
workaround for contenteditable on iPad

Hello Gurus, I have a web application that uses TinyMce to allow rich text editing. Some of my customers are desperate to get it to work on iPad (which doesn't support contenteditable and therefore TinyMce doesn't work) At the moment the only choices I have are: Disallow rich text editing when i detect the browser is iPad. This is no...

tinyMCE Removing MS Word tags

Hello, I am using tinymce Version: 3.3.7 and when I go to paste "as plain text" from tinymce, I still get mso tags. Is it possible to have these removed by some setting in tinyMCE or do I need to strip the tags with php? ...

Get TinyMCE to use full image url instead of relative one

I use TinyMCE as editor on a website. Problem is, when I insert images from the same site, TinyMCE will use relative url to the image instead of the fixed url I entered when including the image. The resulting html is used elsewhere, for example in emails. Problem is, relative urls will not show up properly anywhere but in the original l...

Problem with setting wwwroot by session with TinyMCE FileManager

I'm trying to set different values for TinyMCE through ASP .NET Session. In the web.config for File Manager the SessionAuthenticator is set up with <add key="SessionAuthenticator.config_prefix" value="filemanager" /> So in a MVC controller I do Session["filemanager.preview.urlprefix"] = "{proto}://{host}/edunet/"; Which works, the...

XML parser error: entity not defined

I have searched stackoverflow on this problem and did find a few topics, but I feel like there isn't really a solid answer for me on this. I have a form that users submit and the field's value is stored in a XML file. The XML is set to be encoded with UTF-8. Every now and then a user will copy/paste text from somewhere and that's when ...

inserting images into multiple tinyMCE editors in wordpress

I am using a plugin for wordpress called "CMS" its a plugin that makes wordpress more CMS like. http://plugins.trendwerk.nl In particular it adds multiple text "blocks" to a template, each can be edited in the post.php script using multiple tinymce editors. The problem I am having is that you can only place images into the main or defa...

tinymce: apostrophes in editor, faulty mysql post

apostrophes in tinymce editor breaks the mysql query, how do I fix this? ...

How to enable Objects inclusion inside the HTMLEditor of Moodle ?

Hello, How can I add a Flash/Object button in the HTMLEditor of Moodle ? I am looking for the same kind of button as the link button, with a browse proposition that allows me to link a swf file in the Editor. I there a plugin for that already ? Do I have to develop it ? I saw that it is possible with TinyMCE. Is it possible to deploy...

TinyMCE pop up window resizing

I am using the TinyMCE editor, with the emotions plugin. Does anyone know how to resize the pop up window for the emotions plugin, as I have more emoticons that can fit in the window and the window has no scroll bar. I have tried editing the editor_plugin.js file but this didn't change anything. Any help appreciated. EDIT: My tinyMCE ...

TINY MCE not saving inline styles properly

I have a wordpress plugin that has a textarea using tinyMCE tinyMCE.init({ mode : 'textareas', theme : 'advanced', theme_advanced_buttons1 : 'forecolor,seperator,bold,italic', theme_advanced_buttons2 : '', theme_advanced_buttons3 : '', elements : "editorContent", width : "365", height...

TinyMCE and Jquery load

Hi I have a html file called 'display_email_send.php' that loads TinyMCE and displays an email type box. I am loading this into my page when the user clicks the relevant button. This displays fine but without the TinyMCE properties. however if I view my php direct in my browser it works fine. Can anyone offer any suggestions please ? I...

Tiny MCE and @font-face

Hi, I need to use an exotic font with tiny_mce, I edited the theme_advanced_fonts property and I am using the content_css property to link an stylesheets that defines my font family. I can select the font from the menu but text is not displayed with that, so I have to edit the source html and the style property for the text to be render...

TinyMCE can't align header tags

Does anyone know how I can enable text alignment of header tags through the TinyMCE interface? If I select the text (of any header tag) and select an aligment option it appears to have lined up correctly in the editor. However, when I save the page it gets shifted back to the default alignment (in my case left). I have also tried editin...

TinyMCE Line Returns in Internet Explorer

When editing text with the tinyMCE editor in Internet Explorer, if I add additional blank lines between paragraphs, the following HTML code is generated by tinyMCE: <p>..</p>..<p>..</p> The setter in my Struts 1 ActionForm reports receiving the following string: <p>Â </p><p>Â </p> This problem does not occur in Firefox, but only wi...

How to convert Tinymce HTML code generated in the front end to a word file[.doc]???

Hi.. I'm working on doing a online word processor, such as Google Docs, Zoho etc.. I want to create its front end using Tinymce editor, i.e front end of the editor will be done using Tinymce. But i want to convert this front end generated by tinymce into a word file[.doc] at the server end.. so, tell me how to convert this HTML represent...

How to empty TINYMCE content after ajax action with jquery.

I add contents in some input fields and textarea with jquery ajax function. Only textare uses TINYMCE. However after ajax, the text in TINYMCE does not refresh and remains. How can I empty content in TINYMCE with jquery? My current code it following. //on submit event $("#specformentry").submit(function(event){ event.pr...

TinyMce editor text box not editable

I have a strange problem with the TinyMCE editor on one of our pages. The control renders fine but the user is unable to type anything into the text box. And no, it is not locked. If the user logs on to the same page from another computer then it works! It has something to do with the browser on his machine (IE6/IE8). The page works fin...

TinyMCE style conflict

Something in my CSS seem to be changing tinyMCE's buttons : Any ideas on how to fix this ? ...

textarea, tinyMCE and insert an image in textarea

I want to insert an image in textarea with jquery. (I know that img tag could not to inserted in textarea). Im using tinymce <img src="image.jpg" class="po"/> <form> <input type="text" name="yassi" class="infobox"/> <br /> <textarea class="me"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="click" class="submit"/> </form> jquery: <...

TinyMCE instances in jquery sortable.

Hi guys, I'm stumped and frustrated so time to ask for help. Done a lot of googling but yet to find a solution that works for me. What I have is a whole bunch of divs that can be sorted using Jquery sortable, some of divs contain a TinyMCE instance. Which is all fine until you try to move a div that contains a TinyMCE instance - when...