
How to create a resizeable TinyMCE textarea?

I have a Django form using textareas and TinyMCE for text entry. I would like to add a slider to change the vertical size of the textarea, like SO has them so nicely. How can this be done? ...

Doubt about TinyMCE content css

Hi everyone. I am facing a problem with tinyMCE. I am giving a functionality on admin side of my website, where admin can edit the content of pages. I have provided them with the tinyMCE for that purpose. Suppose they are editing Page 'page1'. They will provide its content in tinyMCE, and save it. When somebody is visiting that Pag...

tinyMCE : dynamic variables in the source view

Is it possible to use dynamic variables in tinyMCE? Here's the use case I have in mind: User adds an image in source view like this <img src="{imagepath}/logo.gif" /> or one is added programmatically using setContent(). User switches to design view - {imagepath} is expanded to http://someserver.com/ and the image is correctly shown wi...

Could not load file or assembly 'Moxiecode.TinyMCE' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

We keep getting this bug intermittently and recycling the app pool fixes it for sometime but then it comes back again. Has someone narrowed down the cause for this issue and found a permanent fix? Also this happens only on production machines and not on dev or staging. The web config has both entries as shown below: <configSections> ...

TinyMce api plugin editing problem

Hi! I tried to edit the tinymce insertLayer plugin like "onclick of textarea of tinymce editor it opens a layer & user can enter text only on there." i can get the mouse click position and able to create the layer on that particular position but problem is default it is not getting focus. can any one help me that how can I put focus aft...

TinyMCE in Internet Explorer does not load

My TinyMCE init looks like this: var tinymce_advanced_options = { mode : "textareas", theme : "advanced", editor_deselector : "mceNoEditor", theme_advanced_resizing_min_width : 500, theme_advanced_resizing_max_width : 800, plugins : "autoresize,paste,preview,safari,table,contextmenu,pa...

TinyMCE/JCE on a split-site Joomla

Dear All I have split a Joomla installation across two servers (one for dynamic content, one for static) and I'm having trouble with the wysiwyg editor TinyMCE/JCE. Can anyone offer any guidance? Some details: I am working on a social-networking site based on Joomla. I have split the content over two servers, and edited configuratio...

Get tinyMce mode to activate on a new textbox inserted by AJAX (in Rails)

I have a nested attribute (speeches) under a model Speaker and I'm using tinyMce to let a speaker fill out a profile form where they might have one or more speeches they give. I'm using the Rails 2.3 nested attributes helpers as used in Ryan Bates's complex-form-example github account. The tinyMce functionality is great for a "Speech" ...

How to click TinyMCE toolbar's button programmatically ?

I want to make preview button as usual form button next to submit button(as it made in most cases of "Post new topic" forms). How can I programmatically simulate toolbar's preview button click ? I tried $('#article_body_preview').click() but it didn't work. (I use jQuery lib and #article_body_preview is toolbar's preview button elemen...

Symfony TinyMCE Widget sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE will show code at the end

Hi folks ! I'm working on my first symfony project (it's great !), i am using the sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE widget for a form in the backend (to display the WYSIWYG). It works fine, but at the frontend, instead of showing me the formated text, i have the strong,p,... tags in the text. Same if i paste a youtube code for example. Does...

Javascript: Workaround needed: Internet Explorer changes link text when changing the href

Hello all, I have a problem as follows: We're using a rich text editor (TinyMCE, but that's not important here, I think) in our application. Now, with Internet Explorer 8, we've noticed that if you type in content that looks like a web address: www.google.com ...IE helpfully converts it to a link by some native-to-browser function...

My admin panel and upload

I have written an admin panel for my site (im beginner in php). In content.php I have insert tinyMCE editor. I want to upload images from editor. What is the best way to do this. (not very familiar with javascript) Thanks in advance ...

How to automatic resize tinyMCE?

I have a TinyMCE that is set over a TextArea, and I want this editor area to ocuppy all the space of its parent div, all times. I have a JS function that get the current space and set the textarea.style.height to it, but when I enables TinyMCE it seems to stop working. Also, the textarea has width: 100%; it doesn't resize by HTML rende...

TinyMCE - adding an ON/OFF toggle switch

Hi All I'm using TinyMCE on the text-areas in my Magento admin section. I have my TinyMCE editor visible form the start, but I want the option to disable/re-enable it. I'm using the jQuery plugin version, so I added some script, which is almost working. However, it's only affecting the first instance of TinyMCE - if there are any other...

tinyMCE problem with jQuery load

I have a DIV and a Load button on my page and when I click in Load button the jQuery loads a HTML from another file, this HTML file have texteareas and start tinymce. Ex: <script language="Javascript"> function loadForm() { $("#myContent").load("HTMLFile"); } function goback() { $("#myContent").load("Another HTML File Without...

jwplayer and tinymce

I would like to get jw player to play nicely with tinymce. Currently, tinymce just strips the embed code out, or converts it to ... which breaks it. first aim is to even allow the jw player code a nice-to-have would be a button to add the code through the interface. any help much appreciated ...

How to dynamically load & unload a TinyMCE Plugin

Does anyone know if there is a way I can dynamically load and unload a TinyMCE plugin after TinyMCE has already been loaded? Specifically, I'm thinking about asking the user whether or not they wish to load the fullpage plugin using perhaps a radio button or something above TinyMCE: <input type="radio" name="fullpage" value="enabled" /...

How to integrate TinyMCE is Struts application

Can some one please explain how to do integrate TinyMCE in Struts application? 1.I have downloaded the tinyMCE 2.I added tiny_mce.js in my java script folder. 3. In my jsp , I added this line < SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="jsp/js/tiny_mce.js"> I have just one text area named "contactComments" I still don't see rich text box. ...

Help with rails and tinyMce

I have been using tinyMce_hammer plugin to use tinymce in my rails app... but right now I also want a way for my users to upload photos and insert them into their wysiwyg editor.... is there a simple way to get this done??.. is there any other wysiwyg editor that works with rails and comes with this feature built in??... what do you recc...

Disable TinyMCE toolbar button with JavaScript

This is the exact case: How to disable the italic button in TinyMCE's toolbar, when user has selected h1-style from the Styles-dropdown? ...