
Can I get my README.textile into my RDoc with proper formatting?

I like to use Textile or Markdown to write readme files for my projects, but when I generate the RDoc the readme file gets interpreted as RDoc and looks really horrible. Is there a way to make RDoc run the file through RedCloth or BlueCloth instead of its own formatter? Can it be configured to autodetect the formatting from the file suff...

How to use textile.net

Well, i've search all around but there are no document neither on google nor on textile.net codeplex, and also no code comment about functionality. So I just want to post a question so that people like me, as well as other people who don't know how to use textile.net will just refer to this article. How to use Textile.net? refer answer...

Regular expression to match a block of text up to the first double new line?

I'm making a simple Textile parser and am trying to write a regular expression for "blockquote" but am having difficulty matching multiple new lines. Example: bq. first line of quote second line of quote third line of quote not part of the quote It will be replaced with blockquote tags via preg_replace() so basically it needs to mat...

What is the Best JQuery WYSIWYM Textile Editor?

I need to use a Textile (preferably instead of Markdown), and am looking for a nice WYSIWYM (not WYSIWYG, because of this) JQuery editor. I've seen these: WMD - Markdown, Stack Overflow uses it MarkItUp - Textile support but I don't know if it's WYSIWYM WYMEditor Which one supports both good HTML output and Textile? ...

Add new extension to RedCloth

Hi, I`m trying to add $ text $ markup to RedCloth, but http://github.com/jgarber/redcloth/blob/124b72fe841b364df940932e576502851b51a682/spec/extension_spec.rb doensn`t work. Any ideas? ...

Textile parsing in Objective-C?

Are there any libraries to parse Textile (Textile to HTML) which will work in an Objective C iPhone app? C libraries will work too. Update: I couldn't find any sufficiently developed libraries in C/Obj-C, but I did find one written in Javascript, which I used through an invisible UIWebView. Link: Javascript textile parser ...

Convert Textile Markup to Markdown?

I'm merging legacy Systems and some components use Markdown and others use Textile formatting. This is extremely confusing to my users. Therefore I want to standardize on Markdown. Is there a way to convert at least the Bulk of Textile formatting to markdown automatically? ...

How can I obfuscate email addresses contained in 'free input' text fields in Django

In my models I often use text fields that are intended to contain large pieces of textile-formatted input. I'd like to automatically obfuscate any email addresses that are entered into these text fields, so that when they're printed in a template they're not visible to spiders. Is there a smart way to do this? Update: Based on lazersc...

Grails gdoc editor support (esp IntelliJ)

Since Grails 1.2 there's a documentation engine included: gdoc. The documentation's syntax is based on the Textile format. Is there some editor support for this? My first choice would be a plugin for IntelliJ, second option on for vim or gedit. Any hints welcome. I am totally a aware that the format is very simple by itself but having ...

I'm looking for a library that converts HTML to Textile in Python

What do you recommend? ...

Problem with regex for text parsing (similar to textile)

I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out a (regexp?) based parser rule for the following problem. I'm developing a text markup parser similar to textile (using PHP), but i don't know how to get the inline formatting rules correct -- and i noticed, that the textile parsers i found are not able to format the following text...

Lightly styled text library for WPF?

Does anyone know of a lightly-marked-up-text to styled-text formatting library (ie. something like Markdown# or Textile.NET), but which produces a native XAML document (or rather, a FlowDocument model or similar that can be displayed directly in a WPF app), to avoid the use of a WebBrowser? Bonus points for something lightweight. I'm h...

Customize Python unittest report with HTML or Textile

Hey, I'm using unittest for testing my python code. I'm seeking a way that I can do the following: Customize the report of test run. Export it as HTML or Textile document. Any ideas? ...

Textile: how do I center all the text in the table cells?

So... here is my table | Locking | x | x | x | x | | Public / Private | x | x | x | Default: Private | now, how do I change it so that certain columns are centered, or that every cell is centered? or just a single cell? ...

Extract snippet out of HTML with Ruby?

I need to show the first 100 characters of an HTML text, which means, I have to pick the first 100 characters that are not tags and then close any open tags leaving a balanced HTML. Is there any library that can do it? Or is there any trivial way to do it that I am missing? The text is originally written in Textile which can and does co...

How can I get Textile to create links out of plain URL's?

Many of my users are typing in plain URL's and not using the Textile format for creating links. I would like Textile to just make the URL's linkable to the URL's. I don't really need to worry about XSS or anything malicious because it is an internal network with a very small group of users. What would be the best way to go about achievin...

How to use Textile in PHP?

Hello - a (hopefully) quick question - how can I use Textile in PHP? As in, I have some textile-formatted text that I want to convert to html using php. If I was using Ruby I'd use RedCloth but I can't seem to find a similar solution for php. Anybody any ideas? ...

Textile question: redcloth anchor links

How do I write this in textile (i'm using the redcloth gem) <a href="#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a> <a name="tips">Useful Tips Section</a> I know the first part, "Visit the Useful Tips Section":#tips but how do I make the named anchor? Thanks! Deb ...

How does one include a javascript (widget) on a page created using the Textile markup language?

The static page on my site can be edited and written using the textile markup language. Now if I need to include a GetSatisfaction widget or a Wufoo form on the static page, how do I go about it. Adding the widget code as it is doesn't help. Neither does the use of == in the string. ...

rails markitup/markdown or textile

I would like to give my user's the option to nicely format their comments. I am not really looking for something super fancy, perhaps something lightweight. There is a ton of information about markup/markdown/texttile etc. Which it the way to go in rails, performance and usability, compatibility with jquery, security being the priority...