
make textarea visible on top off al the other textinput

Hello, I created my own validation control. something like this control.mxml: <mx:states> <mx:State name="ExceptionState"> <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{hbox1}"> <mx:TextArea id="txtError" styleName="errorMessage" width="140" minHeight="26" wordWrap="true" editable="false" /> </mx:AddChild> <mx:SetProperty n...

Tags inside textarea

I have an administrative area with some elements (2 fields text and ID and sort field) and each elements can be manage by create/edit/delete actions And I think that I can make it easier by using textarea, where administrator can operates items as a text <textarea> <item1:1> <item2:3> </textarea> where each item is included into ...

how to set the vertical scroll bar in firefox to be in the left side ?

i want that the vertical scroll bar that show in textarea in fire fox will show in the left side, i have site with 'rtl' direction, and in IE its o.k , in the left side - (oposide the text). ...

Insert text into textarea with jQuery

Hey, I'm wondering how I can insert text into a text area using jquery, upon the click of an anchor tag. I don't want to replace text already in textarea, I want to append new text to textarea. Thankyou. ...

Javascript - textarea select word only

By default, when one double click on a word in a textarea, it will select the word AND the space after the word. Is there a js script that can allow user to double click on a word and select ONLY the word, without the space that follows? I've been searching high and low with no luck. ...

How can i calculate line number relative to cursor postion in TextArea with Flex?

HI Everyone, How can i find line number in events like mouse clicked, key down and key up. And also highlight that line with color. I used TextArea. Thanks in Advance. Regards, shivang ...

One-row textarea in Firefox refuses to show vertical scrollbar

I've already figured out that Firefox's sizing of textareas is buggy - it always adds one to your rows and cols settings. But I've decided to just ignore that. The problem is that Firefox also refuses to put in the vertical scrollbar, even if I type a friggin' short story into the box. Am I doing something wrong (i.e. invalid)? Is there...

Flex: How to tell if TextArea has blinking cursor

Is there a way to tell if a Flex TextArea has a blinking cursor? One indication is if the component is focused: focusManager.getFocus() == textArea But it's possible to have a blinking cursor without having the focus. I'm not sure if the converse is possible (focus without blinking cursor). Edit: The rub here appears to be a di...

move image in text area in flex

Hi Guys, I am trying to make a text editor in Flex. i can move image on mouse click. Problem is it moves with the key up or down handler. But it moves out of text area after the last line in textarea. And it also doesn't move with scroll. Pls give suggestions for these problems. Thanks. Regards, Shivang ...

How to split HTML textarea element into array of lines in Java

How to split HTML textarea element into array of lines in Java ...

Regexp require # of non-whitespace characters

I have a textarea. I am trying to check that it contains atleast 3 non-whitespace characters in javascript, and if it does, I need to recheck the posted message in php. I think once I get it working in php, I can use the same regexp for javascript. However, the whitespaces are messing it up. I don't understand why the following does no...

text-area-text-to-be-split-with-conditions repeated

I have a text area wherein i have limited the user from entering more that 15 characters in one line as I want to get the free flow text separated into substrings of max limit 15 characters and assign each line an order number. This is what I was doing in my java class: int interval = 15; items = new ArrayList(); TextIt...

Cross browser CSS wrap="off"

Can't figure out how to disable word wrapping in texarea. What is the CSS equivalent of wrap="off" cross browser? ...

Carriage return in text area

I have to allow the user to enter carriage returns in text areas; something like: Sentence 1 Sentence 2 ... I have to persist those carriage returns when loading and saving data. I use jQuery on the client side, and .NET on the server. Any suggestions on how to approach? Thanks. ...

removing the textarea border in html

I'm working with the textarea element in HTML and want to remove the border of the box - pls help and want to align the text in the bottom of my textarea pls help ...

HTML within Javascript Function Not Working Properly

Hello: I am using the following JavaScript function: function Projects() { var PrjTb1 = "<input type=text id=PrjNme size=100/>" var PrjTb2 = "<textarea rows=5 col=200 wrap=hard></textarea>" var Info = "1. Project or activity name:<br>" + PrjTb1 + "<br><br>2. Project or activity description:<br>" + PrjTb2 if (document.g...

how to get selected text inside a textarea element by javascript?

I'm not familiar with such attributes, can someone provide a simple demo? I need it to be done without any libraries. ...

move arrow image infornt of line in textarea with Flex

Hi All, I want to move arrow image in textarea on mouse click and key up and down like text editors. Pls give me ur suggestions Regards, Shivang ...

Removing the Label From Django's TextArea Widget

How do I remove the label that comes attached to the TextArea I am trying to use with Django? I'm trying to find ANY information about this issue but I cannot seem to find anything relating to my problem. This is what I'm doing in my code: class CommentForm(forms.Form): comment = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea()) This is th...

How Do I Remove Text From Generated Django Form?

So earlier I asked a question about removing the label that Django forms have by default. That worked out great, and I removed the label. However, the text that is generated by the form is still there! I would very much like to remove the text. Here is what I mean: <p>Text: <textarea rows="10" cols="40" name="text"></textarea></p> I w...