
Unable to read TLD "META-INF/tld/tiles-jsp.tld"

I maked jsp file using with tiles and springframework, but I hvae Unable to read TLD "META-INF/tld/tiles-jsp.tld". What is a problem? ...

Re-use Sitemesh layout

I have a few webapps that I want to reuse an identical layout for. I was hoping I could bootstrap the layout via dependency consumption with the simplest method being: <sitemesh> <property name="decorators-file" value="classpath:path/to/decorators.xml"/> <excludes file="${decorators-file}"/> But that throws an exception. I...

Tiles encoding problem

Hello, I'm trying to use UTF-8 encoding for the Spring application I'm developing but I have problems in getting the correct encoding when inserting attributes from tiles. I have this fragment in my JSP template: <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title><tiles:getAsString name="title"...

how to get dynamic attribute value in tiles....?

Can anybody help me to get dynamic attribute value in tile... i am using it in spring.... as i am passing the value for title dynamically..... ...

Monotouch MKMapKit - changing default map tiles

Hey I know that in the google maps API it's possible to replace the existing tiles with my own - and using their tile server - feed my own maps. i'm interested in doing this using monotouch - is there any way of doing this atm - or does anyone know of a way of achieving this any other way? w:// ...

Enable Tiles devMode like Struts' devMode to reload tiles.xml with each request.

Does Apache Tiles have a devMove like Struts that would reload the tiles.xml file with each request? If so, how can this be enabled? ...

Better way to generate tiles

Hi ! I'll start by saying that i'm REALLY new to OpenGL ES (I started yesterday =), but I do have some Java and other languages experience. I've looked a lot of tutorials, of course Nehe's ones and my work is mainly based on that. As a test, I started creating a "tile generator" in order to create a small Zelda-like game (just moving...

struts-config.xml not finding tiles defination

i have include this forward tag in sturts-cofig.xml file <forward name="HomePage" path="Home" redirect="false"/> and plug-in as follows <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin"> <set-property property="definitions-config" value="/WEB-INF/config/tiles-defs.xml" /> <set-property property="de...

Method for combining tiled squares defined as points into vectors

If I tile squares, and the squares can be defined by their coordinates, how can I simplify shapes made of multiple squares into vectors that define each edge of the entire shape? Pseudo-code or general terms are fine. ...

apache tiles ordering problem

I have a problem with the order of rendering tiles. The menu gets rendered first and then the body of our webpage gets rendered. Each tile has it`s own controller that handles everything that tile needs to do. There are two forms. One in the menu and one in the body. Each one changes something in the menu and in the body. The problem is ...

Tile more than 9 images with Cocoa.

I want to draw 15 images in drawRect: but the biggest I could find was NSDrawNinePartImage() I want 4 corners, top/bottom fill, and 3 rows between them (two side fills and a center fill) What is recommended here? NinePart + 2 * ThreePart? Or something else? ...

Tiles vs. JSP includes

We have a large web-app with hundreds of jsps pages. To avoid repeating markup up blocks we are considering making use of apache tiles. Now it seems messy to have a combination of both <t:insertTemplate template="/WEB-INF/templates/xxxxx.jsp"> and <%@ include file="xxxxx.jsp"%> statements so we are considering converting all includ...

Most efficient way to save tile data of an isometric game

Hello, I'm working on an isometric game for fast browsers that support <canvas>, which is great fun. To save information of each tile, I use a two-dimensional array which contains numbers representing tile IDs, like: var level = [[1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1]]; var tiles = [ {...

Tile map collision detection

There are many topics like this, but none with concrete answers. I am drawing a tile-map in the traditional way (two for loops) and keeping my player centered except when the edges of the map is reached. How would I create collision detection? I need to know how to translate tile location in the array to screen coordinates I think. ...

how can we achive struts tiles reusability?

I have some doubts about tiles 1) What is meaning of reusability of tiles? 2) Can we use same tile(jsp --> Which display dynamic data using struts tags) in two different Actions (Different actions contains different form beans ) ? ...

Render different tile baseon request parameter (Springframework & tiles)

Hi all, I need to change some existing application to render different view depending on some request parameter. This application is using tiles. I never used tiles before, and need a bit of hint how to go about doing this. Tiles are defined as follows: <bean id="viewResolver"class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewRe...

Loading external xsd and dtd render my application long start up time

I'm developing a webapp using tiles and spring mvc. With the use of xsd and dtd validation on the definition of tiles and bean declaration of spring mvc, each time the web app is start/restart, then requests are sent to external server for xsd and dtd files. I notice that because my webapp failed to start casually due to failed request t...

JXMapViewer change orientation to Heading Up

I am trying to use JXMapViewer (from swingx-ws) with Open Street Maps. I was wondering if it would be possible to display the map tiles in the JXMapViewer based on heading up, rather than on North up. For example, the normal car GPS navigation systems let you do that. I've looked through the documentation and there doesn't seem to be a ...

Tiling solution for the iPhone that can handle infinite # of tiles

I have been looking at ways to implement a tiling solution on the iPhone/iPad similar to something like Google Maps. I have looked at examples of how to implement a CATiledLayer into a view that is inside a UIScrollView. Then when you scroll the view, the tiles request the new data to be shown. However, this seems to work when you hav...

Tile Collision Question

Hey guys, I'm working on tile collision. Currently, I just draw the tile map the normal way (two for loops) and there is no scrolling. Right now, to check if my player is over a tile, I use tileX = (int)person1v.X / 16; tileY = (int)person1v.Y / 16; However, I want to detect collision before I hit the tile so it could act as a wall. How ...