
Tinymce Model Binding with ASP.NET MVC

Hello, Does anyone know how to auto-populate the tinymce editor from the ASP.NET MVC model? In other words, what code do I need to use to set the contents of tinymce? EDITED: My problem is that tinyMCE is hiding my textbox contents. It opens blank, even though if I view the source of the page in my browser, it shows the correct info (i...

TinyMCE - How to add a button that wraps selected text with a tag

I'm currently using TinyMCE and would like to add a custom button that works as follows: User highlights text in the text-editior User clicks the custom button X The text (dog walking) is wrapped with a tag (dog walking) Any ideas on if this can be done? I've figured out how to make a custom button inject text, but not wrap text... H...

Isolate the styles in TinyMCE?

Hi is there a way that the content entered via TinyMCE isn't affected by the site's css? I want it that way because I want to display the content exactly as the user has entered in the editor. Thanks in advance! ...

Can't load text from database inside Tiny MCE Editor

Hi all, I'm using the tiny mce editor in my website and I want to load some text from database in the text area that uses tinymce. The javascript configuration for the editor is the following: <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", editor_selector : "mceAdvanced", plugins ...


I'm getting some very strange behaviour with tinyMCE in an ASP.NET MVC 2 beta app (same happend with MVC 1). I have a view called "edit.aspx" that is called when the user tries to create or edit an entity. The view uses jquery to load tinyMCE where ever it finds textarea's. Here are my 2 action methods that both call the same "edit.asp...

django admin TinyMCE integration

This is weird: I have installed and configured django-tinymce, but it doesn't seem to work with django admin. this works fine with Safari: class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): formfield_overrides = { models.TextField: {'widget': TinyMCE(attrs={'cols': 80, 'rows': 20}, )}, } but i does not work within firefox. Just ...

tinymce and jquery

hi to all I am using tinymce and simple modal (jquery plugin). Initially, it was not worked (meaning I cannot type in the textarea) for the second or more opening modal dialog unless I refreshed the page. Now I changed my code and now I could type but the problem persist is the submit button doesn't work anymore. I tried to trace in fir...

TinyMCE Custom Button Press Question

I'm using TinyMCE and want to execute a php script get the output and post the output. I'm trying to insert my code with data pre-populated by a php script. Can someone help me with this. I'm a JavaScript novice.. This is my code to insert single instances without data. (The rest of the code is straight from the example on the docume...

tinyMCE and XUL

Has anyone used/integrated tinyMCE editor in a XUL App? I am getting the error - document.body is undefined. TIA ...

tiny mce not working properly in google chrome

I have four textareas in my form. TinyMce editor applies to only first textarea, remaining for textareas dont get editor in google chrome. It works fine in firefox instead. Please help!! ...

How to use Rich Text editor for an XUL application

I am trying to implement Rich text editor like http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/ for my XUL application. It looks like i can't user tinymce as some of its scripts is using the element "document.body" and firefox is not supporting it. Did any implement a rich text editor in XUL. Please let me know. ...

TinyMCE: Detecting onLeave()

I am trying to detect when the user has left the tinyMCE editor window but I am unable to do so. Here is the code that i think should work (but isnt): $('.mceEditor').blur(function(){ // I would expect this to fire when the user leaves the // tinyMCE editor, but it never seems to fire }); I've also tried: $('*') .not('.mc...

TinyMCE Spellchecker in Pylons

I've been trying to get the TinyMCE spellchecker working with my Pylons app. My first problem is actually capturing the post data in the first place. Firebug tells me that the following is being sent: {"id":"c0","method":"checkWords","params":["en",["Lorem","ipsum","dolor","sit","amet","consectetur","adipisicing","elit","sed","do","eius...

How to configure TinyMCE to use absolute paths

Hi, I am trying to configure TinyMCE to use absolute paths, but even though I've tried every trick in the documentation i cant seem to get it working. This is how i have my configuration: tinyMCE.init({ "theme": "advanced", "strict_loading_mode": 1, "mode": "exact", "language": "no", "spellchecker_languages": "+Nor...

How to blank out a field in an MVC app using TinyMCE

I've got an MVC app that gives the user textarea's to update some description fields. It's strongly-typed to a table object, and the fields are wrapped in a form with a Submit button. Occaisionally they don't want any data in a field, but when they delete the text and try to save, the blanked-out field comes back with its original text ...

WYSIWYG editor that doesn't modify HTML

I have a problem with FCKEditor and TinyMCE. I need a WYSIWYG editor that doesn't modify HTML when changing views (like fixing broken HTML etc.) I have tried different configuration parameters, but none of them turn off html modification entirely. Is there a WYSIWYG editor that doesn't modify HTML even when its broken? ...

TinyMCE Jquery - No default buttons, themes, how do i specify default paths?

This is driving me nuts!@#!@# I can load the tinyMce plugin for jquery just fine....but it looks for its own images/themes relative to the CURRENT URL. ex. tinymce tries to load http:/mysite/mycurrenturl/tiny_mce/whateverM when tinymce is located in http:/mysite/js/tiny_mce so for some reason i can not seem to find any documentation t...

tinymce in appengine patch ?

Does anyone know how to integrate tinymce in appengine patch ? ...

Need to autosave TinyMCE

Hello, I am looking for some help autosaving tinyMCE. I want to save the content within tiny into its respective textarea after content has been updated. So that when I make an ajax call the content is in the textarea ready to be posted. Currently I have this little bit of code but it only updates the text area when you press a butto...

how to capture tinymce event when and element is deleted.

Hi guys... I want to capture tinymce elements event, when an element is deleted from the contents of tinymce, moreover when the text inside an element changes, it should fire some event... I have read the documentation at wiki, but it hardly give any useful solution. If any body have some suggestion please feel free to share... thanks....