
Position caret/cursor inside newly added span in tiny mce

Hi All! I need to add a span at caret position in my application. I could add span at caret position with following code, but could not position the caret inside it, so that if user types in it will go inside the new span. marker = ed.selection.getBookmark(); ed.selection.moveToBookmark(marker); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',f...

Customize TinyMCE using Drupal's WYSIWYG module

Hi there, I am looking to create a custom button on the TinyMCE toolbar that wraps the currently selected content in a div with a class. I am using drupal 6.19 with wysiwyg-dev and TinyMCE Sample text: <h3>Heading</h3> <p>Sample text</p> <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> </ul> <p>more text</p> Sample text that has ...

How to extract the email id from textarea field.

Hi, I am using cakephp. And I have textarea field where users paste data, I using tinymce plugin to format text. I have warned users not to enter telephone number or email address inside the textarea. But, I dont want to take chances. Is there a way I can extract the telephone number and email from textarea and replace it something li...

Using TinyMCE and filemanager to upload/handle files on java platform

I'm using TinyMCE ( http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/index.php ) as an editor on a webproject running on a Java-platform (Tomcat, Spring) There's a filemanager on the webpage for TinyMCE: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/plugins_filemanager.php But as stated on that page: "The MCFileManager is a online file management utility, available as PHP...

TinyMCE Skins, Better than the

Hi! Are there better looking TinyMCE skins except the one of http://thebigreason.com/ and http://www.cirkuit.net/projects/tinymce/cirkuitSkin/? I couldn't find one that has: buttons for ALL features a nice layout ...

set parameter using variable in tinyMCE

I'm trying to create a plugin for tinyMCE that opens a new dialog window. The URL that it opens depends on a variable as follows: var open_url = 'http://www.mydomain.com/footnote/edit/'+ID; tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.open({ url : open_url, width : 320, height : 240 }); If I just enter the URL parameter directly ...