
Disabled textbox editable in IE8

I am developing my app in asp.net web forms. The textbox is set like this <asp:TextBox ID="txt1" runat="server" Enabled="false" ></asp:TextBox> and this is the corresponding HTML markup <input name="txt1" type="text" value="1.0" id="txt1" disabled="disabled" /> It is not editable upto this point. I enable Caret browsing in IE8 (p...

Determine Logical Line From Char Index (Winforms TextBox)

If I call textBox.GetLineFromCharIndex(int) in a TextBox with WordWrap = true, it returns the line index as the user sees it (wrapped lines count as multiple lines), not the line according to the line breaks. Line one extends to // <- word wrapped here. // <- logical line 1, GetLineFromCharIndex returns line 2 ...

How to get selected text in a HTML Input Text Box

Hi All, I would like to get selected text from HTML Input Text Box including character positions. Please help me. ant. ...

android Editext setText should not focused and blinking cursor

in my activity 1 editext field and 2 check boxes i do setText("default text") in oncreate. when my application lods display default text also blinking cursor inside the text field also shows orange border tells it is having focus. i don't want to be text field focus on create instead it should focus on some where else i did request f...

Restoring old value of a textbox (or any other control)

Probably a very basic beginner question. Imagine the following situation: I have an ASP.NET page with a textbox and a button. In the textbox I enter let's say a name "Laurel" and click the button. The textbox is related as a control parameter to a data source and this data source pulls the content "Laurel" from the textbox to build a q...

C# Wholesale Order form - textboxes in Gridviews in Repeater

I'm building a wholesale order form on a website. The current plan is to... -get an ArrayList of DepartmentUnits -a DepartmentUnit has various attributes like "deptId", "description" and its own ArrayList of StoreItems -The StoreItems have attached ArrayList of various SizeOptions -The SizeOptions have an inventory count integer alon...

How to update an input text from javascript?

Hey guys, I have this simple code that speaks for itself.Here it is: enter code here <script language='javascript"> function check() {} </script> <div id="a">input type="text" name="b"> <input type="button" onClick=" check(); "> All i want is that when i press the button, the text field gets a value updated to it. i tried us...

C# GridView dynamically built columns with textboxes ontextchanged

My page is a bulk order form that has many products and various size options. I've got a gridview that has a 3 static columns with labels. There are then some dynamically built columns. Each of the dynamically built columns have a textbox in them. The textbox is for quantity. Trying to either update the server with the quantity entere...

Smart (WinForms) TextBox to display path.

Does a smart textbox control (WinForms) exists that can display a path depending on the textbox width. For example, if the path is short it will display the entire path (C:\myfile.txt), but if the path is long it will display the start and end (C:\SomeFolder...\foo\MyFile.txt). The length of the characters displayed should be calculated...

A textbox class only accept integers in Java

I just want to do a textbox class only accepts integers.. I have done something, but ı think it's not enough. Can anyone help me, please? Thanks... import java.awt.TextField public class textbox extends TextField{ private int value; public textbox(){ super(); } public textbox(int value){ setDeger(val...

How do I add functionality to a winforms program in C#?

I'm trying to make a winforms version of a program I originally wrote as a console app. Here's a picture of my current progress. I've made the text boxes and buttons (with a read-only textbox for output). I don't know how to actually make the buttons function. I want it to work the same as the console version did (ask for input w/ erro...

How do I highlight Text in a Textbox in a C# Winforms program?

I have a C# Winforms program with multiple textboxes. I used the properties for each box to place text in them, explaining to the user what value goes in them. I want the text to highlight whenever a user selects that box. By either tabbing or mouse click. I won't have to do this if there's a way to display what value goes in the textbox...

How do I receive input to store as a string in a winforms project in C#?

I'm working on a program that asks for input, then calculates and posts the output. I managed to do it on a console application, but I don't know how to store input from a textbox. The input has to be positive integers, with an error message in place if anything invalid is input (to prevent crashing). I plan to have use a button to tr...

Datatrigger on textbox not working

Hi i am trying to write a datatrigger in which i have to clear a textbox content on checkbox checked.My Code is given below It works as long as you dont type anything in the textbox.As soon as i type in the textbox the datatrigger fails to work.How can i solve this <Window x:Class="CheckboxTextbox.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.mic...

How reliable is the MaxLength property of the TextBox-Control?

The TextBox control offers a MaxLength property, which allows the insertable text into that TextBox be clientside limited to the specified amount of chars. My questions: Is this property only client-side and therefore browser-pedendent? Can I rely on the fact, that the Text property contains no text longer than MaxLength is set (only ...

How to ignore first entered character to be zero in a textbox with jQuery

Hi, Basically, I do not want the user to enter '0' (zero) as the first character in a textbox which represents data with type of integer? I would like to bind an event handler to handle this with jQuery. Any experience? Thanks, ...

Server or CLIENT side Custom ASP.Net Controls???

Hello ! I am an undergraduate student , and working on my Final Year project these days. I have some queries related to Custom Controls as follows: I am designing a text box field which will have three or more functions as follows : Either it will allow numeric characters only Or it will allow an email address to be taken as input Or i...

Pass a value from a text box using submit button and post method

I'm new to mvc, and I'm having trouble passing the value of a textbox to the controller method. I've got: in the aspx page: <form action="/Search" method="post" > <input type="submit" value="search" name="id" /> global.asax: routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Ro...

C# WindowsApp TextBox with Special Characters

Hi, I would like to include a textbox / richtextbox in which I would like to include text such as "jogħġbok żomm din il-bieb magħluq". When I putting this text in the textbox/rightext box I am getting the following: jog&#295;&#289;bok &#380;omm din il-bieb mag&#295;luq Can you please help? I am getting the string from google tra...

How to make autocompleting textbox in vb6 like this one?

hey all, well i want to have an autocompleting textbox like the one in the image below: this screenshot is from an accounting software. whenever the user focuses on a textbox and starts typing something the suggestions just popup under the control (as seen in the image under the Purc type textbox).This autosuggest functionality even wor...