
How to edit content using Tiny Mce

Hi, I am using Tiny MCE to edit some content within my site. I am having problems displaying text within the Tiny MCE content area ,which has been retrieved from the database. What am I doing wrong? The text is plain not HTML formatted. Thanks ...

TinyMCE disable escaping

I'm using tinyMCE to edit content from an existing website. This website has links in the format: http://localhost/start.jsp%3Fparam=value where the %3F is the escaped string for the question mark character. When TinyMCE edits a page containing one of these links, it converts the "%" sign into "%25" which breaks the link. How can I di...

How to customize Tiny MCE jquery version ?

I want to implement and customize Tiny MCE jquery version. Don't know how to :( ...

display different set of buttons for different instances of tiny mce

Hi, I'm adding text area dynamically, which will be instance of tine mce. In a page, I will be adding text area for say heading, paragraph etc. For heading, I need to have only b,I,U and align buttons displayed, also for p, I need a different set of buttons. Is it possible ? How to do if possible ? Thanks ...

how to use variables in tinyMCE.init tiny mce ?

Can we use variables in tinyMCE.init() ? I want to decide the available set of buttons on value of formatselect. Is this possible ? ...

Tiny mce breaking django own pop-up on raw_id_fields

Im using Tiny mce for my wysiwyg. Im using a subdomain to serving media files #settings.py: MEDIA_URL = 'http://media.mydomain.com/' ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = 'http://media.mydomain.com/admin_media/' In my textareas.js i have this code: document.domain = 'mydomain.com'; tinyMCE.init({ .. And in my tiny_mce_popup.js I also have documen...

Why is my textarea input not accepting input?

When I insert a new text_area input(created by rails) into an existing form with jQuery it doesn't allow the user to type in the box, but the text_field(also created by rails) input field does. -form_tag user_posts_path do [email protected]_with_index do |post,index| -semantic_fields_for "posts[#{index}]", post do |f| =re...

how to set id to an element inside tiny mce

I want to add an Id to the element which is being edited using a tine mce instance ? Is there any way ? ...

after toggle tinymce editor, it does not send the comeplete string

Hello All, i m using tinymce editor on joomla component that behave strangly tinymce is already present (automaticaaly) on page load ..now if i write something on tiny mce editor( eg: 'with tinymce') & then click on toggle editor button ( now simple text area appears) and i see <p>with tinymce</p>, now if i append some text...

can we initialise different version of tiny mce for a single text box ?

I want to create two instances of tiny mce which will have two different set of buttons. I'm trying to initialize both conditionally for a single text area. But, by default it takes the first inti set. am I right or wrong ? Help. Thanks ...

TinyMCE Stylesheets in a layout

I am using the fullpage plugin: I am trying to create a way for my users to select multiple layouts(I have about 6 layouts), in the layouts I have different CSS rules that I would like to for example the background color so in my layout (and this is just an example for brevity) I have <style> body{background-color:red} </style> and t...

can I build a css class on the fly in tiny mce ?

I'm using tiny mce, but I found it adds multiple spans with inline styles to the content for any applied style. Inline styles are not W3c Compliant, so must avoid inline css. Is it possible to create css class on the fly and apply to the selection, while editing content in tiny mce ? ...

Admin field fails to save with tinymce and filebrowser in django

I'm using django-tinymce together with the no grappelli branch of django-filebrowser running django 1.2. I use the tinymce HTMLField model definition for the model field that I would like to have WYSIWYG. I've added the correct javascript to my AdminModel, and the filebrowser works great, adding the image to the textarea with no proble...

AddControl does not show content filled in textarea using jQuery

When i have a textarea in a page that i fill with jQuery and i then create an editor instance using mceAddControl the old value of the textarea gets displayed in the editor an not the filled in one. Why is that so? What can i do before initialization to get the filled in String taken into the editor? Code: $('#content_2').html('new Con...

How to add TinyMCe to CakePHP admin forms?

Hi, I want to add power to my CakePHP website by adding the TinyMCe editor to the forms in the Admin. I found the plugin available at http://cakedc.com/eng/downloads/view/tinymce and followed the steps available in that website but the form doesn't show! Regards ...

tiny mce customization

I want to design an editor, but don't want to use tiny mces's tool bar. What I need is, user can apply styles to the selected element or its selected content using my own interface, so that I can handle the styles using jquery. But, none of tiny mce's toolbar will be used. Can I handle styles in such a way ? Will it be stable and cross b...

Is there a way to preload TinyMCE?

TinyMCE is a big plugin to load at first. In nations with low bandwidth it takes minutes to load. So I am planning on preloading the tinyMCE so that the users dont have to wait for this to load. Any Idea? ...

how to get id of a node in tiny mce ?

I want to get id of the node inside tiny mce. I searched in documentation, but could not found. :( Thanks in advance ...

how to check classes of node inside tiny mce ?

I want to check if the node inside the tiny mce has a class starting with word 'border'. I tried to retrieve classes of the node, using tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.getClasses(); but it returned null. Is there any way to do this ? I need to find if the node has any class staring with word 'border', if it has then replace that class wit...

How to call a function on blur event for a tiny mce

I want to write function that saves the content of tiny mce and destroys the current instance of tiny mce which will be called when the mce looses focus. ...