
What is the best way of making a mobile version of a site in MVC2?

I've been thinking about this recently and I don't know a really nice and tidy way of creating a mobile version of an existing or new MVC2 website/app. I think the easiest way would be to just use a different stylesheet depending on whether a mobile was detected but sometime you need to change the view content too if you have massive in...

Netbeans on OSX: How can I make the text clearer like Textmate?

Hi, I use both Textmate and Netbeans on OSX. I'm finding I like Netbeans more, but the fonts are nowhere near as clear as Textmate. I've tried tweaking the themes and downloading other users themes, but they're still not a patch on the clarity of Textmate. Is this an anit-aliasing issues? I tried adding -J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Daw...

WordPress Theme Hack - How Do I Call Specific Child Pages Only

I'm going to try my best to explain this correctly :) This question is regarding a Wordpress Theme Hack and php. Currently we are using Coda Blue as a theme see here. Right now the jQuery slider is being controlled by li's that are the tabs of the slider (web design, social media, etc). The tabs are created by making a page, and the ...

How does Froyo display a Dialog atop the home screen?

I upgraded my Nexus One a few days ago with 2.2 (Froyo). This morning when I went to use it I saw a Dialog sitting atop the home/launcher screen notifying me that an update was available and that I could choose to upgrade now or later. My question is, what API mechanisms is this using to show a Dialog (perhaps an AlertDialog) atop the h...

drupal custom theme noob

Hi, I'm just starting to learn Drupal ( and web stuff generally ) and i have a very basic problem, but i can't figure it out. I've downloaded drupal 6 and installed it on my local server, and ported a basic web site as a custom theme. I've set this as the default theme and everything works ok, the page appears nice with all the images ...

Maintainable CSS vs. theme-ability

The above seem to be contradictory goals. On the one hand, making CSS maintainable seems to me to suggest keeping CSS structured and orderly, and keeping all the styles of an element together in one place. So for example, the style of a top logo would look like this: #logo { width:50px; height:30px; background-image:url(/images/...

wordpress store front theme

Hi, I am working for a client so I am not able to provide the most of the details here. so if someone already used this theme please let me know how to get the last grid view option to show up via the admin. This is another example that I...

Drupal main theme template file for any node

How can I switch to a different theme template file for any node that I want? I understand how to create sub-themes like node-recipes.tpl.php for a node that has a path of "recipes". But what I want to have control of the entire base template like page.tpl.php. Can I use some preprocess function in template.php for this? Right now I hav...

Selecting themes

Am trying to implement the beerhouse CMS (ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution), I face a problem in the second chapter, while implementing the themes. The problem here is even when I select white as the theme it remains as default, though the postback happens, it remains a white. I have also applied the breakpo...

Custom form in Wordpress?

Hello, I'm making a wordpress site which looks like and behaves less like a blog and more like a classic web site. I need to make plenty of custom forms and by now I have three equally bad solutions to this. One would be to create each form as a theme template file. Those pages would submit data to themselves and all would be great, ex...

Build Custom Theme or Use Standard Theme in WPF

Soon to be a professional .NET developer (I hope) I start to dig into Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Looking into several video tutorials, I find design of GUI a daunting task. Having to specify every color, on every element, in every situation, to every platform seems a bit too much. How can you make this process simpler, and mo...

Custom WP Theme Skin Description

I have a wordpress theme that supports skins. The theme owner can choose from multiple skins by name via a dropdown menu. Each of the skins resides in its own folder under the main theme's styles directory. Its basically just a css file and some images that overide the main theme style.css to restyle the site. I would like to show a the...

Theme ubercart "native" menu

This standart theme function seems not working for Ubercart menu function theme_menu_tree($tree) { return '<ul class="my classes>'. $tree .'</ul>'; } I've searched and did not find any answer on this. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

How to display alert without background and application title?

Hi all. I am new to android. I just create one application it download the file from the mail attachment. When we try to open a file my application will give an alert dialog. But it gives the alert, behind that it shows a black background with my application title bar. I don’t want to display that background and title. I wish to display ...

Android application theming on Sense phones

I've hit a brick wall on a UI item with regard to applications on sense phones. I have been unable to craft search queries on google or SO to find any reference to what I'm after. Is there a way that I can have my application theme its UI styles to match the phone's currently applied style? I'm basically after the styles for different U...

How to change Visual Studio 2008 menu items color ( not the text editor but windows of VS more like skin)

hi there, i am working in Visual Studio 2008 and is bored of default theme of blue menu items so wanted to chage it. but so far have no clue ho to do it. found a theme editor which changes themes but this is for VS2010: Please note that...

Bugfixes for IE6, IE7 - how frequently it should happen?

Hi, The question is quite theoretical. Let's say you're implementing a normal (or small or complex) theme for a website and IE is an important requirement. The question is: how frequent you would do the design fixes for IE (or any other browser that makes you headache)? Just a short of my thoughts to raise the debate: If you're doing i...

Is there a jQueryUI LessCss template out there?

We are making extensive use of LessCss and and jQueryUI in a current project and we've looked all over for the jQueryUI theme in Less format. Has any one come across this? And if so, can you point me in the right direction? ...

Silverlight toolkit themes override styles?

I have a Silverlight app that has a bunch of styles that are referenced everywhere in various controls...etc. If I apply one of the default silverlight.toolkit.themes to the app will these styles be overridden by the them (assuming the theme affects whatever the styles are applied to)? Thanks!! ...

Change the Theme from MasterPage

Hi to all, I have a MasterPage that has two image buttons , and two content pages, What i want is that when an Image button is clicked ----> the theme changes. I know that MasterPage do not have a "OnPreInit" function and the theme has to be changed inside the "OnPreInit" function... so is there any workaround for this problem ??? T...