
Possible to add background color to transparent image using GD and PHP

Hi, I have the thumbnail creation class written with php language using GD. I want to know is when i upload the transparent image which is png or gif, can i be able to put background in that thumbnail image ? If that's possible, please kindly guide me how. Thanks. ...

Java: Howto get the thumbnail from a file

Hello, In windows explorer (and linux gnome) views for each file a thumbnail / icon. Like with EXEs, images, videos, txt-files, ini-files and so much other file types. Now is my question: Is there a way to get them by file. Something like: public static BufferedImage getThumbnail(File file) {...} Thanks ...

create fixed size thumbnail dynamically on listview control

how to create fixed size thumbnail dynamically and resize image in listview best fit the size of the thumbnail. private void Treeview1_AfterSelect(System.Object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (folder != null && System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder)) { try {...

Image resize issue in PHP - gd creates ugly resized images

I am creating thumbnails of fixed height and width from my PHP script using the following function /*creates thumbnail of required dimensions*/ function createThumbnailofSize($sourcefilepath,$destdir,$reqwidth,$reqheight,$aspectratio=false) { /* * $sourcefilepath = absolute source file path of jpeg * $destdir = absolute ...

Suggestions on generating abstract little images like StackOverflow 'flair' image

Hi All, I'm creating a webapp that has various unrelated data types (House, Contact, Article, Recipe, Fact -etc). I am giving each one a 'thumbnail' automaticaly. (User can then manually upload there own image). Currently, I'm grabbing an image from Flikr, crop or strech to 80x80 & adding a mosaic filter at 10 pixels. The result is a n...

Thumbnails and photo size over Windows Mobile

Considering the different sizes of the screen on Windows Mobile devices, which should be the ideal size of a photo that I'm going to show on my WinForm application? And what about thumbnail? Is there any kind of algorithm to make thumbnail of the images that I'm going to show? ...

Thumbnails for mxml components in Flex

Hi! Is it possible to make some kind of 'dynamic' thumbnails for mxml components which I'm using in my application? By 'dynamic' I mean if I change some layout in mxml component, my thumbnail refreshes according to new layout without any screen capturing, photoshoping or similar =) Thanks! ...

Generate thumbnail of pdf document.

Duplicate of (amongst others) Generate thumbnail of pdf document How to show thumbnail of pdf in listview how to place thumbnail of pdf in listview develop an application similar to windows explorer Please help to generate thumbnail image for pdf in c#. //Treeview1_AfterSelect private void Treeview1_AfterSelect(System....

What do scale and inflate do in the ImageMagick file resizer class

I am using ImageMagick via Symfony to resize images in PHP. The sfThumbnailer class uses 'scale' and 'inflate' parameters to interface with ImageMagick. What do they do and how will they affect my results? I realise this is a RTFM question, but I already have, and the documentation is not clear. Image Magick Documentation Symfony Thu...

How to create PSD thumbnail in c#?

How do I create a thumbnail of a PSD file in a C# app? With a JPG, I normally use a combination of the Image, Bitmap and Graphics classes to create a thumbnail. Any direction on this would be appreciated! ...

phpThumb cache problems

I'm using phpThumb - the PHP thumbnail generator. 'phpThumb.config.php': $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['cache_maxage'] = 10; $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['cache_maxsize'] = 1000; $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG['cache_maxfiles'] = 10; but it does nothing... I've got 108 MB in 922 files... and it keeps growing. Thanks for any suggestions. ...

Thumbnail video C#

Is it possible to create a thumbnail image of a video in C# (like the first frame)? Little update: I'll need a thumbnail image of an FLV video in C# since I'm using Flex to show video's. And yes, links to some libraries would be useful. ...

IThumbnailProvider and IInitializeWithItem

I am trying to develop an IThumbnailProvider for use in Windows 7. Since this particular thumbnail would also be dependant on some other files in the same directory, I need to use something other than IInitializeWithStream to a path to work with, this being IInitializeWithItem. (Alternatively, I could use IInitializeWithFile, but that is...

Is there a Ruby on Rails site thumbnail generator available?

I'm hoping to avoid building this if it already exists. Does anyone know of a plugin for Ruby on Rails that will generate a screenshot of a web site? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me find one. ...

Getting C# listview to show thumbnails only when needed

I wanted to make the listview show thumbnails only when the items are visible on the screen. Is there a way to do this? ...

CGImage create thumbnail image with desired size

Hi, I want to create the thumbnail using the CG. It creates the thumbnails. Here i want to have the thumbnail with the size 1024 (with aspect ratio.) Is it possible to get the desired size thumbnail directly from the CG? In the options dictionary i can pass the max size of the thumnail can be created, but is there any way to have mi...

List of 'most popular' posts (based on # of views) — Wordpress

I'd like to show a list of most popular posts sorted by number of views. I'd like to show small thumbnails (the same image(s) used in the posts just resized to fit) on left, and excerpt on right. So the formatting would look like: [#1 Post Title] [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt, limit to x chars] [#2 Post Title] [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt,...

How to thumbnail faster in c#

I'm trying to thumb an image as fast as possible regardless of the usage of resources to be used in my ImageList and listview and this is currently how i'm doing it but it seems to be slow: public Image toThumbs(string file, int width, int height) { image = null; aspectRatio = 1; fullSizeImg =...

Faster to generate thumbnail and write to response in Handler or generate in Http module and let IIS handler the rest??

Hi there, What will be faster: Generate a thumbnail then write the stream to the Http response using an Http Handler. Generate a thumbnail in a http module on one of the earliest events and let IIS handle the rest of the request. Thanks, Ash. ...

User-Defined Thumnails for Django Project?

I'm putting together a Web site that makes heavy use of images. Those images need to be thumbnailed at various sizes to fit different templates. I'm aware of solutions like sorl-thumbnail, which seems perfect in every way except one: I need to be able to override automatic resizing and cropping if the computer's choice is a bad one. Fo...