
Just installed django-tinymce but the HTMLField is not showing up in the admin view

I used pip to install it, and followed the usage directions found here: http://django-tinymce.googlecode.com/svn/tags/release-1.5/docs/.build/html/usage.html under the section "The HTMLField model field type". I re-synced the db (not even sure that was needed), restarted apache2, and yet the text field is still just a textarea. Any sugg...

define height of tine mce

I want to set height of tiny mce depending on the type of element it is initialized for. For example, I want to set height 200px for headings and use mce's default size for for paragraph and ordered and unordered lists. Also, I want to adjust height of the mce instance with the content. Instead of adding vertical scrolls, it should incre...

Why does TinyMCE require typing something before being able to use the delete key properly?

I have just implemented TinyMCE and it is working fine, except that the user must type something, even a space character, before being able to delete content. Please tell me if you need more information. ...

All menu items in TinyMCE SplitButton using same callback

I created a SplitButton in TinyMCE and I am using a for loop to add buttons, but for some reason the buttons' onclick is always calling the same one (the last from the for loop). It seems every time I add a menu option, the callback is being overwritten. Let me describe what I mean. var c = cm.createSplitButton('optionsList', { title ...

Tinymce mceToggleEditor scroll/focus issue

I have 50+ textareas that I am using tinyMCE with. Instead of loading each one I am just initialising them, then activing them later on request Initialisation tinyMCE.init({ mode : "none", theme : "advanced", theme_advanced_buttons1 : "", theme_advanced_buttons2 : "", theme_advanced_buttons3 : "", theme_advanced...

how to load content in tiny mce ?

I'm loading content to a textarea, which is then initialized as an instance of tiny mce. It works perfect until the textarea has only paragraph. When I try to load a paragraph with an image inside it, it works strange. All the content inside the original paragraph is moved to a new paragraph and the original is added empty. Why this is h...

Is there a free image uploader plugin for TINYMCE?

I just realized that the business behind wyiswyg web editors is selling you the image upload plugin. Which is the alternative if you can't/don't want to pay? ...

how to set content of a speicific node inside tinymce ?

I want to set content of an element to the first node of the tiny mce. I can retrieve the id of this node, but don't know how to set content inside it. Help Appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

how to retrrieve all the styles of a node in tiny mce?

I want to retrieve the styles of a node inside the tiny mce instance. With getStyle, I can get only the styles, that I will provide as an argument. But, I don't know which styles will be applied to the node by user. I mean user can apply NUMBER of styles such as font, font color, borders. I simply need to get the whole string inside the ...

Change default font type/size in TinyMCE

How do you change the default font type and font size in TinyMCE? I'm using the advanced skin and I've changed the body, td, pre style in default/content.css but it still doesn't change. ...

how to create an element inside a tiny mce editor ?

I want to create a node such as paragraph, h1, h2 etc inside a tiny mce editor. Could not find any reference in documentation. :( I have tried following code. It works perfect in FF but not in IE. Kindly help. tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setNode(tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.create('p', {id : 'paraId'},'new paragrapg created')); Thanks ...

image nesting issue in tiny mce

Hi! I have a drag drop interface from which user can add elements to page. For example, I want to nest an image inside a paragraph. To make the text elements editable and apply styles to it, I'm using a tine mce instance. I can load contents of text element (paragraph) in the mce successfully, along with its id, class and styles until, i...

PHP sendmail() formatting not preserved

Hello, I am creating a web application for a client that has the ability to send out emails. I am using TinyMCE for my text editor, which works quite nicely. I am using sendmail() with PHP Swiftmailer to handle the actual sending of the email. Swiftmailer works nicely, as well. The only problem that I am running into is that when I rec...

TinyMCE hint text

I'm using Remy Sharp's jQuery plugin to display hints in text boxes. I'd like to do the same with TinyMCE - display a hint, like "Type some text here.", and when the user focuses the TinyMCE editor, that text should go away. If the editor is empty (no text entered), then on blur the text should be visible again. Is there a jQuery plugi...

How to add a WordPress custom post type field with Tiny MCE

I am creating a custom post type called Article. The article needs a field called signature that uses the Tiny MCE. I was able to achieve this but there is an extra border that shows outside the Tiny MCE Editor. http://webypedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/tiny-mce-custom-field.jpg My goal is to make the signature field editor simi...

TinyMCE Removes site base url

Hi there, im using TinyMCE Wysiwyg editor, and when i enter a link, or an image from the same website, it removes the base url for example, if i enter: http://www.domain.com/somelink.php - i'll get - somelink.php any ideas how to solve it? thanks! ...

TinyMCE removes double slashes

Hi How do you disable automatic double-slases removing? When I put base64 embeded image (< img src="...///...==" alt=""/> in html mode it auto removes double slashes and so the image is corrupted... ...

TinyMCE Ajax. How do I find the editor during callback? (TinyMCE.get doesn't work)

I'm doing something that I think is fairly standard : In an Ajax application, I have dynamically create an editor by a) dynamically adding a textarea to the DOM. The id of the textarea is stored in a variable called editField b) I wrap TinyMCE around it like this : tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl", false, jq(editField).attr('id'))...

A simpler TinyMCE hyperlink plugin

TinyMCE has a hyperlink plug-in that allows you to select a piece of text, and wrap an <a> around it. But it's a bit too obtrusive- it opens up a big new popup window, with many options for the user to pay attention, wait, think and configure. Is there a simpler alternative to it? Something that does a basic job of inserting an anchor ...

How to apply css added in header of page to tiny mce ?

Hi, I want to apply some classes to the element being edited in mce instance, which will be added to the style tag in head at run time. The class name gets added to the element which is being edited inside tiny mce, but I can not see the effect of applied style. Do I need to do something with the init ? How can I refer to the style shee...