
[Android] Applying style dynamically

I'd like to dynamically apply styles to my views at runtime. Is there any method like View.setStyle(int style)? Thanks ...

Multi theme support in android app

Hi! Did anyone implemented multi theme support for android app? Are there any common practices for this? Thanks for any advice. UPD: The main problem for now is that android's theme engine doesn't support selectors like in CSS. For example if I have two views with "background" attribute there's no way to make theme engine distinguish ...

Dumb question, I hope - how to get javascript files reference by .NET themes?

I have in my C#, .NET 3.5 (VS2008) web project's App_Themes directory a theme directory called Theme1. In that directory I have various other directories. Some of theme contain .css files and some contain .js files. In my web pages, which use this theme, the appropriate link tags are rendered, in the HTML, for the .css files, but not the...

Magento: Move product group info to the bottom in the product view

I'm trying without success to move a block with is referenced in the catalog.xml file: <PRODUCT_TYPE_grouped translate="label" module="catalog"> <label>Catalog Product View (Grouped)</label> <reference name=""> <block type="catalog/product_view_type_grouped" name="" as="product_type_data...

CSS: IE8 vs World (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

I have a theme using Adaptavist Theme Builder for Confluence, and I've encountered an issue where the theme is prefect in Firefox, Chrome or Safari but IE8 doesn't want to constrain the width of the table: Example: Turning on Compatibility mode doesn't help... It's a three column layout, and the width of ...

Magento: How to tell if you're on a category page, or product page in .phtml file(s)

Hi everyone, I am trying to program into my .phtml files an if statement if the guest is on a category list page, or on a product page. For example this code: <?= Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getRouteName(); ?> Returns "catalog" whenever l'm on a page other than a CMS page. Is there a way l can use a similar m...

Theming in a windows app

How could i add a specific theme for my application.... ?Can i use windows (.mystyle) file for windows application which i develop ? ...

Changing GUI of Windows Application based on the MSI filename

We are developing a Windows application using C#. We would like to change the GUI (background images and other control images and text) based on brandname. The typical installer of the application will be having the name brandname_programname.msi. We have to take the brandname from the MSI and allocate the GUI based on that. Please note...

What TextMate theme is this?

Can anyone tell me what syntax highlighting theme is in use here? Jamie Rumbelow and Elliot Haughin both seem to use it. It looks really nice and I have asked both of them but helpfully, they don't answer. Thanks ...

Wordpress post image customization

Hello, I just started creating my first WP theme after doing the HTML/CSS. All good so far! Almost done in fact. One problem though: I want each post image to have a surround around them. I could include it in the image, but I'd rather that when I post an image, it sits inside the surround. I thought of offsetting a BG image on each po...

Tweaking Firefox 4's orange buttom

I'm working in my version of a solution to remove the ugly orange buttom in Firefox 4 Aero, I think it works very well, except with this configuration: Menu Bar: Off; Navigation Toolbar: Off; Bookmarks Toolbar: On; Tabs on Top: Off. It hides the window buttons because I collapse the formerly orange button when tabs are not on top. It's...

Can ASP.NET themes be used per user session

Can ASP.NET themes be used per user session ? Ex : For one user,User theme called "Green" and for another user Use the theme called "Red". Or themes are for the enire web app ? ...

WPF StaticResource works, DynamicResource doesn't

Hi, I have been trying for a day now, to no avail, to create a bunch of brushes in the theme then using them with DynamicResource in a custom control. What I did is this: create the theme generic.xaml which contains styles (works) add a dictionary to merge in generic.xaml to contain brushes used in the application (works) make brushes ...

Manage Theme Editing using PHP & jQuery

I have a theme in which there are numerous options, like:- Setting Theme Type among many available Setting Body Background Color & Image Setting Header & Footer Images Setting General Font Face, Size & Color Setting Text Area Background Color, and Font Face & Font Color Setting Form Area Background Color & Rounder Corners option Settin...

Using same XAML for SL and WPF themes

Hi, I want to define control styles in a resource dictionary and use those for theming of Silverlight 4 and WPF 4 applications with as little adaption as possible. Thats why I need to know all differences between SL and WPF theming, so that most of the XAML will work on both platforms with little to no changes. The only difference tha...

How to adapt php page to jpolite2 template

Hi. I just discovered jpolite and think it looks very cool. I thought I would change my php page based on that. The problem is that I need allot of php code on each page to interpret _POST input and such. To do that I think I need to make index.html from jpolite, that normally just load different modules containing html like this: var ...

What is the diff between windowBackground and windowFrame?

I am trying to set a window frame for all default Android applications. I know that in themes.xml, two attributes in the default theme can be used for this purpose; the windowFrame and windowBackground. What I want to know, is the exact difference between these two attributes. For instance, if I use the same drawable for either attribute...

How to show a WebView with Theme.Dialog style in Android

I declared a WebView activity in the manifest like this: <activity android:name=".MyWebView" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog"> </activity> The WebView looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:...

Wordpress: Display "Edit Profile" link to author only.

I have a WordPress website with a custom theme. I'm using custom author template page to display a public "profile" of the user's page. I want to show a link to the edit page (I have a template for that too) to ONLY the logged in user who is also that particular author. I have the following code, but it shows the edit link to ALL logg...

Theming node's links in Drupal 6

By default, the node links in the blog page contains blog_usernames_blog (admin's blog), comment_add (Add new comment) and node_read_more (Read more). I need to get rid of the first 2 of them, and to change the text in node_read_more. I created a function named $themenamepreprocess_node into template.php in my theme, with this content:...