
Visual Studio C# intellisense : How to automatically insert parenthesis after method names?

How to make Visual Studio to insert parenthesis automatically after method names in C#? ...

iPhone performance optimization best practices

I was looking for a book, text, post or something talking about iPhone optimization but I couldn't find anything except for Apple documentation. I think it would be great to talk about which are the common steps you do when optimizing your apps performance. I'm now trying to improve my app memory usage and I've figured out it is really ...

How to learn advanced C debugger usage?

Hello, How to learn advanced debugging techniques? I am a C/Unix programmer, and as such rely on a good C debugger. I know Sun^WOracle mdb on Solaris, GNU gdb on Linux. I feel comfortable setting breakpoints, examining memory structures and such. Yet, I know that those tools are way more powerful than that. Macros, custom walkers and ...

speed up Eclipse on OSX

Trying to work with Eclipse for Android (ADT plugin) development at my iMac (2.4Ghz, 4Gb RAM) and it's very slow (Eclipse Galileo SR2 x64). I know about eclipse.ini tricks and make some changes like: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC And use Java...

Resource for Refactoring tips geared towards JavaScript

Hi all, I'd like to start a discussion on the best resources for refactoring tips, with an eye towards Front-End JavaScript refactoring. A friend whose opinion I respect suggests this book, though it uses examples in Java. I understand that the principles of OO refactoring should translate to another language. Let's talk about refactor...

TextMate tips for Rails Development

Working on Rails code for a bit has started me on the spiral into obsessively customising my dev environment (I say obsessive as at the last Rails meetup I went to there was some guy who was raving about shaving milliseconds off each line of code and therefore upto half an hour a day... I hope I don't become that guy...) I spend most of...

Can I use SQL to update multiple rows with multiple values from another table?

I've got a one to many table with ids and traits for those users. I want to copy one user's settings to another. userid trait onoff ------ ----- ----- 1 1 on 1 2 on 1 3 on 1 4 on 2 1 off 2 2 off 2 3 off 2 ...

High performance web (-services) applications

Hi, I'd like to become a guru in high performance (100k and more views/requests) web & web-services applications. What technologies/patterns/skills do you reccomend to look at? Basically, I have good skills at ASP.NET/.NET based web development, but I'd like to know how big things are built (on any platform, not depending on .net technol...

Expanding collapsed code in Eclipse IDE

Instead of going through each (+) sign at the left and clicking them to expand the collapsed code snippets, is there a shortcut or menu item (I couldn't find it, VS has that) to expand all the collapsed code/comments at once? Thanks. ...

Wpf: Tips for better performance

I am working on a wpf application. In which I am working with a TreeView, each node represents different datatypes, these datatypes are having properties defined and using data template to show their properties. My application reads from xml and create tree accordingly. My problem is that when I load it, it is too slow, I want to know ab...

How to automatically fix MISSING reference in a dll when a referenced library is broken in VB6?

What do you do when you break compatibility on a common library used by many other libraries on your development machine? What i usually do is: For every dll that reference the broken one Checkout dll Checkout vbp project Open vpb project with VB6 Ide Click on References button Uncheck MISSING reference and OK Click on Reference...

Advice welcomed on creating my own Swing component

Recently I asked which was the best Swing component to bind to a BigDecimal variable (with some particular editing properties). It turns out that none of the standard Swing components suit me completely, nor did the third-party Swing component libraries I've found out there. So I’ve decided to create my own Swing component. Component de...

Hidden Features IntelliJ IDEA

Just another Hidden features and tips and tricks WIKI. After seeing the hidden features of eclipse, java, spring framework I thought we need to have a list of the features, TIPS for IntelliJ too which is the best and the Intelligent IDE available for java. ...

What is the most efficient way to run programs in Emacs after M-x compile 'ing.

I have started using M-x compile to compile programs in say, C. What is the most efficient way to run the executable e.g. a.out. At the moment I'm using M-! ./a.out. Basically, what is the best code-compile-run procedure to follow? Almost all the tutorials mention how compilation is done, but I haven't seen one which addressed this iss...

How to find a checksum of the same checksum? (job-interview question)

Devise a simple algorithm which creates a file which contains nothing but its own checksum. Let's say it is CRC-32, so this file must be 4 bytes long. ...

The Coolest Parts of Windows API

I have noticed that there are quite a few community wikis about "Tips & Tricks" or "Hidden Features" in programming languages and APIs here at Stack Overflow. But I could not find any about my own personal favourites: Win32 API and Delphi. Therefore I start my "own" CW about Win32 API. There are (at least) two kinds of Win API users: th...

How does the vim "write with sudo" trick work?

Many of you have probably seen the command that allows you to write on a file that needs root permission, even when you forgot to open vim with sudo: :w !sudo tee % The thing is that I don't get what is exactly happening here. I have already figured this: w is for this *:w_c* *...

Recognizing when to use the mod operator

I have a quick question about the mod operator. I know what it does; it calculates the remainder of a division. My question is, how can I identify a situation where I would need to use the mod operator? I know I can use the mod operator to see whether a number is even or odd and prime or composite, but that's about it. I don't often thin...

Tips and tricks for test-first development.

Just read this blog post - Help! I’m Terrible At Migrating/Restructuring Code In A Test-First Manner. I've had similar experiences, and thought I'd try an open it up to the wider community ... ...

Things in .NET Framework 4 that every programmer should know

I recently moved to Visual Studio 2010 and upgraded my website to work with .NET Framework 4. (From VS 2008 - Framework 3.5) What are things I need to know to improve site speed, readability or memory use? ...