
ASP.NET File Picker

I am trying to find a File Picker that runs on ASPX.Net. I need it to insert images in TinyMCE since the one with TinyMCE is licensed. I have been looking for a Silverlight solution, like Silverlight Bridge. I tried to implement SLFileManager that is based on SB, but with little success. I need to be able to upload images, delete/rename ...

Nested blockquotes in TinyMCE

Can blockquotes in TinyMCE be made to work like lists do, so that the indent and outdent buttons change the level of quoting? At the moment, the blockquote button adds a single blockquote element, but I can find no way to then remove that blockquote or nest blockquotes. ...

TinyMCE Package

Hi all, I am developing an article management system using asp.net 3.5 and c#. I want to use the TinyMCE editor and want to write a plugin for choosing photos from a folder on the server. Which Package/s do I need to download ? "Main package" or "Development package" or ".NET package" or a combination of them ? http://tinymce.moxiecod...

Multiple TinyMCE Packages

Hi all, I want to use more then one TinyMCE package in my ASP.Net Project. For example to use the Development Package and the jQuery Package . According to TinyMCE web site the zip files of those TinyMCE packages should be extracted in your wwwroot or site domain root folder. The problem is that all the different packages unzip to t...

how to get a formatted text output with no html tags (in symfony)?

I'm working on a first symfony project, i am using the sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE widget for a form tinymce text area. It works fine, but while retrieving from database, instead of showing me the formated text, i have the <strong>,<p>,<br>tags in the text. help me please ...

tinymce un-justify toolbar

Hi, I am loading my tinyMCE inside my jquery document ready function. It is loaded in advanced mode, and I am also setting my toolbar to appear aligned 'left'. However this is still not appearing the way I imagine it should. What could be the problem? tinyMCE.init({ mode : "exact", elements : "txtinput",...

how to use tinymce and jquery ..

who can give me a simple code , i want a simplest way to create a rich textarea, thanks this is my code,and not successful : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no"> ...

Limiting the Formatting Options in TinyMCE

this is my tinymce code: tinyMCE.init({ // General options mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", //plugins : "safari,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,...

how to use TinyMCE(rich text editor) in google-maps info window..(i made a demo.)

this is the demo rar file:demo.rar when i drag the red block to the google-maps ,it will be changed to a marker, and it will has TinyMCE when you click the info window, but my program is : it can not be written when i click it the second time, the first time: the second time(can not be written): and my code is : <!DOCTYPE html PU...

Zend Framework - tinyMCE - plugin folders are mistaken to be controllers? Help

Hi guys I'm trying to integrate the tinymce plugin however I'm running into problems such that almost every feature which requires a plugin to be rendered i.e the add url popup or add image pop up - it opens an empty pop up window. Even if I try to open it inline I get the same blank popup window.. I noticed that whenever I click on lets...

Can LGPL licenses be used in our proprietary systems?

We want to use either the FCK/CKeditor or the TinyMCE editor in our CRM application. We charge the customer use of the CRM system which is bespoke to use and them. I noticed both the editors have GPL and LGPL licenses. However CKEditor has a Closed License too in addition to the LGPL. My questions are: 1) Although we don't sell our cod...

How the jQuery TinyMCE and jQuery RSV get to work?

I'm using RSV to validate form element, and tinymce to convert textarea to editor. The textarea is included to be checked by rsv validator using 'required', since the textarea is being converted to tinymce editor. Theres a problem on the validation, even i entered the value in the editor the validator says that textarea is a null. How ...

Remove font size in TinyMCE

Hi How can I remove certain font size options from the font size selector in TinyMCE? Regards Johan ...

MS Word paste into tinymce - retain tabulators

Hi, I have a 5 year old web application which runs tinymce In this version it is possible - in IE 6,7,8 only to paste from MS Word and retain the tab characters. What we have done is to add a callback: paste_insert_word_content_callback : "findtabs" function findtabs(type, content) { if (type == "before"){ content ...

WAMP Apache 403 Forbidden error

I have recently changed from Windows XP to Windows 7 and have reinstalled WAMP server on my localhost testing pc. I have copied over my backup site too and this is working correctly. I have installed tinyMCE javascript editor as well as ajaxfilemanager. Everything works except when accessing a file i get the following error: Forbidd...

Problem with insert/update links with tinyMCE

I have a problem with tinyMCE but only on live environment from some reason tinyMCE rewrite absolute url and only for some TLD sites, so far I'm notice that it doesn't work for .eu domains, does someone hade a same problem or know what can fix this? ...

Suggest joomla html editor extension/software

I've started using Joomla 1.5 recently and am using the TinyMCE online WYSIWYG editor that comes with the package to edit articles. I tend to write direct html and javascript rather than use the WYSIWYG functions, I find that after the first time the changes are applied(page updated) most of your html becomes 4-5 separate big paragraphs....

Pasting images in TinyMCE on rails app

Hi, I found a weird problem with TinyMCE editor. Copying & pasting images from another domain works fine but if the images are on the same domain the path are relative but not correct sometimes. I figured out that the problem is related to the rails URL scheme. Example) Images are copied from http://mydomain.com/index.html page and th...

TinyMCE editor and delete event

Hi all, I am using TinyMCE for CMS in ASP.NET that I develop. I am writing a plugin that enables the user to upload an image from his file system to the server. When the image is loaded I save additional details, related to the image ,in the database. I want take some actions in the server if an image is deleted (Image is deleted by se...

tinymce text area in facebox modal window not allowing me to type

i am using facebox (a jquery modal plug-in) and tinymce for my textboxes. however when i open any modal windows, i cannot type anything within the tinymce input box. any help? <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init(...