
TinyMce imagemanager won't generate image path when used with an iframe

I have successfully setup tinymce to work on a page within an iframe. Everything works perfectly. However, when you use imagemanager to pick an image to be inserted or replaced in the editor it will not copy the path(and filename) of the image to the "Image URL" input in the "Insert/edit image" box. The box will either remain empty or k...

Tinymce and printing with page breaks

I have written an application that uses the Tinymce editor. The administrator can create templates, which are then subsequenty loaded by the users. Between fetching the template from the database and inserting it into the editor, I perform a merge with the current record. This all works fine. I am however having problems with the printi...

tinyMCE modal box dialog

Hi, I want to make a button and when it's clicked then modal box opens where user have to enter url, click insert and then url is inserted to editor. So far I have added button and opened modal box but how could I get back those values? Thanks. ...

How to insert custom function in tinymce,

i'd like to know how i can make my custom function in tinymce. assumed that my function named as A. The function is inserting form html tag such as ", etc". From this function (button) people who dont know even any tag of HTML, can insert the tag without editing the text mannualy. i want A appear as a button in tinymce toolbar.My functi...

Tinymce Line break problem on Safari and Chrome

Hello all, Does anyone know how to fix the problem about Tinymce Line break problem on Safari and Chrome. For example, Let's say, I have two line pure text. When I copy and paste through firefox or IE. It's under one p tag. So it's same formatting i saw in the text file which is two line. But if i copy and paste through Chrome or Fir...

problems with tinymce style

i don't sure why but tinymce delete all <style> ... </style> info in the textarea what can i do? 10x ...

Why can't refresh away the text in TinyMCE?

Can have a try here. Whatever you entered into the editor will remain there after refreshing, Anyone knows the trick? UPDATE doctype also has this feature. ...

wordpress extended_valid_elements for script tag?

Can someone tell me how to tell Wordpress' tinymce editor to NOT strip out script tags? I looked in wp-admin/includes/post.php and added 'extended_valid_elements'=>'script[charset|defer|language|src|type]', to the $initArray. When I do a view source on the CMS post editor, I see taht it does show up like so: <script type="text/jav...

Move iFrame in the DOM using jQuery

My overall aim is to create an editor which I can skin using jQuery UI (by creating a custom toolbar which uses integration calls), using TinyMCE. Lets say I have a TinyMCE editor on a page. The actual editor is an iFrame contained inside a lot of horrible table code, which is also where the current (to be scrapped) toolbar is. I want ...

Inject Javascript into iFrame generated by TinyMCE/YUI?

I'm trying to insert/load javascript (e.g. prototype/jquery) into the iFrame generated by TinyMCE (tinymce.moxiecode.com) or YUI's text editor (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/editor/) so as to better manipulate the objects/images/DIVs inside it. The iFrame generated by TinyMCE is basically a text editor. I want to be able to include div...

Drag and drop to reposition content inside a TinyMCE editor

I'm using TinyMCE and I'd like to make it easy to click and drag styled elements inside the content area. This works very well for (unstyled) images, as the browser seems to handle them natively, so you can drag an image and drop it on another line in the content area and the image gets moved there. What I'd like to do is have a div wi...

tinyMCE automatically parses links

hello, I use tinyMCE like: $usetinymce="tinyMCE.init({ entity_encoding : \"raw\", elements : \"text,newstext\", mode : \"exact\", theme: \"advanced\", theme_advanced_buttons1 : \"bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,\" + \"justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,formatselect,\" + \"bullist...

TinyMCE is removibg <style> tags

i m facing the a problem with tinymce. when i apply <style type="text/css">.newclasss{color:#c9c9c9;}</style> in HTML editor of TinyMce, it removes tags when i click update. My valid elements are follows: extended_valid_elements : "hr[class|width|size|noshade],font[face|size|color|style],span[class|align|style],img[href|src|name|title|on...

HTML Encoding with TinyMCE

I am using TinyMce on my asp.net web site for comment posting. I want to make sure that the input is safe before I insert it into DB. The TinyMce does it's own HTML encoding on client side. In my other question people suggested that encoding should be done on the server side and not on client side. What can I use on server side to make...

ajax Post data missing with tinyMCE on Firefox

I have a problem with my form when I try to submit with ajax. I am using Malsup Form plugin for Jquery but also using tinyMCE editor. When I submit the form and check the $_POST array, there is no data from the textarea. I have tried to use the triggerSave() function but to no avail. Everything is working well in IE. // These options ar...

Rails: savage_beast forum plugin and tinymce - new post works but edit doesn't use tinymce properly

Hi all. I'm using the savage_beast forum plugin and tinymce (via the tinymce_hammer plugin) in my rails app. When posting a new post, tinymce works fine. However, when i go to edit a post i get the tinymce editor, but the content in the edit box has all been converted into html. Can anyone tell me how i get it so that what appears i...

ASP.NET MVC Rich Text Editor not showing buttons

Hi, I have problem with implementing Rich Text Editor (all that i tried, e.g. TinyMCE). I tried many tutorials and articles but all same. When i am trying do it the best what i get is working editor in IE (8) but other browser not (Opera, FF, Chrome). Samples that i download work fine in all browsers. I am using VS2010 ASP.NET MVC2 and e...

TinyMCE security question: How do you prevent malicious input?

How do you prevent malicious input in WYSIWYG editors like TinyMCE? I have a system with users who are not "tech savvy" (so no WMD) and need a rich text editor that posts its content into a database. I'm worried about scripting attacks and malicious input code. ...

TinyMCE + jQuery + custom plugin = tinymce is undefined?

The problem occurs when I try to create small plugin to allow me toggle on and off WYSIWYG on all textareas in the website. //$('form.default textarea').each(function(){ // console.log( $('<a href="#">Enable WYSIWYG editor</a>').insertAfter('form.default textarea').prev('textarea.wysiwyg').tinymce().hide() ); //}); The full (a bit si...

How do I parse TinyMce article content to find embedded images using JS

Hi all, I want to parse the content that is written in the TinyMCE editor in the client side I want to get all the src attribute values of the images that are inserted in the editor editing area(in the article body)and store them in an array. How can I do that ? Thanks (I tried: var arr = new Array(); $(".txtEditorClass img").ea...