But it still resets the timer ever...

PHP read each line

I have a <textfield> ($_POST['list']). How can I get value of each line to an array key? Example: <textfield name="list">Burnett River: named by James Burnett, explorer Campaspe River: named for Campaspe, a mistress of Alexander the Great Cooper Creek: named for Charles Cooper, Chief Justice of South Australia 1856-1861 Daintree River...

accessing control(example textarea) from the swf loaded into flex

Hi, i am using swfloader to load an external swf file. This swf file is taken from the Flash project. Inside the flash project there is a .fla file also. I dont know how to work with .fla files, but when i opened this .fla file i can view all the control appearing in swf file. There is a text area, in swf file(actually in .fla file...

Is it possible to work out where in a p's text a mouse click event occurred?

I have a <p> containing text. When the <p> is clicked on, I create a <textarea> containing the text from the <p>. Is it possible to calculate where in the <p>'s text the click occurred, and move the <textarea>'s cursor to that same point? ...

Rails Text_area_tag problem

I am trying to resize my text area tag though when I try to make the adjustments nothing happens to the box itself. I have tried: <%= text_area_tag :reason, :nil, :size=> "44x6" %> <%= text_area_tag :reason, :nil, :cols=>20,:rows=>5 %> Any ideas? Thanks. ...

Erasing the contents of an input / textarea when it's clicked?

Hi there, to make editing of these fields easier, I'd be nice if their contents were deleted when they're clicked. Also, the default value (presented initially) needs to be submitted if it hasn't changed, this means I'm (probably) not looking for a(n HTML 5) placeholder which gets erased automatically, but actual text. Would be even bet...

How to stop html textarea from interpreting html entities into their characters

I have an html textarea that is used to display a string from a database. The textarea can be edited and any changes are saved to the database. The problem is that when it recieves entities &reg; in a string it converts them into their characters, and then when the text is saved the characters overwrite the entities. For example: The da...

JQuery A-Tools inserts at the end of a textarea when it doesn't have focus

I'm trying to use A-Tools to insert something at the caret position in a TEXTAREA. However, when the TEXTAREA doesn't have focus, the stuff gets thrown at the end (I'd like it to be at the beginning). However, I don't seem to be able to figure out when that focus isn't there to insert at the beginning, as the caret position returned when...

Javascript to pre-select textarea on page load

Hello everyone, I have a page that has a textarea, when the page is loaded, I want to pre-select the textarea(like twitter.com does), so the user does not have to click on it. Do you know how to do that? Previously thanks! Rodrigo Alves Vieira. ...

How to change text color in Disqus comment textarea?

Hello, I'm using Disqus external comment system with Wordpress (as a WP plugin) and I'm trying to customize it with my custom CSS. Everything works great, but I have problems with replacing the default text color in the form textarea. I tried it with: #dsq-content .dsq-textarea .dsq-textarea-wrapper, #dsq-content .dsq-input-wrapper {...

ASP.NET MVC - How can I set the Default Value in a Strongly Typed TextArea?

I'm trying to make a TextArea have a default value. <%: Html.TextAreaFor(Function(model) model.Description, 5, 10, New With {.Value = "Description: "})%> This works properly in a TextBoxFor but doesn't work in a TextAreaFor Am I missing something very obvious? ...

copy paste table to chrome, textarea.value no new lines

try this in chrome (ff,ie works ok): in msword or writer make a 3 row table. In each row put something, select all rows and copy paste to chrome textarea. Each row is now in new line but when you check textarea.value there is no new lines ..strange even spliting by \n or \r not working textarea.value always return one line output any id...

Impossible to style a textarea generated by a Wordpress contact form plugin!

In this page, I'm trying to style a textarea generated by Contact Form 7, but it doesn't matter what I do I can't. code: CSS: .wpcf7-form input, #wpcf7-form textarea { border-color: #808080 #C0C0C0 #C0C0C0 #D4D4D4; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; margin: 0 400px 10px 0; padding: 5px; width: 350px; } #wp...

Detect return key in textarea and if a certain string is present write a line to textarea [javascript]

Basically have a large textarea, and I want to be able to do a few things with it; Detect when the user presses "enter" to go to a new line, and When enter is pressed, if the line contains a certain string let's say "hello", a line would be written to the textarea that reads "hello to you." I cannot, for the life of me, detect a str...

Can't see new lines on textarea - what could the problem be?

Hello all, I have a php string with a lot of information to be displayed inside a textarea html element. I don't have access to that textarea nor to the script (if any) that generates it. $somestring = 'first line \nSecond line \nThird line.'; $somestring as NOT been "worked" with trim or filter_var. Nothing. On the textfield, I g...

Auto-scroll <textarea> with Javascript

I have this textarea that shows inputted text, but when the number of lines exceeds the size and width of the textarea, the user has to scroll down to see what they have last inputted. I'd like the textarea to be set to the bottom everytime the enter button is pressed. I've tried the following, but I can't get it to work: function inp...

Posting a (ASP) Form with text area and onClick=Java... via CURL

I'm trying to pass some info to an ASP webpage. The form on the page looks as following: <form name=onlineform method=post onSubmit="javascript:return false;"> <input type=hidden name="form" value=""> <textarea name=item rows=5 cols=33 onBlur="this.value=removeSpaces(this.value);" tabindex="1"></textarea> <input type="text" name="Email...

php get value from textarea

how can i get value from field textarea. i want to detail- i need to parse html page and get value from field textarea not call something like $_POST["textarea"] ...

How to retrieve data into a <textarea> HTML tag in C# / Visual Studio?

Using DataList, it's not possible to collect data into a <textarea></textarea> HTML tag. Because Visual Studio automaticly adds table and so td and shows data in these HTML tags. I want to show bunch of "added tags" in a passive-looking <textarea>. How can I do it? Is it possible to use data piece by piece WITHOUT any pre-constructed HT...

What is the official eol value that's sent by browsers (in textarea, for example)

In PHP "\n" acts as the eol for the OS you're on so that's unreliable. Also, I understand that PHP has constants for EOL, that's not really what I'm asking, I want to know what EOL value I can reliably check for from browsers. ...