
add tinymce to wordpress plugin

hi, is there a way to add tinymce into my own wordpress plugin? i've got a textarea in my backend script and want to make this area into a tinymce wysiwyg editable field. is there a way to do that? edit <?php wp_tiny_mce(false,array("editor_selector" => "test")); ?> <textarea class="test" id="test" name="test"></textarea> doe...

Drag and drop issues in TinyMCE

I'm trying to let users visually move around component placeholders inside a TinyMCE editor, however I can only seem to get drag and drop working with divs in Internet Explorer. Even dragging simple text around seems buggy in Firefox and Chrome. Any way of getting this done somehow? I've tried finding a plugin or something but no luck s...

Firefox adds <br> when paste from Word in TinyMCE

I'm currently using TinyMCE 3.3 on a drupal site, with an annoying problem. Using both "paste from word"-button or "Force cleanup on paste" in Firefox cause TinyMCE to insert line-breaks in my paragraphs where the line would have ended in Word. In IE, I do not have this problem. When viewing the source code in the editor, it doesn't ...

How to change tinymce scrollbar color ?

I changed my css in /tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/content.css scrollbar-base-color: #32332E; scrollbar-arrow-color: #32332E; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #3F423B; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #92968A; scrollbar-face-color: #0A0909; scrollbar-highlight-color: #1C1B1A; scrollbar-shadow-color: #2B2A23; ...

Increase the width of ListBox in tinyMCE

How do we increase the width of a listbox in tinyMCE? Grateful for any help on this!!! ...

Strip text of all formatting on paste

I have an application that allows the user to create an article. The problem arises when the user pastes from something like Word which comes loaded with a bunch of markup. I'm using a jQuery editor called tiny_mce which allows the markup. I do a htmlencode and decode obviously but it means that i carry a huge payload of markup. Is t...

Why does TinyMCE in Django admin output HTML tags?

I have two apps using the same TinyMCE textarea configurations. However, while an input in an app does output the text properly, the same input in another app does not output the text properly -it outputs the <p> <li> tags, etc. I have exactly the same Django source code for these two different apps. As I mentioned above, two apps using...

Crossdomain TinyMCE

Hi, folling this discussion and this link, I learnt that by adding document.domain = 'mydomain.com'; to the tinyMCE initializer file and tiny_mce_popup.js i can overcome the cross domain problem. I haven't tested it on a proper production server, but in my dev environment the base domain is localhost:8000 and my static files (also tiny...

Tinymce.init interferes with windows authentication

I am retrofitting an intranet application to uses integrated windows authentication. The application is built in asp classic/vbscript. The application authenticates users by obtaining their username from the Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") method, and checking the name against a list of registered users in a MSSQL database. This ...

Tinymce print issue with application server

Hi, I have incorporated tinymce into my application. When i execute the jsp standalone, the print size seem consistent to what it should be i.e. 12Pt comes out as 12pt. Whereas when i run the same jsp from oracle developer using oracle application server 12pt comes out to be more like 8pt. Any thoughts. Please share any pointers. Th...

tiny mce sql error when adding links

I am using tiny mce with a script I built for uploading some content to a blog like system. Whenever I add a link via tiny mce I get this error. The field type in mysql for $content which is the one carrying the link is longblob if that helps. here is the link error first and then my code You have an error in your SQL syntax; chec...

Posting New html from TINYMCE

Seems like a simple problem, I have a form and when someone needs to edit data, the textarea that is controlled by TINYMCE loads the values, but when I change it and submit the form, the new changes are not being posted. What am I doing wrong? UPDATE How do I do it via this, or do it say on click in the editor. I am using jquery valid...

Codeigniter Smiley Helper JS error

Hi. Want to use the codeigniters smiley pack . I am creating the messaging window with this code in controller I use the code from Documentation $this->load->helper('smiley'); $this->load->library('table'); $image_array = get_clickable_smileys('/files/smileys/', 'fieldMessage'); $col_array = $this->table->make_columns...

How to get TinyMCE and Jquery validate to work together?

Hi I am using jquery validate and the jquery version of tinymce. I found this piece of code that makes tinymce to validate itself every time something changes in it. Hi I am using the jquery validate with my jquery tinymce so I have this in my code // update validation status on change onchange_callback: function (editor) ...

TinyMCE: Looking for line count solution.

I am looking for a plugin or code with a functionality like the "line count" or "line number" in common editors. The line number usually is shown on the left border of the editors content. Anyone got an idea how to do it with TinyMCE? Example: line number | content line number one number two 3. one line skipped (three is empty) 5. co...

IE8 Crashes Strangely on JavaScript Popup

Hi, I am facing a strange issue after the popup is created onclick. The popup opens up but hangs immediately on IE8 (works fine on all the other browsers including IE6). But on adding the alertbox as show in the JavaScript code, the popup works fine. I am using **https** and not **http** and i feel popup is not able to load the JS f...

Django Tiny_MCE and FileBrowser leading ../../../

Hi Im using Filebrowser for Django and also TinyMCE. I include TinyMCE in my admin text area editor by adding a admin template to folder media in my templates with filename base_site.html Now when I add a image with filebrowser, tiny_mce adds a leading ../../../../ before /media/uploads/etc/image.jpg Any ideas why? I guess its some URL...

Richfaces - <rich:Editor> inside jQuery ui dialog

I use a <rich:editor> inside a JQuery UI dialog: <div id="helpDialog" style="display: none" title="#{messages.help}"> <rich:editor id="helpTextArea" theme="advanced" value="#{helpUtils.test(helpId)}"> <f:param name="theme_advanced_buttons1" value="bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright...

JavaScript source file not loading in IE8 Popup

I have an issue where the JavaScript source file is loading in popup for IE6, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. But the same source file is not loading up in IE8. As a result of this the HTML is not being replaced in the Popup and I am getting an error in IE8 popup saying tinyMCE is not defined I have referred to http://stackoverflow....

Multiple TinyMCE editors, but only one toolbar?

Hello there. I've looked around the forum, but cannot seem to find a definite answer to this problem... I'm using jQuery and TinyMCE on our website. I've gone through the docs of TinyMCE, but am still getting lost I'm afraid. We're doing an interface that requires edit-in-place in multiple places in the page. The only thing is, each of ...