
Actionscript 3.0 TextField displayed characters

I have a single line text field that gets his .text property populated from a external .XML file. This text is pretty long and I want to display it on one line as much as I can and add a "..." afterwards. e.g. whole text = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore mag...

Iphone:More than one textfield in a table view cell

Hi ...I think is a little complete problem about textfield in tableview cell it looks like [IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ] <--this is a cell in tableview So...It means at least 4 textfield in a cell But I have some questions *1.*How to add more textfield to cell.accessoryView ?** This is how I set a textfield in a cell UITextField *tex...