
asp.net textbox onley remembers initial value

Hi, In my Page_Load I set the text equal to a value e.g. txtNote.text="note text ex" If I change that text on my actual form to something else, then try to write my new value to a db ... the textNote.text is still "note text ex" what it was set to in the Page_Load...not what I changed it to on the form....can this be changed? Thanks, ...

WPF textboxes are too big!

I have a WPF page with some data entry TextBoxes on it and they look much bigger than the font needs. What determines the height of the textbox? is there a way to squish them up? The textbox gets bigger and smaller according to the font size it displays (so I don't want to set the height property directly if I can help it. Thanks ...

capturing the enter key on textbox in asp.net for windows ce

Hi everybody, I want to capture the enter key on text for windows ce msie6.0 but there is no button for that so i cannot use default button property for the form tag itself. What else i can do to capture the Enter key? Thanks.. ...

Disabling a TextBox in C# .NET using CSLA

I am trying to disable a number of text boxes intended for displaying data (not edit) in one of my UserControls. However, for some reason I can not get the textBoxes to disable properly. I've set "ApplyAuthorization on readWriteAuthorization" to true and the textBoxes are databound to the correct properties. I've also added the followi...

When to use a spinner vs a form object

When is using a spinner object appropriate, rather than using a standard text entry object (a.k.a. form, or text box)? I am looking for information on "best practices" in GUI. ...

When the user presses "Enter" in a ToolStripTextBox (VB.NET)

I have a ToolStripTextBox (the name of it is SearchBox) and I would like it when after the user types something and presses enter it takes them to a URL. I've got the URL part sorted out, but I need to know what goes after Handles SearchBox.{what?} I don't see any event in the intellisense popup for something when the user presses "en...

validations in textbox in vb.net

i have a textbox wherein the user is required to enter amount.i want to know the way to put a validation on the key press event so that the user might not enter more than one decimal point i.e user is allowed to enter values like 99.999 only not like 99...22 plz suggest some property or method to do this?? ...

How to limit the length of text/numbers in textfield on iPhone?

I want to limit the length of a textfield, so that a user can know how many characters he can input. But I find no such attributes of textfield on iPhone. Any ideas how to do this? And how to switch from one textfield to another when it reaches its max length? (to let users type easily) ...

Read-only Textbox

In c# I am creating a form window for a lan messenger with two textboxes.I need to create a particular textbox as read-only but any text submitted to it is appearing grey which is not desirable.Is there any way that can be prevented? ...

read-only Textbox

The form window(chat window) that i am creating for a lan messenger is similar to the one in google talk with two textboxes. What i need to do is to transfer characters typed in the lower textbox(textbox2) to the upper textbox(textbox1 which is read-only) when i click the submit button without showing that textbox1 is read-only because t...

Prevent a textbox from scrolling when adding text

I'm adding new logs line to a WinForms TextBox object, and this causes the textbox to scroll to the bottom. How can I prevent this and retain my current position? (a short code snippet would help) ...

How can I calculate the number of lines in a text box?

I am hoping that someone can help me with a problem I've got at the moment using Compact Framework.Net 2 SP 2. At the moment I have a UI with a series of text boxes and each textbox displays the contents of a database field. These are shown one beneath another with a scroll bar on the right hand side of the form. Each textbox has a set ...

Prevent Blinking Cursor in Textbox

In a textbox, how can u prevent the display of the blinking cursor when you click on it? I did read in some forums that there is call to a particular api but when i tried it in my code, an error was shown. Please provide the complete code for this purpose if possible and let me know if there is a particular event where the code should b...

postback makes textbox cursor to hang

I'm trying to do a search that you type in some letters and it returns list of results and you can type more for accuracy. The next code is in modalpopupextender. <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upnlPatientSearchModal" > <ContentTemplate> <div class="popupheader" align="left" width="300"> <asp:TextBox ID="txtFiel...

C# ASP.NET Post Back Data

Hi, I have a web page form which contains around 20 forms(home.aspx), on 1 of it i need to put a link beside a textbox which will be pop out when the user clicks the link(search.aspx). In this pop out link there will be a search textbox which will search the database based on the keyword that user enters. Let's say the user enters id num...

How to show brakelines in asp.net textbox multiline ?

I have a Textbox with Multiline enabled. but i can get the line brakes when i press the enter button, any idea on how to get it to work? ...

Validate on text change in TextBox

I have implemented validation rules on a textBox in my WinForm and it works well. However it checks the validation only when I tab out of the field. I would like it to check as soon as anything is entered in the box and everytime the content changes. Also I'd like it to check validation as soon as the WinForm opens. I remember doing th...

textbox in vb.net

here is the code in c# to allow only one decimal point in a textbox.. if textbox5.text.contains(".") && e.keychar="." { e.handled=true } i have to use it in vb.net 2003 version..how can i use it..it does not allows to use conatins property.. how to do it.. ...

TextBox Validation in VB.NET and Windows Forms

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number. I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the numb...

Setting the contents of a textBox to upper-case on CurrentItemChanged

I would like the text in my textBox to be set to upper-case whenever currentItemChanged is triggered. In other words, whenever the text in the box changes I'd like to make the contents upper-case. Here is my code: private void rootBindingSource_CurrentItemChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { toUserTextBox.Text.ToUpper(); ...