
How to skew a textfield, still being able to change antialias ? actionscript3

I found out how to skew an textfield using the code in a previous question: link But if I use this technique, I can't change antialias for the text, or I don't know how. My aim is to build a scrollable textfield in a skewed shape: link Because I can't change antialias or pixelhinting there isn't a smooth animation... Any suggestions ? ...

Flash CS5 screwed up all my textfields - how can I correct this?

Hi - I have an Actionscript project that I was building using Flash CS4. I embedded a font using the follow: [Embed(source="/bin/assets/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf", fontWeight="normal", fontFamily="Myriad Pro")] Then throughout my application in my TextFields I would set embedFonts to true antialiastype to advanced and set the thick...

Windows API Textfield with offset characters

Hi there! Is it possible using the Windows API, to create a textfield that lets me offset characters by exact pixels? if so - how? for example, I would like to place two O letters on top of each other, such that they form something like an 8 ? context is an application for a language where most of the glyphs are written left to right,...

Is there a way to catch a MOUSE_UP Event over a static textfield in Flash?

When the user presses the mouse, and releases it over a static textfield with selectable text, no MOUSE_UP event is fired - not on the stage and also nowhere else. I experienced this when using a scrollbar class on a movieclip with a nested static textfield. When the user drags the scroll handle and releases the mouse over the textfield...

[AS3] htmlText not showing bold or italics font

So I have a MovieClip asset with a dynamic textfield sitting inside of it. I export my .fla as a .swc to use within Flash Builder 4, and create instances of the asset with code, populating the text dynamically from XML. My issue is that even though I have htmlText enabled, bold and italics tags don't appear to be working. I have a fee...

Binding a text field to Shared User defaults controller doesn't use null value

I set the text field to bind with a values controller key, a keypath of spacesPerTab, and setting 4 as the placeholder values. But when executing it, the text field displays nothing. This works for checkboxes. ...

How to create dynamic textfield based on radio button's input

I am trying to get a form's textfield to dynamically appear based on a radio checkbox selection. For example, on my form...there is a radio button that ask "Do you want to enter your age?" with an option to check YES or NO. If the user check YES, a textfield dynamically appear after this so the the user can enter his or her age. If user...

TextField breaking MOUSE_OVER in as3: only after moving it!

I'm having a really weird problem with the MOUSE_OVER event. I'm building dynamic tabs representing mp3 songs containing textfields with info and a dynamic image for the cover art. I am trying to get a simple MOUSE_OVER working over the whole tab, such that you can select the next song to play. I am using a Sprite with alpha 0 that over...

Making dynamic text item transparent for mouse

Hi! I'm working with actionscript 3 and have a trouble. I need to write player where users will see text on the front of the movie. The text is text field of type "Dynamic text". The problem is that I need to make this text object transparent for mouse move and clicks. I tried: .mouseEnabled=false; .selectable=false; ... but it does n...

Suggestions for GUI of a multiledia messaging application in J2ME

Hello everyone, We have developed a messaging application in j2me which adds text message, gets pictures from gallery and attaches them to the message etc and sends it over to a server after encryption, i.e. the client wants the messages to be encrypted. The app is ready but the only problem is that the GUI of the app looks miserable co...

Ajax: strange behaviour while checking a textfield

I have a registration form with checking the available name for username field through ajax. Inputing a username into username field and pushing the "Check!" button, the script sends value to php script. Then php script replaces the username field with the username field + style like this: So when replacing the username field in the f...

Rails - Help scoring an online quiz in RoR

I'm trying to grade a quiz application I would like to make. I have a questions model with and ask(the actual question), 4 choices(a-d), and a correct answer(string). In the view I have the 4 question being diplayed then the correct answer choice (This is just a test for functionality) and then I created a text_field to accept the use...

Get user-inputed file name from JFileChooser Save dialog box

This answer to this question may seem obvious, but I'm actually struggling with it quite a bit. I've searched through JFileChooser methods in the API, and I've looked at some of the questions already asked and answered here on stackoverflow. My question is this. In my program, I am to allow the user to type in a file name which I will t...

Flex/Flash: Don't show 'bar' cursor when dragging over a TextField/TextArea?

As the title suggests, how can I prevent the "bar" cursor from appearing when I click-and-drag over a TextField? For example, consider this interaction: I'd like to prevent the cursor changing to the "bar" in step "2". How can I do that? I've tried fiddling with the selectable flag: protected static function fixMouseOverAfordance(...

Take input through Buttons in java

I understand that the title might not be descriptive enough, but I'm making a magic square game in Java and basically, I'm trying to replicate user input as found in the sudoku game here: http://www.websudoku.com/. What I have is a n x n grid of Buttons (not JButton) as the board and what I want the user to be able to do is when the use...

Make textfield appear from above in an animated way iphone sdk

Hi all, Is it possible to make textfield come from above to down in an animated way when a button is pressed? Thanx in advance. ...

Flash AS3: How to Make scroll bar react to dynamic textfield movement?

I've been looking for a tutorial and answer to this for a while but can't find what I'm looking for. I am loading html text into a dynamic textfield, and I have a scrollbar controlling the scroll using the code below. What I want to do is also add scroll up/down buttons and have the scroll bar move in relation to the text scroll. I was j...

Which event belongs to "type text into textfield" using jQuery

Hi there, Just imagine a formular where there is a checkbox and a textfield. If someone starts typing into the textfield "bla bla bla whatever", the checkbox should tick itself. Is there a event that corresponds to the typing or do I have to use .focus ? ...

textfield value empty when i fill it with javascript

i am using modalpopup to enter some value in a textfield. after the value is selected in the modalpopup view, the modalpopup is closed and the value has taken the propriate value. Even if the value is displyed in the textfield, the textfield1.text returns me string empty. when i see the source code (html), i see that even that the textfi...

focus() jQuery function doesn't work in Safari, but works fine on all other browsers?

I have a search text field and search button, when button is clicked with default text in text field, or null value, an alert pops up and sets focus back on search text field. This works very well on all major browsers but not in safari. I tried it even with out jquery, but didn't work. When the focus falls on search text field, I have ...