
TinyMCE popup windows not working in Django development server...

TinyMCE is working just fine, all except for the popup windows. They come up blank, and after a little bit of Google searching, apparently it has something to do with cross domain errors with Firefox and Django. I tried using document.domain, but I have a feeling that it doesn't work when you're using the Django development server (http:...

how to use Tinymce on zend framework ?

hi all i need to use Tinymce in my project on zend framework, but i dont know how to use of it ! anyone may help and give an example? thanks ...

Am I allowed to make a closed source plugin to tinyMCE?

tinyMCE itself is under LGPL but is it allowed/legal to make a closed source plugin for it to one of my projects? ...

tinyMCE autoresize problem

http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5765/45696158.jpg Having problem with tinyMCE's autoresize plugin... Is this correct behaviour or not? ...

How put a text in a <textarea> using TinyMCE and jQuery

Hi, I have a problem, maybe due to TinyMCE. I want to put a text in a markup with jQuery. This is my code : $(".page").change(function(){ tinyMCE.triggerSave(true, true); $(".description").val("my text"); }); Have you an answer to this ? ...

Editing the raw HTML inside a TinyMCE control

I have a Django website in which I use django-tinymce to edit HTML fields with a TinyMCE control. TinyMCE practically gives me a WYSIWYG way to edit HTML. My question is, can I get access to edit the underlying HTML directly? I was thinking, maybe there's some button I can enbale which will toggle between "WYSIWYG mode" and "raw html mo...

How to trigger TinyMCE iframe creation/init in drupal/jQuery site for moved/cloned iframe

I am working on a jQuery-based plugin as a drupal module that will tweak the comment form for a content type so that it appears inline on clicking certain content. When I try to clone() the comment form and append it to a hidden div so that I can access it later, the TinyMCE iframe does not come with the cloning, so I'm left with an empt...

django-tinymce: Using different options for different instances

I have a model with an HTMLField which can be edited with a TinyMCE control in the admin. However, I would like to be able to give different options to TinyMCE depending on which instance of the model is being edited. How can I do this? (For example, if the user is editing the SimplePage instance whose slug is technologies, I want TinyM...

WYSIWYG editor dissapears on validation error

Thanks to some great help on SO, I managed to get a WYSIWYG editor with Paperclip integration working for my app: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2277348/wysiwyg-image-uploads-in-rails-app I'm seeing some interesting behaviour where my WYSIWYG editor disappears if there is a validation error. The editor includes are defined in appli...

Display a custom tag within the TinyMce WYSIWYG view

I have a suite of custom tags in my application that abstract some of the common system tasks. I am using TinyMCE as my HTML editor, and want to be able to render my custom tag as an image in the editor when in the WYSIWYG view. Similar to TinyMCE's built-in behaviour for SWF files. Is there an easy way to do this in TinyMCE? UPDATE:...

Wysiwyg Tiny MCE, problem adding custom links

I am trying to see witch one i like best, Tiny MCE or CKEditor. The problem that i am getting is that i need to add a custom toolbar button (or extend the anchor button). Trying now to modify the advlink plugin to insert internal links from the CMS. So i modified the page link.htm and added one button next to the href field. This button ...

Tinymce popup dialog behavior

In Tinymce , I can set the behavior of popup dialog as inline or window and in case of inline we can make it as modal or normal dialog using dialog_type : "modal" in init function However ,this 'll affect all the dialog box . Can I set some dialog as inline and some as window popup in one tinymce instance ...

Using Magento 1.4's WYSIWYG editor on custom admin pages

Hi All Anyone know how to get the new 1.4 WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) working with custom admin pages? I have some modules I made that have input fields in the admin->system->config section, and I’d like to get the new editor to show on the textareas there, but I can't find where they are defined. ...

iBrowser plugin for TinyMCE: how to change IMG tag insert code

Hello, World! I've got iBrowser plugin and what i need is to change HTML code for the img tag when I click insert button. Actually i want to have the opportunity to insert alternative code (user could check a certain checkbox, or click another button, say "Insert link" next to "insert"). Now the code looks like this <img title="xxx" s...

tiny mce spell checker

does any know if tiny MCE support spell checking? ...

Why can't I get TinyMCE to work?

My URL is: http://www.metroflatsmiami.com/listing/add.html Any help? ...

Dynamically set TinyMCE file path for file browser and image viewier using PHP

I am using tincymce as the content editor and file manager in a PHP admin area. How can I change the file path dynamically so that I can use one instance of the editor for different organized functions? I can easily pass a variable to the tinymce.init configuration, but I am not aware of and can not find a configuration option for the f...

TinyMCE and URL Routing, TinyMCE Doesn't Init Correctly When In Route-Handled URL

I am using TinyMCE in my ASP.net Web Forms CMS application on IIS7 and am having trouble in my content folders that are managed using the URL routing feature of .net 3.5sp1. The root real default page of the application ("/default.aspx") works just fine; I have a custom toolbar and many settings defined for TinyMCE and it all works fant...

I want to implement TinyMCE in my Wordpress plugin. HOW??

Basically need the default Wordpress TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor where the user will enter some formatted text in my plugin. How do I integrate/implement TinyMCE in a simple HTML Wordpress form?? I'm using Wordpress v2.9! ...

tinymce force default settings for fontfamily and font-size

Hi, i'm trying to get the tinymce editor to force my fontfamily and fontsize, any ideas ? i'm not trying to change the defaults, i'm trying to force the user in using only that, but allowing him / her to paste from word documents. ...