
Alternative uses for makefiles

A makefile is typically used for source compilation; however, as a dependency mechanism, make can have many more uses. For a minor example, I have a script that runs daily, and it might update or create some '*.csv.gz' files in a directory based on some web-scraping; all the gzipped files need to be consolidated into one file, and if th...

css hacks (tricks)

sometimes when i see a website i like or sites from respected people, I see the source codes and try to understand them (as we all do) on Jeremy Keiths site he uses the following code: [role="navigation"] a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } I have never seen this before, and few other times i see code (which is considered...

Tips for an iOS developer to learn Mac programming?

As Apple announces the Mac App Store, I'm going to learn Mac programming. I am typically one of those who read the Beginning iPhone 3 Development book before the Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X book. The reason I bought a MacBook was due to the fact that Xcode runs only on OS X. So, what's your tips for an existing iOS programmer who is a...

How it will be if we can use PDO with CodeIgniter?

PDO for SQLite3 is done already. Have you got any way to use PDO with CodeIgniter for other Databases? How did Codeigniter skip PDO for other databese-servers, I dont get it. Expect you may know better and can pick us up. EDITED: Any tricks/way to build our own PDO class is highly appreciable. ...