
Start a git commit message with a hashmark (#)

Git treats lines starting with # as comment lines when committing. this is very annoying when working with a ticket tracking system, and trying to write the ticket number at the beginning of the line, e.g. #123 salt hashed passwords git will simply remove the line from the commit message. is there any way to escape the hash? i tried \...

How can I build a support ticket system with PHP?

Hi, I have a custom and simple php/mysql based user system. I'm trying to build a way for members to send product support to our staff (put it in a database, & viewed in admin area) and for them to manage these messages (lack of a better term). My question is, does anyone know of a good existing script, or a better approach for a suppor...

Mail gem - how to clean up the body string

I'm trying to read an email using ruby mail gem. But mail.body.decoded returns me not just the body message. How can I clean up this body message and remove unwanted text like "--20cf30433c9a437cc304939017ef\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\nContent-" ? message = $stdin.read mail = Mail.read_from_string(message) puts mail....