
Getting started with text input and dynamic text fields with ActionScript 2.0 or 3.0

I know this is a simple question, but I haven't worked much with ActionScript... I know how to create a text input field with Flash. I can create it on the stage and give it an instance name. What is the code to capture the value of a text input field and display that value in a dynamic text field? How does this process differ between ...

Flash AS3 - textInput box @ " keyboard character issue

Hi folks, this q has already come up before but the answers given didn't help me. I have text input boxes which display the " symbol in place of the @ and vice-versa. when i test locally my @ and " are appearing correctly only when i upload to the server does the problem arise. I read that you can have "Use device fonts" set for text...

How can I add an "Other" text input to a set of radio buttons in an HTML form?

I'm trying to create a form with a write-in "other" option as the last radio button. I've tried variants of the following with no success: <label><input type="radio" name="candidate" value="option1">First Option</label> <label><input type="radio" name="candidate" value="option2">Second Option</label> <label><input type="radio" name="ca...

WPF: Textbox not firing onTextInput event

So basically, I have a bunch of TextBoxes that the user gets to fill out. I've got a button that I want to keep disabled until all the TextBoxes have had text entered in them. Here is a sample XAML TextBox that I'm using: <TextBox Name="DelayedRecallScore" TextInput="CheckTextBoxFilled" Width="24" /> And here is the function that I'm ...

PreviewTextInput is not fired when the focus is on checkbox / Handling the PreviewTextInput in Main window and not allowing child control steal the characters

I have the following code. The window has a textbox and a checkbox. If I have focus on the anything other than checkbox and type something like 123-456 then for each character PreviewKeyDown and PreviewTextInput are firing. But if I have the focus to checkbox and then type 123-456 then the PreviewKeyDown is fired for all the characters...

How can I programmatically show the toolTip on a TextInput when a validator returns "invalid"?

I have a form with a TextInput that has a custom Validator. I call the Validator logic and handle the result programmatically. This all works fine, except for one problem. The TextInput gets highlighted when it is invalid, but the toolTip that contains the errorMsg does not display until I roll the mouse cursor over the TextInput. Is the...

Extending the TextInput class

Extend the TextInput Class/component to accept a "value" property as a number. I know there is a restrict method, that only allows for specified characters. The problem I am having is using a textinput to take the value in the box and apply it to math equations in a script. Any ideas? ...

How can I avoid iphone safari first letter in caps

Hello, I am designing a small webpage targeted for the iPhone/iPod touch. I have a form that requires the user to enter a code. When you tap on the corresponding field, the iphone will automatically set the first letter to caps. Is there any way to avoid this? I want the whole field to be entered in small caps. Thanks ...

How to cancel edit/disable cached input (of type text) value?

I have an input of type text, from which I have already entered value 1234 it has been saved in cache as shown below. The problem here is that, it is extremely frustrating to select the textbox in the next row. Is there a way to not to display that 12334 (highlighted in the screenshot) from ever being displayed through HTML markup o...

HTML text input event

I have a form, and want to disable/enable its submit button depending on whether the form's input text fields are empty or have had text entered into them. I think this means having an event handler for the input text fields' keydown or keypress events: when it's fired, this event handler should test whether the input text fields contai...

Handling TextInput width and styles in Flex

Hello! I made a Form container with few TextInput fields in Flex and I would like to change a style of clicked TextInput element. I managed to do it with MouseEvent.CLICK event listener but it is not what I expected. I would like to change style of TextInput when user try to edit that field. However, I want to change back to 'default' st...

Flex: Text Input that accepts number only

Need a code that only accepts numbers. Upon inputting, the code must check if it is number, if not, it must remove the entered key or not enter it at all ...

Flex: How to change caret (text cursor) in editable text area / text input

I need to put together an editable text area that has a custom caret (cursor) which is different from the default blinking vertical line. Is the caret a "skinnable" property of text input? Please note that I am not asking about the mouse pointer cursor which can be set using the CursorManager. Thanks. -Raj ...

Text Input Field CSS Styling

I have a text input field that has some sample text in a light gray font that I'm clearing when the user clicks to type in the field. When that happens I'd like to also change the font color to black so it's easier for the user to read what they are typing. Here is what I'm using so far: <input type="text" name="q" value="Enter keywords...

set a value to a textbox which had focus in javascript

Hai guys, I have three textboxes and one listbox... If the user clicks the first textbox and then click a list item the selected item must be set as value to the textbox... I want this in javascript.... ...

How to read input from the keyboard in Objective-C

Hi I am making a program that gets input from the keyboard and I was wondering if there was any way to get input from the keyboard and store it in an NSString object. ...

HTML input text cannot select text using mouse

I have a HTML page with input text elements and textarea elements. Text typed into these elements can be selected with the mouse cursor. Clicking anywhere on the text value places cursor in that location. In some cases, the mouse functions stop working. Cannot use the mouse to place cursor or to highlight/select text. So far, I have ...

How to store Flex 3 ColorPicker Value in a variable and bind the variable to a textInput

Hello Stackoverflowers, Can anybody help me out? I would like to store a hex colorPicker value in a variable and then cast the value of the var backout to a textInput. The textInput is just to see witch hexcolor i have choosen. thus meaning seeing 0x000000 in the textInput. what i've done now is pretty simple i have bound the flex col...

Formatted Input in Python

I have a peculiar problem. I need to read (from a txt file) using python only those substrings that are present at predefined range of offsets. Let's say 5-8 and 12-16. For example, if a line in the file is something like: abcdefghi akdhflskdhfhglskdjfhghsldk then I would like to read the two words - "efgh" and "kdhfl". Because, in t...

How do I get input from a user using j2me canvases? is this even possible?

Hey guys thanks for reading! I am currently trying to learn J2ME and build a connect four game (some of you might know this as 'four in a row'). I've More or less got all of the aspects of my game working, apart from one thing that is driving me mad! This is of course getting the text from the user! For the two player mode of the game ...