
insert line break instead of p in tiny mce

Hi! I have initialised time mce as follows. I want to force line breaks when user presses enter and not the paragraphs. I'm trying following, but not working. I'm using tiny mce's 3_3_8 version. tinyMCE.init({ mode: "exact", theme: "advanced", elements: "textAreaId", cleanup: false, theme_advan...

Changing content CSS on the run in TinyMCE or CKEditor

Hi! I have a form in which I want to edit a HTML template. It has 2 textareas, one for the HTML and another one for the CSS. I'd like to use either TinyMCE or CKEditor for the HTML textarea. Is there any way to change the content CSS in either of them to match the CSS in the CSS textarea on the run, so when I change the CSS it is auto...

TinyMCE wrap element with another one (the new one)

I am creating plugin for TinyMCE and I need to wrap existing elem (node) with new one. For example, if I have paragraph: <p>hello</p> after command I need: <div id="someid"><p>hello</p></div> I tried below but it doesn;t wrap paragraphs, only theirs body, for example: tinyMCEPopup.editor.execCommand('mceReplaceContent',true,'<div...

TinyMCE not displaying bullet points from copy+paste?

When I bullet something in word, copy it, then paste it into TinyMCE the bold+underline+sizing works but bullet's don't show up. I have the latest version from their website - on which the copy+pasting of bullets work. Anyone heard of this? ...

i want to disable a tinymce textbox

i have a tinymce textbox which i want to disable and again enable on a button click through asp.net when it is disable it should be read only. ...

How to use TinyMCE plugin in Plone using Products.TinyMCE?

Hi, I have just packaged my plugin for TinyMCE to distribute it along with Plone. But how to tell TinyMCE in Plone to use my plugin? I checked site setup / addons / tinymce - there are some options for buttons, styles etc - but I don't see anything related with plugins. Update: The question is how to configure it using Plone, not plai...

Problem installing phpimage for TinyMCE

Hay all, this is really bugging me. I have downloaded phpimage from http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=2844769&amp;group_id=103281&amp;atid=738747 I've decompressed the zip file and moved the "phpimage" folder into my "plugins" folder. In my settings i've added "phpimage" to the "plugins" setting so it reads ...

CakePHP - TinyMceHelper helper error: Method TinyMceHelper::__name does not exist

So I'm wanting to implement the TinyMce helper. I've followed instructions from the cakephp bakery but am still getting a error. This is the helpers array in my project controller: var $helpers = array('Form', 'Time', 'Crumb', 'Text', 'Tinymce'); This is the tinymce helper I downloaded: <?php class TinyMceHelper extends AppHelper {...

Tinymce insert link to an image error

Hi i create my own filemanager. This open in a popup. if i insert a link to an text the code is work perfect, but if i use it an image remove the selected image in opener window function addslashes(str){return (str+'').replace(/[\"']/g, '\$&').replace(/\u0000/g, '\0')} var code = window.opener.tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent...

How to embed videos using TinyMCE

I'm working on Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 and I've installed TinyMCE (last version). For a start, it displays correctly on my website, but I found out it cannot show embedded videos. So, I googled for this, but no luck. Does anybody knows how to accomplish this? ...

how to ignore/retain non html tag in tinymce editor inside blogengine

Hi , I am using tinyMce in blogengine 1.6.I want to retain the tag for comments when I switch between raw view to html view.But it tags disappear when I am switching with check box click. Please suggest how can I retain these tags in textbox content. Thanks Ritu ...

A WYSIWYG text editor for iPhone Safari?

Hello. After a few tests with my iPhone on various sites (a few Django one etc) I was looking at WYSIWYG editors and realised they don't really work too well on small touch screen devices such as the iPhone. Infact, TinyMCE (which I use for most Django projects) just doesn't really work at all. So I'm curious, is there a solution out t...

TinyMCE conflicts with Supersleight

I am using Supersleight to make images transparent in IE6. I am also using TinyMCE for rich text areas. However, when I activate TinyMCE with the tinyMCE.init method, supersleight stops working. Has anyone else experienced this and maybe found a workaround? ...

load tinymce on demand by using jquery

This is my script: $.ajaxSetup({async: false}); $.getScript('http://www.mydomain.com/dev/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js', function(){ tinyMCE.init({ document_base_url : "http://www.mydomain.com/dev/js/tinymce/", [...], }); }); $.ajaxSetup({async: true}); It load tiny_mce.js success. But when init tinymce in callback, ...

TinyMCE sticks the themes/advanced/langs/en.js script tag randomly in source code

I have a few different applications that use TinyMCE and all experience the same problem... the pages (randomly it seems) show HTML source code to the user. When I use the inspector, I see that the reason is that I get an entire script embed tag pointing to the /themes/advanced/langs/en.js file put into the middle of another HTML element...

enable tinyMce on all the node except one.

node/* user/* comment/* This is what i am using to enable tinyMCE drupal on particular pages. Now what i am looking for is to apply on all the NODES except the one having id (eg 100). How can i do that. ...

Preserving html tag, as it is in tinymce editor

While iam editing my page How i can retain the html tag as it is in tinymce editor( iam using textarea). ...

zend jquery tinymce ajax save one step old value

I have form with Tinymce. I am saving text writen in tinyMce using ajax call. when I press the save button it does not save the latest value which i entered in tinymce. i.e. when i load the page, default value in the field is "aaaa". I update it to "bbb" and press the save button. but it saved the value "aaaa". Now I change the value ...

ASP.NET MVC2 Rich Text Editor

Hello everyone, basically, my question is pretty much similar and has been asked numerous times. Which WYSIWYG editor is better now that Telerik has released their MVC editor, would it be wise to purchase the entire suite instead? Selections: TinyMCE CKEditor Telerik MVC Editor ...

tinyMCE JQuery plugin - How do you set global config options?

I'm new to tinyMCE and I like the jQuery plugin that comes in the latest version. However I'd like to set global options that would be used in every subsequent instance; for example themes and skins. Is this possible? Edit. Here is an example of the method I have used. $(document).ready(function(){ var config = { direction...