
tinyMCE - source code editing in a textarea

Hello I'm playing around with MCE, I was wondering if there was the possibility of letting the user enter source code into a post, much like the 101010 button in this form. Thanks Nicola Montecchio ...

Help with TinyMCE configuration to allow font tags

Configuring TinyMCE to allow for tags, based on a customer requirement. My config is as follows (grabbed from the TinyMCE samples; sorry for the length, I didn't want to leave anyting out: tinyMCE.init({apply_source_formatting : true, button_tile_map : true, content_css : '/themes/site_themes/default...

Is there an easy way to Spellcheck with TinyMCE in .NET

Is there any way to use TinyMCE in .NET and use the spellchecker without installing PHP as well? ...

How to avoid ruining TinyMCE popups with url rewriting?

I have a website which uses TinyMCE textboxes for editing. It works fine except for the toolbar options which open a popup window as it seems to be caught by my url rewriting in the .htaccess file. Each of them show my 404-page. The url rewriting is set up so that all urls (except ajax calls) are sent to an index.php file. It seems obvio...

How to set the initial text an a TinyMCE textarea?

I'm in a curious situation where I previously had no problem achieving what I'm looking for. The following code is a part of an HTML page which is to host a TinyMCE rich textbox: ... <textarea id="editing_field">This text is supposed to appear in the rich textbox</textarea> ... At first this worked as intended, creating a rich textbox...

TinyMCE and ASP.NET Data Binding Question

I have a data-source connected to a stored proc that will return the one record that applies to a specific page, and for another similar situation (populating heading information), I wrapped a repeater around the headings html, and used <%$ Eval() %> binding expressions to get the data into the headings. However, I now have another issue...

How to not load the theme css when creating a TinyMCE plugin?

Hi, I'm in the process of creating my first TinyMCE plugin. I'm including 'tiny_mce_popup.js' in the html and it's loading 'advanced/skins/default/dialog.css' by default. I don't need TinyMCE to load this css and the only solution I have found so far is documented here http://www.mattephraim.com/blog/tag/tinymce/; and as the author sugg...

Textpattern's hak_tinymce plugin does not work in IE

I've set up Textpattern's hak_tinymce plugin on a website I run, and it works great in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. However, in IE the content area is gray (e.g. it just isn't there), and the Javascript fails with this error: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; ...

Problem porting WordPress Editor to a non-WP application

I like the look and feel of the WordPress editor (version 2.7), and I would like to use it in another web application that is written in ASP.NET. I've used TinyMCE before, and I've even extended it in the past. However, I can't seem to get the Wordpress configuration to work! I've downloaded the entire WordPress package and taken the ...

Problem embedding TinyMCE in Django, any help?

I’m working on a web application with Django, and I’m using the Flatpages app. Now, I’m trying to embed the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor in Flatpages. I’m following the steps mentioned in the Apress book: Practical Django Projects. And I’ve done everything right, but the TinyMCE app wouldn’t show up in the browser. When I asked the Django IRC...

How to make TinyMCE work inside an UpdatePanel?

I'm trying to do something that many people seem to have been able to do but which I am unable to implement any solution. The TinyMCE control works pretty well in an asp.net form until you enclose it with an UpdatePanel, which then breaks after postback. I have tried some fixes like the RegisterClientScriptBlock method, but am still unsu...

How to solve the problem with TInyMCE in IE?

Hi, I got this code to alter textareas to use TinyMCE as editor. It works fine in Firefox, but IE shows the simple textarea with the code in it. Can someone help me what to do? print("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js\"></script>"); echo('<script type="text/javascript">ti...

Tiny MCE popups blank in Django admin

I have got tinyMCE working in the django admin, but all the popups are blank (eg. edit HTML, add image) The paths to the popup html pages all exist in the right places http://thatch.media/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/source_editor.htm?mce_rdomain=thatch The permissions are set to 777 on the whole js folder This is my Model class Pag...

What tag libraries you know for J2EE JSP, something like displaytag, tinyMCE, and other useful stuff for new J2EE Developer ?

What tag libraries you know for J2EE JSP, something like displaytag, tinyMCE, and other useful stuff for new J2EE Developer. ...

TinyMCE Plugins: Listboxes

Hi guys, I'm writing a plugin for TinyMCE, and I want to have ListBox B dependent on what's selected in Listbox A. I can make it so the initial selection in ListBox A fills ListBox B, but I cannot make a second selection, wipe ListBox B clean, and fill ListBox B with the new items. I've tried using just Native ListBoxes and JQuery funct...

Having trouble getting TinyMCE to have an auto-sized width.

I'm trying to incorporate TinyMCE into my CMS and I'm having the hardest time getting the width to resize to the size of my container. I'm using the advanced toolbar theme and the buttons do not drop below to form another row if the width is made smaller. I've searched a lot of forums and the TinyMCE docs and I can't find a solution that...

Detecting tinyMCE textareas with JQUERY

On some of our forms we convert our textareas over to tinyMCE textareas. How can I tell in jquery if a given textarea has been converted? I've notice that tinyMCE will change the display of my original textarea to none upon init and then creates an adjacent span with a class of mceEditor, but the follow jquery statements never seems to...

TinyMCE in Embedded IE not receiving enter keypresses

Apologies if this question is a bit obscure, I've been banging my head against it for a while and I'm running out of ideas, so I hoped someone here might be able to help. I'm attempting to use TinyMCE inside of an embedded instance of IE. Weirdly, it's not processing enter/return keypresses. The return keypresses are definitely being re...

Wordpress and Widget using TinyMCE

I have written a Text/HTML widget that uses TinyMCE to allow some basic formatting. However, when I save the changes, the data in the textarea is not getting posted. If I use just a simple textarea without TinyMCE then I can save the data properly. Any ideas? ...

TinyMCE: packaging all the files instead of dynamically loading them... possible?

I'm trying to get TinyMCE to work. I've tried it using the normal method of including tiny_mce.js and then using tinymce.init(...) and it works. I then tried tiny_mce.gzip.js + php compressor and it worked but it was really slow. Now I already package up my CSS and JS files into one of each with all my files concatenated together. In th...