
TinyMCE issue where all text is getting centered if user centers top line

I have a website where i embed tiny mce to allow the users to edit the main content on the site. The issue is that if a users highlights the top row and clicks center button, the text alignment for the entire document (multiple paragraphs) all get centered. has anyone seen this or have any suggestions? ...

What's the best way to set cursor/caret position?

If I'm inserting content into a textarea that TinyMCE has co-opted, what's the best way to set the position of the cursor/caret? I'm using tinyMCE.execCommand("mceInsertRawHTML", false, content); to insert the content, and I'd like set the cursor position to the end of the content. Both document.selection and myField.selectionStart won...

tinymce and importing / copy paste from microsoft word

i am struggling to get an accurate answer on this questions on whether tinymce supports pasting from microsoft word. i guess there may be a lot of out of date information on the web on this topic as i have seen answers such as: There is a plugin you can install to get it to work You have to use a seperate "paste from word" button as o...

How do you configure TinyMCE so that it doesnt display BB code?

Hi! I'm having trouble with Tiny MCE 3.2.5. Im using Drupal 6.1.13 and for someone reason when i come to use TinyWYISYG editor, and alter the text to different fonts it always displays it in BB code. I've tried just using HTML source code, but I still get the same problem. Tried unchecking the boxes on the profile settings so that it do...

using compressor with tinymce

reviewing the code example on this page, it seem like the example is initializing both twice http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Compressor/ASPX Example of initialization The example below will pack both themes and all plugins into one file/steam. Remove the things you don't need or add you custom plugins to the settings below...

how do i find out what version of tinymce i am running

how do i find out what version of tinymce i am running ...

Modx TinyMCE HTML formatting

I'm currently building a site that allows previewing photos and videos using Shadowbox. I'm also using the jQuery Tools Scrollable tool to allows the thumbnails to be scrolled. I'm using ModX as the CMS. I want whoever edits the page to be able to use TinyMCE as the editor, this has been OK for the photos but for the videos I want a d...

TinyMCE - Can't get CODE option in Format Menu to do anything

TinyMCE docs have this example for setting up the format menu. Most of these options (h1, h2...blockquote, etc) are working for me, but for some reason, selecting the CODE option from the drop down menu does nothing. Whereas selecting BLOCKQUOTE does what you'd expect, wraps the blockquote tag around the selected text. Anyone know how ...

tinymce not working with chrome when i dynamically setcontent

I have a site that i put: <body onload="ajaxLoad()" > I have a javascript function that then shove data from my db into the text editor by using the setContent method in javascript of the textarea. seems fine in firefox and IE but in chrome sometimes nothing shows up. no error, just blank editor in the body section: <textarea id...

Internet Explorer and Tinymce error

It's working with Firefox, but I have a problem with Javascript tinymce in Internet Explorer. You can see it here: http://kameleo2.bluesys.ch/fr/produits.html by clicking on the "Mode édition" button and selecting one of the paragraphs. Can you tell me what the js error means, and maybe where it comes from or what causes it? ...

Active JavaScript(jQuery) inside TinyMCE iframe window

It has been hours already trying to find out if jQuery (or any javascript) can actually work inside the TinyMCE editor as it's the most powerful and customizable utility in its class. Search by search i understood what's the deal with .tinymce({ cleanup: false, extended_valid_elements: 'script[type|src]' }); but instead of CDATA sections...

tinyMCE: tinymce.dom.Selection Events

Does someone used tinymce.dom.Selection class in tinyMCE? I'm unsuccessfully trying to apply a function to dom.Selection.onBeforeSetContent or onSetContent. The documentation shows the following syntax: event_callback(<tinymce.dom.Selection> ed, <Object> o) There's no neat example of its implementation. I'm in a hurry and tend to give...

How to get TinyMCE popup to work on Django where "static" and "dymanic" pages are served from different domains?

I'm having a problem with TinyMCE and Django. I'm using the TinyMCE module for basic Form field support. The problem comes when TinyMCE wants to use a popup: In my development environment, static pages are served from static.wdw.ms.local:8888 and Django pages are served from wdw.ms.local:8000 (In production, the .local:XXXX is dropp...

TinyMCE writes terrible HTML!

I've currently got TinyMCE incorporated into the backend editor of a simple blogging/page-editing app, but I'm extremely unhappy with the HTML code it creates. It does all sorts of messy things like: Adding inline style information to span tags that you can't ever find to get rid of without editing the HTML directly. Nesting tags in no...

TinyMCE file upload, generic syntax error.

When using TinyMCE's "Ajax File Manager" plugin file upload, I get the following error when I hit the upload button: "Syntax error: missing ; before statement" Everything else seems to be working okay. Any ideas? (Permission settings somewhere maybe?) image: http://www.oddrealm.com/ebay/tinymce.jpg EDIT: Here's some more info: If the...

Why does TinyMCE insert <span> </span> between (django) {% %} tags?

My application features a CMS for editing Django templates. Whenever I type something like {% sometag %} TinyMCE will actually store {%<span>sometag</span>%} Is there any way to prevent TinyMCE from doing this? ...

TinyMCE: Double forecolor and backcolor buttons?

I'm having a problem using TinyMCE. In IE8, the forecolor and backcolor, for some random reason, is displayed twice. See picture below. Source code (I add the forecolor and backcolor in theme_advanced_buttons2): tinyMCE.init({ mode : "exact", elements : "<%= editArea.ClientID %>", custom_shortcuts : false, language : "en", relative...

TinyMCE + Wrapping code snippets

Is there a tinymce plugin that wraps text within the tag? Something similar to the formatting option from the WYSIWYG of SO ...

Javascript: I have a custom right-click menu but still want the spellcheck!

I wrote a custom right-click menu thing for my website. Firefox automatically does spellchecking and underlines mis-spelled words. However I can no longer right click on these words because I have a custom right-click menu... Does anyone know if its possible to have code like: if(needsSpellcheck) { //use firefox menu } else { //us...

Background template in TinyMCE

Just wondering if it is possiable to have a website in the background of tinyMCE? The effect I am after is so the user can see the whole website when editing a page, but can only edit text in a specified area of the site design. ...