
How do I get the icons of TinyMCE to show?

I installed TinyMCE and I have the textbox and the functions work(such as , ) but I don't see the tool box that displays all the icons. Like in this example. How do I get the images to show? All I have is the textbox. I used the code from the example link and theirs has the images and all I have is the textbox. What part do I edit to be...

TinyMCE Hide the bar

hello, i use tinymce and i want to hide the bar ...

TinyMCE client validation problem

Hi, I have problem with TinyMCE editor. I have form with few text fields and textarea (tinymce), and enabled client validation. When I click save button validation occures on all text fields, but it takes 2 click to validate tinymce content. Furthermore, validation shows message only when field is empty, or if condition is not satisfied ...

ibrowser and tinymce: nothing happens when ibrowser icon is clicked

I have installed ibrowser plugin. Do every thing in here and here Addin javascript as below: <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ theme : "advanced", mode : "textareas", plugins : "ibrowser", theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "ibrowser" }); function toggleEditor(id) { if (!tinyMCE.get(id)) tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddContr...

TinyMCE converts &lt;xxx&gt; into <xxx></xxx> - how do I stop it?

I can successfully save the characters < and >. I do this with these options: entities : """ cleanup : false verify_html : false So far no problems. However, whenever I put anything between that text it gets converted into a tag: &lt;xxx&gt; converts to <xxx></xxx> How do I stop that?I am trying to enter sample HTML into TinyM...

asset_packing tiny_mce files

I use inplacericheditor plugin and tiny_mce Before asset_packager usage, this is how I include the files and they work well <script src="/javascripts/patch_inplaceeditor_1-8-2.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script src="/javascripts/patch_inplaceeditor_editonblank_1-8-2.js" type="text/javascript" </script> <script src="/jav...

How to overwrite language labels in TinyMCE

I'd like to change language labels used in TinyMCE. E.g. "Überschrift 2" -> "Überschrift". Im using the jQuery plugins version of TinyMCE. Is there a way to overwrite those labels without editing the label files? ...

Convert PHP entities like &ndash; or &scaron; to their applicable characters

Hello, is there a way how to convert HTML entities to their applicable characters. Something similar to html_entity_decode()? I'm trying to make ordinary text without HTML entities from TinyMCE output. ...

Autogrowing TinyMCE

Is there a way to have autogrowing TinyMCE editors? I want the height of the editor to depent on the content and to grow while typing. I tried some solutions I found while googling, but none of them worked. I'm using the jQuery version of TinyMCE ...

Tinymce extended_valid_elements for BBcodes?

I use Tinymce with BBcodes plugin so the tags used in the editor are [B] [U] [I] [quote] [color]. If you are familiar with TinyMce there is a great option to filter all unwanted tags when pasting to the editor. Unfortunately i think this is not working for BBcodes mode, what i want is to remove any <TAGS> Or Other Unwanted BBcodes such...

How to destroy tinymce completely?

I am working on something like this: On a webpage, there is an article wrapped in a DIV, an Edit button. When a user click on the Edit button, insert an textarea via javascript, load the html of the DIV into the textarea, load and initial tinymce. When the user click on the Save button, save and update the article via ajax, and destroy ...

Tiny MCE - set full-screen when editor is loaded?

I use tiny_mce as word-like editor in textareas that are in iframes. I want to use whole iframe space. TinyMCE has a fullscreen button, but I need to set full-screen mode automatically when plugin has loaded. Is there a function/trigger to call this mode (or the button)? Thanks for help. ...

TinyMCE just shows regular arrow cursor when I mouse over it, how do I make it show the text input cursor?

Tiny MCE just shows regular arrow cursor when I mouse over it, how do I make it show the text input cursor? ...

How do I refresh TinyMCE for the code that I add with JavaScript

Hi, I need to insert code for flash to TinyMCE with JavaScript. If I insert the same code using HTML menu of TinyMCE, it automatically add flash icon to the editor. But if I insert the code using JavaScript, the actual code is inserted but it shows nothing on the screen. One trick I found is toggle TinyMCE to normal textarea and back ...

How to get the current item from MouseEvent in Javascript/TinyMCE when its being dragged?

I'm using TinyMCE which is on designMode = 'on', i have a disabled area where i dont want my user to drag/drop something on that area. I could disable the drop by listening to the mouseEvent.target and cancelling the event, on the drag however i dont know how to get the current item that i being dragged, i looked at originalTarget but se...

TinyMce - automatically setting a template

I am using jQuery version of TinyMce with enabled template plugin. Is there a way to apply a template automatically without having to click on template button and choosing one. Thanks. ...

TinyMCE is modifying the XHTML 1.0 Strict HTML I input. How can I stop it?

The code I want to have saved through TinyMCE is as follows: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="90" id="homepage-banner"> <param name="movie" value="/images/header.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-fl...

How to make tinymce paste in plain text by default

Googled it thousands of times, No one gives a complete solution of how to make Tinymce paste in plain text by default and strip out any formatting without clicking the "paste as text" button. Any Ideas of how to implement that? or how to enable the "paste as text" button automatically? Thank you ...

TinyMCE - How do I have the buttons be left aligned, but have one button be right aligned?

TinyMCE - How do I have the buttons be left aligned, but have one button be right aligned? I want just one button to be in the right hand corner of the tinymce menu. ...

rich:editor ruins html?

Hi, Strange behaviour. I use rich:editor with these attributes: (Irrelevant data removed) HtmlEditor editor = new HtmlEditor(); editor.setValueExpression("value", ve); editor.setTheme("advanced"); editor.setValueExpression("viewMode", viewModeValueExpression); panel.getChildren().add(editor); Now my proble...