
Python urllib2 timeout when using Tor as proxy?

Hi, I am using Python's urllib2 with Tor as a proxy to access a website. When I open the site's main page it works fine but when I try to view the login page (not actually log-in but just view it) I get the following error... URLError: <urlopen error (10060, 'Operation timed out')> To counteract this I did the following: import soc...

web service accessing wrapper

hi i have to use a web service in my solution I have a wrapper static class accessing web service as public static class Authentication { public static bool VerifyPassword(int membershipID, string password) { PCIValidationResult result = CreatePciWebService().ValidatePassword( membershipID, password); ...

What happens to the $_SESSION array if a PHP session times out in the middle of a request?

I have always wondered, if a PHP session times out during the middle of executing a script, will the contents of the $_SESSION array still be available until script execution ends? For example: session_start(); if(! isset($_SESSION['name'])) { echo 'Name is not set'; exit; } // imagine there is a bunch of code here and that th...

Timeout Errors occuring when calling web service in c# .Net 2.0

I have inherited some code and I'm not very familiar in dealing with web services. Here is how the project is set up: Under "Web References" there is a reference to the web service we are using. In that service's Reference.cs file there is class that inherits from SoapHttpClientProtocol, this class has a function called CandidateAdd()...

How to set timeout for a program?

Hello! I'm currently trying to make a small testing application for various programming tasks. It will run executable file which will generate output on another file and then compare it with answer. This far I think I will be able to get easy, but I have a problem... I want to limit the time that this executable file can run, for examp...

Strongly Typed Datasets and CommandTimeouts

Preamble: So, over the past 5 years or so various applications and tools have been written here at my company. Unfortunately many of the people who developed these applications used strongly typed datasets, I'm considering outlawing them in our shop now... One of the larger processes that used strongly typed datasets is now timing out...

First call to web service each day is slow

While building this web service and the app that calls it, we have noticed that the first call to the web service each day is extremely slow. It even will time out on some days. However, every call after that work great. Can anybody shed light on why this might be and how we can get rid of this pain? Thanks in advance! ...

How to Timing out java.sql.ResultSet

The PL/SQl cursor was getting hanged due to some reason, this makes my app to hang when try to loop through the ResultSet.Is there a way to handle this, like timing out the resultset if the database hangs? ...

Php script running as scheduled task hangs - help!

Hi guys, I've built a php script that runs from the command line. It opens a connection into a pop3 email account and downloads all the emails and writes them to a database, and deletes them once downloaded. I have this script being called from the commandline by a bat file. in turn I have created a scheduled task which invokes the bat f...

Strange Timeout WebException in HTTP Get using WebClient

Hi, I have a multi-thread application (in c#) that it does multiples HTTP GET to uri. Suddenly after of thousand of requests, i get timeout webException but destination server is OK if i test using browser. The code is: public static string Get(string uri) { string responseData = string.Empty; using (WebClient wc = new WebClien...

How to view/change socket connection timeout on Linux?

When creating a Socket in Java: new Socket(host, port); The Socket constructor will try to connect to host:port before returning. On Windows, this fails almost immediately for unreachable hosts but for Linux it can take up to 5 minutes for the Socket to timeout. I'm aware that if I have control over creating the Sockets, I can do: ...

error handling for AJAX div

Hello. I've been using a very helpful AJAX-based script called AJAXTwits to load multiple Twitter timelines for a sports team into a div. The nice thing about the script is that it (1) combines multiple timelines into one chronological timeline and (2) caches the xml for faster loading. Every so often, though, Twitter's feeds go down,...

Objective-C class time delay?

I was wondering if anyone knows of a class in objective-C that stops/delays the application at a specified amount of time during runtime? I've already looked at the Time Manager and NSTimer and don't see how I could possibly put a delay in there. I've never used these two classes before though, so maybe someone else has and could give me...

Distributed Lock Service

Which distributed lock service would you use? Requirements are: A mutual exclusion (lock) that can be seen from different processes/machines lock...release semantics Automatic lock release after a certain timeout - if lock holder dies, it will automatically be freed after X seconds Java implementation Nice to have: .Net implementation...

How to config socket connect timeout in C#

(C# )When the Client tries to connect to a disconnected IP address, there is a long timeout over 15 seconds... How can we reduce this timeout? What is the method to config it? The code I'm using to set up a socket connection is as following: try { m_clientSocket = new Socket( AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketTyp...

WebApps: Avoid Timeout when processing large amt of data

in web applications, how do i handle processing of large amounts of data that usually cause timeouts? eg. processing a db to output a large report? i usually use PHP/Zend Framework/MySQL. ...

How can I cause a timeout exception in a database?

I need to test some asp.net code that handles timeout exceptions from a call to mssql database. I'm about to reduce my CommandTimeout parameter on the connection however this might cause the errors before reaching the my code. Is their a simple way to cause the database to timeout 'on cue'? ...

Pausing a method for set # of milliseconds

Hi everybody! I need to do a sort of "timeout" or pause in my method for 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds), but I'm not sure if the following would work as i do not have multi-threading. Thread.Sleep(10000); I will try to use that current code, but I would appreciate if someone could explain the best and correct way of doing this, espec...

SQL query hangs on join

Hey folks, I've written an SQL query that produces a report of some stats for each Year-Week-Mine-Product. It works exactly as desired except for one thing - trn.wid-date isn't the correct date to be using. I should be using td.datetime-act-comp-dump. When I replace trn.wid-date with td.datetime-act-comp-dump, it doesn't give me any...

SetCurrentDirectory timing out

Is it possible for the SetCurrentDirectory() to timeout if there is network slowdown preventing the directory from being accessed for some length of time? (In the order of 15-30 seconds...?) If so is the timeout configurable and where can it be set? ...