
Symbian S60 - Scrolling text in a CEikLabel

I have a single line CEikLabel in my application that needs to scroll text. The simple solution that comes to mind (but possibly naive) would be something like.. [begin pseduo code] on timer.fire { set slightly shifted text in label redraw label } start timer [end pseudo code] Using a CPeriodic class as the timer and label.D...

Flash xml fed scroller - controling right left arrows issues

Hello guys, i need some hands on controlling scrolling text with 2 buttons left and right data fed by xml . my file structure is like this: main file: bg.swf ticker file : tikcer.swf buttons file: scrolling.swf ActionScript file: xml_ticker.as bg.swf is calling ticker on 0 level and scrolling buttons on level 1 ....

Continuously scrolling horizontal ticker containing images in jQuery?

I would like to do something like this: http://javascript.about.com/library/blcmarquee1.htm The script I referenced however seems to be a bit laggy (outdated?), so I was wondering if anyone knew of a solution using jQuery and its smooth animations. ...

Python won't refresh URL to receive new forex ticker data

Hello, I am trying to save updated Forex ticker data from this website: http://forex.offers4u.biz/TickDBReadDB.php?p=EURUSD just hit refresh to update the ticker. when I use my little python script, it saves the text once, but if i run it again, it makes a new file with the same old data. How can I add a "cachebreaker" so that python...

Suggestions regarding the .NET tool to use for project

Hi, I need to develop a project that needs to have a Ticker and an AdRotator, apart from some button controls and a banner. I have two options - ASP.NET and Windows Forms. With Windows Forms, I've been able to develop the Ticker, but I don't know how to develop the AdRotator. With ASP.NET, I'll have to develop Ticker using AJAX, where...

Simple Ticker (jQuery)

<ul> <li><a href="#">one</a></li> <li><a href="#">two</a></li> <li><a href="#">three</a></li> </ul> I'd like to show only one li at a time using slide effect, thats it. I'd like to avoid using plugins for something as simple as this. Thanks in advance for your help. ...

Add A ticker to Blackberry Display

im new to blackberry,So Please give a blackberry code for adding ticker to blackberry display bottom part of the disply ?? Need Only for how to Create a Ticker.?? Thank you ...

How To Wait A ticker.

This Is The Ticker method I got from StackOver Flow. public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public String getText() { return text; } public Ticker(String text) { this.text = text; final int width = Font.getDefault().getAdvance(text); TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { public void run() ...

Show ticker as floating on webpage in asp.net

Hi, I have a .swf file, which I have to display as a ticker, but the issue is this that I don't want to display it on the webpage, I want it to be floating. Can you please guide me how can I do that. Thanks in advance. P.S.; I am using asp.net ...

Seamless JQuery marquee/ticker

Hey guys, I found code posted by a user on here for a seamless jQuery marquee/ticker. I've modified it to start and stop when scrolled over/scrolled out of, but it often lags once the user scrolls out. It never completely stops, but the speed at which the ticker scrolls is sometimes 1/10 of its original speed. I've sped it up so it's ea...

jQuery Twitter like ticker. How To?

Hi, I have a working ticker, but I want the text to fade out to the left and right just like on the twitter wellcome page. any ideas how to realise that? ...

An automatically scrolling list (like the "Top Tweets" of Twitter)

Is there a good Javascript library for generating an automatically scrolling list like the "Top Tweets" on the Twitter homepage? Preferable as jQuery plugin. It should also support AJAX functionality (to add new list items dynamically). ...

PHP & MySQL Tickers..Is this standard practice?

I currently have about 4 different database tables which output to html tables. Each of these tables uses a count query to calculate data from a 5th table. That's no problem, but what about when I want to sort and order the data, and paginate etc (like with zend). If it were a one page table, I could probably sort an array. My thought ...