
Tiny python executable?

I plan to use PyInstaller to create a stand-alone python executable. PythonInstaller comes with built-in support for UPX and uses it to compress the executable but they are still really huge (about 2,7 mb). Is there any way to create even smaller Python executables? For example using a shrinked python.dll or something similiar? ...

Netbeans J2ME SVG Compliance

Hello guys, I coded some svg images for a project i'm working on. But when i try to put them on a screen(form) in the netbeans software (j2me), it says "the image is not SVG Tiny compliant". I've even tried testing with svg images from Sun's WTK demo's THAT WORK when deployed but it says the same thing. Any ideas on whats gone wrong? Tha...

Is there any extremely tiny CMS in Java with MySQL?

I'd like to explore some things regarding web CMS's in java and I would like to make an own one (very light), but I pretty much have no clue in how to begin. I'm used to java as a language and I've made some similar things in PHP, but I've never used servlets or java techniques in this matter. Is there any "tutorial" or similar in this ...

error while compiling tossim in tiny OS.

when i try to compile TOSSIM in tiny OS v-2.0.2 , this is the error that it is giving me make micaz sim Makefile:2: /opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/make/Makerules: No such file or directory make: * No rule to make target `/opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/make/Makerules'. Stop. how to remove this error? ...

TinyMCE loading incomplete whil eusnig multiple instances on one page

hello everyone having problems with TinyMCE while Loading multiple instances on a single page using this option and using the class name on the html page mode : "specific_textareas", editor_selector : "Editor", theme : "advanced", the problem is every instance (text editor) uses the same class name but when loading the page, few o...

display different set of buttons for different instances of tiny mce

Hi, I'm adding text area dynamically, which will be instance of tine mce. In a page, I will be adding text area for say heading, paragraph etc. For heading, I need to have only b,I,U and align buttons displayed, also for p, I need a different set of buttons. Is it possible ? How to do if possible ? Thanks ...

tiny mce toolbar icons conflict with jquery UI icons

I have a div with another div holding three icons from Jquery UI. Inside parent div, there is a tiny mce instance. When I click on any button of tiny mce, it is moved down and it its place, Jquery UI's icon is displayed. Can anybody help me, to sort this out ? Thanks in advance. ...

How to customize layout of tiny mce instance

I want to remove the gray bar at bottom which holds the tool bar for the mce. I have removed the tool bar, but the placeholder for toolbar is still visible. I tried to remove it by using option mode : "exact", theme : "advanced", elements : "textAreaId", theme_advanced_buttons1 : "", theme_advanced_button...

wordpres editor (tiny mce) and inline header tags

hi, I am using wordpress for a site, I want to created a couple of sizes of text on the same line with h1 and h2 tags. The problem is when I try and create the h2 on the same line it changes the whole line to h2. Now if I was doing this I could just switch to source and edit but the person editing may not have the technical ability to ...

Position caret/cursor inside newly added span in tiny mce

Hi All! I need to add a span at caret position in my application. I could add span at caret position with following code, but could not position the caret inside it, so that if user types in it will go inside the new span. marker = ed.selection.getBookmark(); ed.selection.moveToBookmark(marker); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',f...