
C# have end of text priorities

I'm concatenating a string that sometimes is long enough for it not to fit in a label control. How can i make it autoscroll to the rightside so i always see the end of the string? ...

Why all text boxes won't select?

I have a form with a Tab Control that has 18 pages. When I click on a tab it opens the page and select a textbox on that page (txtTextbox1.Select()). This works for the first 8 pages but not for the remaining 10 pages. Although on these pages I can mouse click on the textbox, enter info, save then click my Add button that clears the text...

ASP.net MVC How to change the Textbox Class upon validation failure?

I notice in the default MVC template project that the Account registration fields are highlighted via a class change. I can't seem to get the same behavour out of my own code (in the same project - same CSS etc) What might be stopping this from occuring? Update I believe this relates to one of my other questions Because I was having...

How to keep WPF TextBox selection when not focused?

I want to show a selection in a WPF TextBox even when it's not in focus. How can I do this? ...

Windows Forms: SelectionChanged event for TextBox class

How do I get notified of a selection change in a text box in .NET 2.0? I was unable to find a SelectionChanged event or an OnSelectionChanged method. What is the best workaround for this (without having to PInvoke, of course)? ...

How to determine if a textbox in a windows form has focus

Hello, Let's say I have internet explorer embedded in a windows form and I then navigate to a random page on the web. How can I determine when a textbox (or any other control that can accept text input for that matter) becomes the item in focus? Basically, every time the mouse is clicked I can check to see if the item in focus is a te...

Getting a handle to controls in Internet explorer web pages

I have an Internet Explorer browser embedded in a Windows forms application and do not have the ability to modify the source code of this form. However, I have gotten a handle to the IE window and can perform various SendInput functions. If I click on a control how can I tell if it was a TextBox, and then how do I send characters to th...

Get innerHTML value from dynamically generated textbox (in javascript)

I'm using javascript to dynamically generate a dialogue box (it's a div element), containing a textbox and a submit button. I plan on submitting the value in the textbox to another page using AJAX. THE PROBLEM: I can generate my textbox just fine, but I can't get the value from it. innerHTML comes back blank every time. I'm not sure ...

displaying line number in rich text box c#

I have a Multiline richtextbox control into which i want to integrate the feature of adding a line number. i have considered many approaches Add a label and updating the line numbers as the line count changes Add a picturebox along with to draw string on it. Add another textbox along with and show line numbers on it Add listbox along a...

How to automatically select all text on focus in WPF TextBox?

If I call SelectAll from a GotFocus event handler, it doesn't work with the mouse - the selection disappears as soon as mouse is released. EDIT: People are liking Donnelle's answer, I'll try to explain why I did not like it as much as the accepted answer. It is more complex, while the accepted answer does the same thing in a simpler w...

.NET --- Textbox control - wait till user is done typing

Greetings all, Is there a built in way to know when a user is done typing into a textbox? (Before hitting tab, Or moving the mouse) I have a database query that occurs on the textchanged event and everything works perfectly. However, I noticed that there is a bit of lag of course because if a user is quickly typing into the textbox th...

Capturing tab in Silverlight TextBox

How can I capture a tab entered in a Silverlight TextBox and render 4 spaces (or a tab) in it's place? I can't figure out how to block the tab navigation. ...

TextBox on GridView causing a button click event to fire

I've been chasing this one around for a couple of days and it's starting to drive me a bit batty. I have a text box on a Gridview which I'm allowing some data to be edited. When the enter key is hit, the TextChanged event happens, like I'd expect, but then it also fires the OnClick event of a button on the form. I tried removing the b...

Asp.Net Textbox spell checker control

Hi, Does anyone know if any spell checker controls exist for Asp.Net textboxes? I need a control that will check the textbox currently being edited by the user and prompt them of spelling mistakes. Thanks in advance. ...

XUL Textbox inside Popup not working

Hi, I am working on creating a Firefox extension. I have added a textbox inside a popup. The popup opens on clicking on a toolbar button. The textbox is appearing but does not let me edit it. I have not given any read only attributes. Here is the code: <popupset id="myPopupSet"> <popup id="trial-popup" noautohide="true" positio...

Get text from DataGridView selected cells (VB.NET)

I have a DataGridView with cells from a database file that contains data. Basically, I want to get the text from the selected cells in the DataGridView and display it in a textbox at the click of the button. The code for the button click event is: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But...

Dynamically changing the type of validator on a textbox

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem Text="First" Value="1"></asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Text="Second" Value="2"></asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> <asp:TextBox ID="tb1" runat="server"/> <asp:Button ID="btn1" text="Go!" OnClick="btn1_Click" runat="server" /> public void btn1_Click(object sender, EventA...

Call Javascript onchange event by programatically changing textbox value

the problem I'm facing is this: I have a textbox for a date range along side a calendar control. When the user selects a date from the calendar, it fills that date into the textbox When this happens I want to fire a javascript function, however, the 'onchange' event doesn't seem to happen. I'd ideally like to be able to add the eve...

How do I link autocomplete on a textbox to a database table? C# 2.0

I'm using Visual Studio 2005, C# with Framework 2.0. I'd like to use auto complete, but would like the list to come from a table in my database. Is there a way to databind the AutoCompleteSoure? ...

How to read values from Gridview columns controls in WPF

hi frnds, I am using a WPF application, in which i placed a listview control which has 3 gridview columns. First Gridview column has a label Control and the remaining 2 gridview columns has textbox control. Now my problem is if the user enters a value in the first Gridview textbox column, the second gridview textbox column should be up...