
on hover thumbnails play

hi i have several videos on my server and three thumbnails for every video what i want is if i put mouse on the video it shows(play) all the thumbnails of that video thanks ...

Having an image file buffer in memory, what is the fastest way to create its thumbnail?

Trying to create a an image acquiring application optimized for a fast scanner (which can provide up to 6 compressed images [color+gray+binary][front+rear] for each paper at speed of 150 ppm) I have some speed issues. Using TWAIN technology and memory buffer transfer mode (TWSX_MEMORY) I receive image buffer (as JPEG or TIFF file loade...

explorer get image's thumbnail really fast, how does it work?

I am using explorer to view image in thumbnail mode. It is really fast to get thumbnail of each image(bmp, jpg). I am using the following code to generate thumbnails for each image. however it is much slower than the explorer, How can I write a part of code to generate thumbnail as fast as system and accurate(thumbnail generated by the ...

How to read embed thumbnail from jpeg images?

I am writing a thumbnail viewer in c++. I first make use of EXIF information to retrive an image's thumbnail, but the thumbnail in the EXIF is bad, with black bands. So I want to get the jpeg's embedded thumbnail, how can I do this? Another question: does jpeg's embeded thumbnail equal to EXIF thumbnial? ...

Does jpeg's embeded thumbnail equal to EXIF thumbnial?

Does jpeg's embeded thumbnail equal to EXIF thumbnial? How can I retrive jpeg's embeded thumbnail? Many thanks! ...

Get an html page as image in php from an url (like printscreen)

I need to get a "thumbnail" of a web page which I know the url and save it to a file. At the moment i'm stuck at "conversion" from html to image: i can get the html via curl. How can i do to achieve this in php? It's possible? ...

OnMouseOver works but the small thumbnail remains as red X only - how to show the thumb?

Hi, I'm using the following so that site visitors can click on a thumbnail (in this case its called tn_guinness-label.jpg) and when they do click, a larger image appears (in this case called guinness-label.jpg). So.... I tried it and all I could see was a tiny box with a red X inside, and when I hovered my mouse over the red X, it...

Getting thumbnail from a video url or data in IPhone SDK

Hey, I am trying to acquire a thumbnail (of the first frame) from a video taken from iphone 3GS camera so i can display it. Anyone been succesful at doing this? If so howd you do it? Thanks Daniel ...

need help solving sorl-thumbnail error: "'thumbnail' is not a valid tag library:"

I've been pulling my hair out trying to solve this problem and I've tried everything and I have no ideas left. I keep seeing this error: Exception Value: 'thumbnail' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template library from django.templatetags.thumbnail, No module named sorl.thumbnail.main $DJANGO_PACKAGES/sorl/thumbnail/main.p...

Get img thumbnails from Vimeo?

Hi, I want to get a thumbnail image for videos from Vimeo. When getting images from Youtube I just do like this: Any idea how to do for Vimeo? Here is same question, without any answer. ...

Creat temporay thumb image in PHP

Hey, i am looking for a method to creat temporay thumb file in PHP. Is there any way not to store the image on the server or delete them right after. What I am looking for is a solution like this: Could some one explain to me how the php code behind this works? For th...

PIL: Thumbnail and end up with a square image

Calling image = image.thumbnail((36,36), Image.NEAREST) will maintain the aspect ratio. But I need to end up displaying the image like this: <img src="/media/image.png" style="height:36px; width:36px" /> Can I have a letterbox style with either transparent or white around the image? ...

PIL: Image resizing : Algorithm similar to firefox's

I'm getting about the same bad looking resizing from all the 4 algorithms of PIL >>> data = utils.fetch("") >>> image =;"/home/ptarjan/www/tmp/metaward/original.png") >>> >>> image =; image.resize((36,36), Image.A...

How do I create a displayed array of image thumbnails in a C# windows app?

I want to create a displayed array of image thumbnails in a C# Windows app. I would like each image to be selectable for migration into a picturebox. Has anyone built something like this? I am trying to figure the quickest/ most efficient way to do it. I have already considered a panel with a collection of images displayed therein. ...

create thumbnails using for loop

How to create Thumbnails from an unzipped image folder using for loop in Codeigniter? ...

Thumbnail Toolbar Button

Hi everybody Today I have another specific question about a new feature in windows 7 called the thumbnail toolbar or the Aero Peek Toolbar if some might like to call it that way. I have been able to create a new set of toolbar buttons for my application each button with its unique icon and behavior But I haven't been able to add functio...

Generate image of PHP output

I want to experiment with creating images/thumbnails of PHP output. A place where one would use this is in a CMS with various modules, and then have a thumbnail of how the output of how each module looks. This should include images and all. Any tips/ideas how I would go about doing this? ...

What is the better way to create thumbnails from video in PHP?

I ma creating a video broadcasting site, in which i need to know how to create thumbnails from the video. Please Help. Any Suggestions or References will be highly appreciated ...

Video thumbnail

I am working on a site that people can submit the video's link. Then I just embed it. However, I want to get the thumbnail of the videos without saving the videos in my server. So that when I list the vidoes, I can use the thumbnails instead of embedding all videos. My serve uses PHP. Assume the video is in SWF format. is there any...

Expression blend slide effect? (silverlight slideshow)

Hi I'm trying to create a slider effect with images an text within it, much like I'm a designer so would prefer to use Blend entirely rather than dip into any of the code. Would be great if there is some sort of behavior for this? I'm currently using t...