
Thinking Sphinx and lack of updated records

We are running thinking sphinx on a utility instance in our server cluster. It is rerunning the index every minute. But, if you make a change to a record, it disappears from search results until the index is updated (up to 1 minute). Is Thinking Sphinx only returning rows that have updated_at times that less than their last index? If...

Unable to find sphinx.yml file

I am running rails 2.2.3 with mysql as database scheme & thinking sphinx installed as plugin. I am having two problems : 1) I am unable to find file confing/sphinx.yml. I just have a config/development.sphinx.conf 2) I have specified min_infix_len & enable_start property from define_index method of model. I also have checked developmen...

ThinkingSphinx is not searching records with id greater than some value

Like above - I've got a ThinkingSphinx search implemented in my rails app. Searching works perfectly but - only for records with ids < 6145. Last correct search can be performed for id = 6144 I'm searching trough several models (Article, Newsitem, Video, Post) If anyone knows what could cause such a problem - please let me know. Thanks...

remove all data from sphinx database

hi i want to know how to delete all data from sphinx table. because i would like to store new data to the table. thanks and advance. ...

Thinking_sphinx sorting through associations

I am trying to sort the search results of a thinking_sphinx search. The columns I want to sort are in associated tables: class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base define_index do indexes :title indexes user.first_name, :as => :first_name indexes user.last_name, :as => :last_name has :organization_id, :active set_property...

how to display more records on searching with Thinking_sphinx with rails

Hi, I have updated my searching fields records with thinking_sphinx gem and I have configured it. It is working fine but the problem, It is only displaying 20 records which is default. How to change those thing to make more records visible on view.. ...

How to search the pre and post part of the word using Thinking_sphinx gem on rails

Hi, I have created my search part successfully with the thinking_sphinx gem and I have searched a word it is showing correct, But the problem with the search is it need full word to be given to search exact match. I dont want to give exact word instead any particular character or part of words also be taken into account. help me to s...

Ruby on Rails Thinking Sphinx facets

I have an application in which I need to implement the faceted search functionality on one of the fields of the associated models and it does not seem to be working. Here is a brief context: There are 3 models I am working on: 1. Product 2. Attributes 3. ProductAttributes. Please see the code spnippets below: class Product < ActiveReco...

Wildcard (*) Searches With Thinking Sphinx

Is it possible to give star (*) between the search text . Example => peo*le ...

How to completely delete and recreate thinking-sphinx index?

I am using the thinking-sphinx plugin for a ruby on rails app. In testing and development, I have reindexed many, many times, sometimes against different databases, with the result that now all of my searches return an empty array. I don't believe this is related to the codebase, because other developers using the same code can get valid...

Searching multiple columns with Sphinx

Hi! I have model Products with columns: name, number, description Index defined for this model looks like this: define_index do indexes :name, :sortable => true indexes :number indexes :description where "amount > 0" has :price end Since in description can be lots of random words I want to exclude it from searching somet...

Thinking sphinx returning bad results (many documents missing).

I am developing Ruby on Rails application which uses Thinking Sphinx. Unfortunately, from time to time (few times per month) search tends to return bad results (many documents missing). Reindexing helps, but this is not a solution for production. I am experiencing bad results even when I am typing simple queries into rails console (like...

Thinking Sphinx recipe for Supervisord?

Wondering if anybody has configuration to keep Thinking Sphinx running using supervisord ...

Thinking Sphinx indexing succeeding on command line, but failing in Cron job.

I admit I've cobbled together a mostly working production setup on Ubuntu with Capistrano from the official docs (which seem dated and make a lot of assumptions) and various blog posts of varying outdatedness. Anyway, the last annoying hang up is that indexing works when I do it by hand (and on deploy I'm pretty sure), but doesn't work ...

Associations issue with Thinking Sphinx plugin for Rails

Hi, I have many sphinx_scopes in my application's models, but one of them doesn't work, I think it's because the odd way Sphinx store the associated values. As an example I will show some key pieces of my Product class model, product.rb: ... belongs_to :partner # And partner belongs to city ... define_index do ... has partner.cit...

Including Rails ActiveRecord methods in Sphinx searches

I'm using Thinking Sphinx to power the search on my Rails application. I know the guide explicitly says that you can't index model methods, but I would like to. Specifically, I have a model whose instances can be tagged through a has_many_through relationship via acts_as_taggable_on_steroids. The important caveat: the model also nests ...

help with rails and thinking sphinx for search

It's weird I can build a model from scratch and get my model to work using two search fields body and title but then when I rebuild with a more custom model it doesnot work. When I do a .script/console i have this for the working model 'foobar' => [#] but whenI use my custom model with .script/server I ge...

no such file to load -- thinking-sphinx

When running script commands like script/console I get the error message: no such file to load -- thinking-sphinx In my evironment.rb file I have: config.gem 'thinking-sphinx', :version => '1.3.18', :require_as => 'thinking_sphinx' In my rake file: require 'thinking_sphinx/tasks' I have following versions: gem 1.3.7 ruby 1.8.7 ...

Thinking Sphinx configuration fails - cannot connect to mysql through socket, despite socket existing!

When I run rake ts:conf, I get "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock' (2)" This socket file does exist. ...

Ruby on Rails: Thinking-Sphinx Affecting What is Rendering [railscast help]

I'm trying to get thinking-sphinx working for my project. I'm following this railscast to get it working, but it's not working how it should. In the railscast, Ryan does @articles = params[:search] for the index method in the controller. When I do this and replace Article.all with params[:search] when I rel...