
Drupal tinymce pagebreak

I'm using tiny mce on a drupal site but I'm not using any module, I have just added tiny to a alter function instead. I want to use tiny's page break feature, and I can add it using tiny, I can save it, and it appears when I edit content - but I can't see it inside the preprocess_node function where I want to split the content based on t...

Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit

I am using jquery and TinyMce to submit a form, but there is a problem in serialization in that the Textarea value doesn't post. Here is the code: <form id="myForm" method="post" action="post.php"><textarea name="question_text" id="question_text" style="width:543px;height:250px;"></textarea></form> $('#myForm').submit(function() { ...

javascript to find tinymce rich text editor value is null or not

Hai guys, I use TinyMce textarea in one of my web application... How to check tinymce textarea's value is null or not using javascript? document.getElementById("myeditorid").value didnt help me.... ...

How to reset css in middle of html document ?

Hi, I wonder if there are any possibility to reset css in middle of page? I have main style, but in one area I would like to use style from tinyMCE generated source. So in tinyMCE source are elements which in editor looks like default browsers style (or like user wants), but in other pages uses style from my main css and from it self in...

how do i get the output to just what's in the textarea instead of tinymce adding a whole html page wrapped aound my content.

how do i get the output to just what's in the textarea instead of tinymce adding a whole html page wrapped aound my content. ...

Getting Django comments to be able to use bold and italic style

So I'm trying to get rich text to work for the cheeserater program where I added a commenting system using the tinyMCE editor in the textarea. This is what it looks like: <table><td align=left> {% get_comment_list for package as comment_list %} {% for comment in comment_list %} {{ comment.comment|safe }}<br> {% endfor %} </table> ...

MVC Ajax TextArea tiny_mce_src.js

I want to used extended Textarea from tiny_mce_src. What am I doing wrong? <%using(Ajax.BeginForm("CreateArticle","Home",new AjaxOptions(UpdateTargetId="content" })) {% <div><p><label for="body"></label> <%= Html.TextArea("body", new style="height:500px"})%></p> <input type="submit value="Save"/></div> <%}%> <script type="text/javas...

Drupal WYSIWYG removing &nbsp automatically

When pasting content from WORD a lot of the markup is being cleared up by using "Force cleanup on standard paste" using TinyMCE and WYSIWYG module. It seems however to leave in the following code: <p>&nbsp;</p> Is there any way so that I can filter this out? ...

TinyMCE not loading when using JQuery

I'm busy working on a project that has a main page, on that main page have a tabs, everytime I click on a tab it loads a page into a div tag with ID content. One of the pages I'm loading into the div tag contains a textarea where I need to have TinyMCE in working. I'm loading the pages into the div the following way using JQuery $('#...

TinyMCE in PHP whit sub.domain.com

Hello all i have this config file http://pastebin.org/85981 the problem is before i have change $mcImageManagerConfig['filesystem.rootpath'] from simplecms.info to cms.schemecloud.com its have no problems, but after i have change the domain its giving problem when i select the URL its only comming whit .com and not cms.schemecloud....

How to use TinyMCE custom button, with custom dialog, to add content?

TinyMCE editor lets you assign a custom button to it's editor toolbar. I did that and hooked it up to a Flickr account, so a custom dialog box appears with a selection of images. I want the user to be able to then click any image and have the URL of that image added to the original input, from where the custom TinyMCE button was clicke...

How do you set the focus of a TinyMCE textarea element?

I'm using TinyMCE for a textarea on a page but it doesn't play nice in the tabbing order of the other elements. I can use the following code to capture when I tab out of the first element: $('#title').live('keypress', function (e) { if(e.keyCode == 9) { alert('tabbed out'); } }); How can I set the focus to a TinyMCE edit...

Django: Problems embedding tinyMCE into my non-flatpage model

I got tinyMCE working for flat pages by copying the change_form.html file and embedding a script element. I followed the directions here but still have issues. I added this snippet to my Entry model: class Entry( models.Model ): class Admin: # various admin options are here js = ( '/tiny_mce/tiny_mc...

Can't Delete Image File while using TinyMCE

Hi i am using TinyMCE AND AsyncFileUpload AND an Update Panel After Uploading , i cannot delete the Images while Adding them to tinymce content because it is being used by another process. lock (this) { if (File.Exists(_FILE_HANDLER_)) { Fil...

add another tinymce editor panel in wordpress page edit

I need to add a second wysiwyg editor in wordpress page edit. Any hint? Thanks. ...

Dynamically adding TinyMCE-editor to textarea kills other instances

Hi, I have an html page with one or more textareas, each of which has a TinyMCE-editor (added to them by using tinyMCE.init({mode : "textareas", etc...});. At first they all work as they should, no problems. On the page is also a button that adds a new textarea to the page (using AJAX). In the handler of the AJAX call I append the respo...

Two or more tinymce editors.

I'm currently developing a plugin in which i need two tiny_mce editors on the same (post-new.php) page. Any hint? Please please please! Thanks. ...

tinyMCE not working in FF

I am trying to run the examples for tinyMCE editors. The examples work in IE and Chrome but do nothing in FF. I get an error in firebug saying the tinymce is not a function. I looked on their support page, don't see anyone else having the issue. I have not altered their code or embedded it into any of my own. Just trying to run their exa...

Django-tinymce not working; Getting a normal textarea instead

I'm trying to use django-tinymce to make fields that are editable through Django's admin with a TinyMCE field. I am using tinymce.models.HTMLField as the field for this. The problem is it's not working. I get a normal textarea. I check the HTML source, and it seems like all the code needed for TinyMCE is there. I also confirmed that the...

Using TinyMCE for sites with a dark background

I'm using django-tinymce in my Django website. Through the admin interface one can edit a SimplePage object which has a tinymce.models.HTMLField. The website visitor will then see the html rendered in the content area of the page. Problem is, the website itself has a dark background, and the TinyMCE textarea has a white one. By default ...