
tinymce, view only

Hi. Evaluating Tinymce. I've looked at the docs/source/api, and have a question that I thought I'd pose to the stackoverflow group. Has anyone implemented Tinymce, who can tell me it it's possible to setup Tinymce to restrict a user, allowing the user to only "view" a text file, and be able to add additional buttons to the save/cancel...

Problem with onblur="submit" when using TinyMCE with JEditable

I'm trying to use TinyMCE together with JEditable, as per SamSpeak's blog post. I'm running into a small but annoying problem. I set onblur="submit" in JEditable's settings. The behavior I expect (and want) is that as soon as the user clicks away from the editor, the editor submits the new data (in my case, to a function). The problem ...

How to programatically select all text inside a TinyMCE editor

I'm looking for a way to programatically select all the content inside a TinyMCE editor instance. The reason I need this is that I'd like it if all the text inside the editor was selected, as soon as someone clicks on it (I'm using TinyMCE in conjunction with JEditable, by the way). Thanks, Edan ...

Regex to GENERATE thumbnails!?!?! (but that's crazy!)

Hello everyone! So here is my situation, and the solution that I've come up with to solve the problem. I have created an application that includes TinyMCE to allow users to create HTML content for publishing. The user can include images in their markup, and drag/resize those images affecting the final Width/Height attributes in the IMG ...

TinyMCE Editor acts weird on IE

Hi, I use TinyMCE and it works fine on FireFox but it shows weird icons on IE 8.0. As you can see, forecolor and backcolor icons are repeated. This doesn't happen on FF. Has anybody seen this? How do I fix this? Sam ...

Remove Tiny MCE Toolbar Button

How do I remove a button from the tiny MCE toolbar? Do I directly edit the tiny_mce.js file? If so, where? Or do I edit my theme's editor_template.js file? Any instruction or hints would be appreciated. ...

Javascript error when integrating django-tinymce and django-filebrowser

I've set up django-filebrowser in my app without any bugs, I already had django-tinymce set up and it loads the editor in the admin forms. I now want to use django-filebrowser with django-tinymce, but I keep getting a weird javascript error when I click on "Image URL" in the Image popup: r is undefined the error is js/tiny_mce/tiny_mc...

TinyMCE image upload & insert without a gallery

I've been searching for a plugin of TinyMCE that allows to upload and insert an image in the text, the problem I've found with many plugins is allowing to see and select from a gallery of images of the server, that's a functionality I don't need or want, just allow the user to select an image from his computer, upload and insert it. The...

TinyMCE: experiences, options

Hi I am considering using TinyMCE to handle the textboxes on sites I develop. I have the production version downloaded. At first I will be using it for the backend of a client's site on a deadline and I need it to work out of the box initally. In the future I also like the customisation options. Basically, does TinyMCE work, is it sta...

Google App Engine - Document Editor Creation/Tap Into Google Docs?

What is the best way to create a custom document editor in GAE? I'm making a website meant for a School Robotics Club (With support for any other organization - DRY). We currently use Google services for online collaboration, I'm wondering if there is a way to tap into Google Docs and allow users to edit a Google Document without using ...

Questions about TinyMCE. Or suggestions on a compariable product.

Hi I am using jquery 1.3.2 and asp.net mvc 1.0. Originally I was using some other rich html editor but I ran into one major problem when a user pasted in text from open office or MS office it would bring along tons of styling junk. If a user like wrote one sentence what was like 25 characters and pasted that into my current html editor...

TinyMCE empty link popup

When I try to insert a link using the TinyMCE link plugin all that happens is I get an empty popup box. It continuously tries to load: tiny_mce/utils/mctabs.js tiny_mce/utils/form_utils.js tiny_mce/utils/validate.js tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/link.js I've seen solutions where you need to edit a config.php file, but I only have the J...

Appending a string to a tinyMCE instance

Hi, I need to append a string (an img tag) to a tinyMCE editor instance. I was doing it like this: $("#textboxhiddenbytinymce").append( string ); tinyMCE.triggerSave(); with no luck. I was wondering if: There is a direct method for adding an arbitrary string (I need complete control over it) to an instance of tinyMCE I understand th...

Security issue with tiny browser

I have used tinybrowser with tiny mce as a plugin (My panel is php based). When uploading, there is link like this: www.****.com/dashboard/tiny_mce/plugins/tinybrowser/tinybrowser.php?type=image This link can open in all browser without permission. What is the solution in this case? Could I use my admin panel's session control in ti...

Browser caching issue on a https site pressing f5

i am working on a website where i have content entry form. This form contains a tiny mce control. The control is composed of some 40-50 files. The testing reported that the entry form loads slow and evertime shows up 50 files loading to completely load the page. Is there a way i can decrease this time. I have taken help of browser cachin...

multiple tinyMce instances not working in chrome

hi as with the title..in chrome (v.4.1) multiple tinyMce (v2.08) instances do not work, to be exact the first two instances are ok, the others not, and chrome gives this error: Uncaught Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1 Has this happened before? Unfortunately i can't show you any code 'cause it's for an admin area, i just need so...

TinyMCE with AJAX (Update Panel) never has a value.

I wanted to use a Rich Text Editor for a text area inside an update panel. I found this post: http://www.queness.com/post/212/10-jquery-and-non-jquery-javascript-rich-text-editors via this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1207382/need-asp-net-mvc-rich-text-editor Decided to go with TinyMCE as I used it before in non AJAX s...

Native language problem in mysql with tinyMCE

I have turkish character problem in mysql database when adding content with tinymce from admin panel. Charset is: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9"" /> How can I solve this? Thanks in advance ...

TinyMce File browser for pylons?

Hi. Did you now some ajax based filebrowser to TinyMCE wich can i use in my pylons app? Thanks, for help :) ...

TinyMCE BBcode plugin breaks text format on paste

Hi all, I have a problem with the BBcode plugin of TinyMce. If i paste a normal text took from a site like this (i took it from lipsum.com): Code: "The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut eni...