I know that the line endings used for files vary depending on the OS. I was wondering, if a user pastes text into a http form input such as a textarea, does the line ending character(s) for what gets sent depend on the OS in the same way?
hi!! I have made a small letter game in a Java Applet. I have made a microsoft access database through jdbc for the high scores. I hav managed to insert values(scores) into the database but i hav truble in fetching them and display the table in a textArea of ajFrame. I am not even sure if the connection is established. I hav created the ...
How i can detect the word in that the cursor located in IE?
I have tryed with this code
window.setInterval(function () {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
var wort = range.text.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
I've got a textarea inside a div:
<div id="textareawrapper">
<textarea id="chat"></textarea>
...and CSS:
#textareawrapper {
border 1px dashed pink;
position: absolute;bottom: 0em;left:7.5em;right:7.5em;height: 7em;
#textareawrapper textarea {margin:0;padding:0;width: 100%;height:7em;}
IE 7...
Submitting data from textarea by hitting “Enter”.
I've got a textarea and a submit button:
<textarea id="chat"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="send_msg();">
The value of the of the texarea is submitted when Enter is hit:
textarea.onkeyup = function(e) {
There is a nasty right-side inactive scrollbar in the textarea in IE, in FF the textarea is clean. How to make it clean in IE as well?
I have a form in asp that does some javascript error checking them shows a preview of the form information before the user submits it to our database. To enable light formatting before submission we replace all of the line breaks with tags.
<textarea name="DATA_Description" ROWS=30 wrap=on cols="30"><%=DATA_Description%></textarea>
Simple question - is there any way to select a sub-set of the text displayed in a <textarea> control using Javascript?
e.g. have a function like
selectText(startCharNo, endCharNo, textareaName);
It also needs to be IE6 compatible.
I'm trying to change the value on a <textarea> element. This code works great in Firefox, but IE claims there's an error onblur and doesn't set the value.
onfocus="if(this.value=='Add a comment...') {this.style.color='black'; this.v...
Need to insert selected text in the page into textarea. There must be some button to do it.
I have a page in which there are a few textarea and <input type="text"> html controls. These elements are placed in a div tag:
In IE 7 after the user types some text in textarea, the width of the textarea changes on its own:
and now again if the user types some text in the textbox, the textarea agian returns to its original width:
I'm making a file edit interface in my web-app, I have a textarea with file contents.
When textarea is focused, I want to output the position of the cursor, i.e. line number and column: this is useful because error messages usually yield a line number, for example.
The question is: how do I figure out the position of the cursor in text...
How do I make a textarea have the same font as everything else on the webpage?
Currently I have my code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="test.css">
<div id="testarea">
body { ...
In our application we have a text area with row size 20 .
Earlier when we were using the IE6 browser then the text area was displaying properly on screen but after switching over IE7 browser we have seen that after filling up 20 lines a active scroll bar start displaying with text area and only 19 lines are displaying in text area and 1...
I got a textarea in javascript but the problem is that when i make line breaks in it they won't display how can i do this ?
i'm getting the value and use a write function but it won't give line breaks
Thanks in advance
Is there any way to call an action script function from an anchor which defined in TextArea component's htmlText property.
Thank you
I am trying to access data from table with GetString() method and that data is stored in some variable then it must be loaded to html form when i am click the submit button. How to it? Please help me......
I want to my web page to beep whenever a user exceeds the maximum character limit of my textarea.
This somehow simple task is not so simple.
I can get the number of lines of the textarea using mx:internals, but thats is not always the longest line ending by a newline.
I tried all sort of textArea.text.split("\n") \r <br/> {/n ..
It always returns me the length of 1.
My eternal worshipping to anyone who can put me in the righ...
I tried applying the :maxlenght => 40 on a textarea on my form.
But it didn't work out.
Can we have a length limit on a textarea?
The code for text area is
<%= f.text_area :data,
:rows => 2,
:cols => 60 ,
:maxlength => 140,
:autocomplete => :off,
:class => ...