
jquery load and tinymce gives me a "g.win.document is null" on subsequent loads

So... very excited as first post on stackoverflow I have this page, clicking a button will call editIEPProgram(). editIEPProgram counts how many specific divs exists, adds another div, loads it with html from '/content/mentoring/iep_program.php' and then calls $("textarea.tinymce").tinymce to add a rich text editor to the newly added te...

Importing HTML into TinyMCE using ColdFusion

Hey everyone, I would appreciate a pointing in the right direction with the problem I'm having. In short, I'm working on an application that will create PDFs using TinyMCE and ColdFusion 8. I have the ability to create a PDF by just entering in text, pictures, etc. However, I want to be able to import an html template and insert it into ...

Tiny MCE ImageManager Plugin, "cant create instance of plugin"

We just bought MCImageManager and went right on to creating our own plugin. I followed http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/MCI … ing_plugin from start to end but got stuck on the last step. After configuring the build.bat file (that comes along the package) it gives me no errors, i checked all paths and it should work but there just is...

How can i call that function inside that anonymous javascript? (TinyMce example)

How can i call test() inside that method? It's possible? (function() { tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.WrImagerPlugin', { init : function(editor, url) { editor.addCommand('mceWrImagerLink', function() { //--> how can i refer to test() here? }); }, test: function () ...

How set value for Tiny MCE?

How set value for Tiny MCE or reset his current value? The form name is "form" and element which associated with Tiny MCE is "editor". ...

TinyMCE Image Alignment

TinyMCE has always been a little difficult to align images. Either the align tag, or adding style="float: left;" has been it solution. Ideally I would just like to add class="left" or class="right" so that I can set the border and margins of the image. Up until now the only way to do this without using the advimage plugin was to insert ...

TinyMCE editor dislikes being moved around

Hello guys, On a page I have, I need to move TinyMCE editors in the DOM tree once in a while. However, for some reason, the editor doesn't like it: it clears itself completely and becomes unusable. As far as I can see, this behavior is consistent between Safari 4 and Firefox 3.6, but not Internet Explorer 7/8. Here's an example. It tru...

How do I make textarea a TinyMCE in Joomla?

I have a component and I want to make a textarea on the admin backend interface use the TinyMCE editor: How do I reference the TinyMCE that is being used by other components (instead of duplicating it) 2.) How do I hook into the page init or some place where I can let TinyMCE do it's magic (of if Joomla provides a way) Thanks ...

Cannot select/edit TineMCE-generated table

I'm currently using TinyMCE edit in my drupal-website, problem is that beneath the editor, some of the table is sticking out. If I remove the height set by javascript with firebug, it looks fine, even after resizing. So I want to remove the height with JS, I've put this function at the end of my page: $('table#edit-body_tbl').removeAt...

TinyMCE clearing changes on form submit

I've added a toggle button to TinyMCE (using the jQuery plugin version) that looks like: $('a.mce_show').click(function(){ // toggle all textareas $('.wysiwyg').tinymce().show(); }); $('a.mce_hide').click(function(){ // toggle all textareas $('.wysiwyg').tinymce()....

Need to fire an event where a new listbox is added TinyMce ??

I know how to add a listbox and create a plugin with TinyMce. But the thing is I need to add a new listbox everytime I select an item with the previously added listbox in TinyMce. Does anyone know how to do this? Tried everything. Just wondering if anyone has done anything similar to this. ...

TinyMce + Ajax File Manager + Codeigniter = Little Problem

OK, I'm using the following: TinyMCE, CodeIgniter, and the TinyMCE Ajax File Manager. I can upload correctly and it looks pretty good. However, when I view the HTML (from TinyMCE), this is what I get. <img src="../../../data/page/verde_enfemera.jpg" alt="" /> What I need to be getting is the following: <img src="http://localhost/htt...

tinyMCE not working with jQuery 1.4.2 in IE6

I'm having trouble getting tinyMCE to work with the new jQuery 1.4.2 on IE6. In my project, we've been using tinyMCE with no problems with jQuery 1.3.2. But now the upgrade has brought on a weird problem. Whenever I click any button in the toolbar (whether it be a custom one or the standard ones like bold, italics), IE6 fires an unload e...

TinyMCE loading incomplete whil eusnig multiple instances on one page

hello everyone having problems with TinyMCE while Loading multiple instances on a single page using this option and using the class name on the html page mode : "specific_textareas", editor_selector : "Editor", theme : "advanced", the problem is every instance (text editor) uses the same class name but when loading the page, few o...

jQuery Plugin for TinyMCE callback

I am using the jQuery plugin from the jQuery build of TinyMCE. This simplified code initializes the editor: $('textarea.tinymce').tinymce({ script_url : '../js/libraries/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js' }); This loads tiny_mce.js via AJAX. I have code that I want to run once this file is loaded. I essentially want to specify a callback func...

Having TinyMCE's HTML editor come up in a tab and not a popup window?

We have the default TinyMCE installation where clicking on the button to bring up the HTML editor makes it come up in a popup window. With something like Wordpress, the HTML editor is just another tab inside the TinyMCE box, which is a nicer alternative. Is it possible to setup TinyMCE so the HTML editor just comes up in another tab of ...

TinyMCE javascript errors

i Have downloaded TinyMCE and running examples. When i run any example and click on html button of TinyMCE GUI i am getting js errors Permission denied for <file://> to get property Window.tinymce from <file://>. and this.params is undefined Check these errors in Firefox while opening firebug. ...

TinyMCE and pluploader not working together

I want to have an instance of both TinyMCE textarea and pluplupload custom file uploader on on web page. The problem is that in my Firefox 3.6 or Google Chrome they just don't work together. I checked with IE8 here it works fine. I tried both versions of TinyMCE - the standard and jQuery. I tried debugging the initialization of plupload...

Nat skin with tinymce as the editor

How can I have NAT Skin with TinyMCE as the editor in twiki. When I changed my skin to Nat in the twiki preferences my editor automatically got changed to natedit though i was working previously on tinymce editor and would like to do so in the future but with nat as the default skin. ...

How do I configure Tinymce to allow embed tags when editing html?

I would like users to be able to copy and paste embed tags for videos (youtube, vimeo, etc) into the html editor of tinymce. I've tried every solution I can find on the internet - however tinymce always strips out any embed tags in the video embed code when I press update in the html editor. Here is my current tinymce init script: t...