
is Tkinter worth learning?

I generally make my desktop interfaces with Qt, but some recent TK screenshots convince me Tk isn't just ugly motif any more. Additionally Tkinter comes bundled with Python, which makes distribution easier. So is it worth learning or should I stick with Qt? ...

Using Tkinter in python to edit the title bar

I am trying to add a custom title to a window but I am having troubles with it. I know my code isn't right but when I run it, it creates 2 windows instead, one with just the title tk and another bigger window with "Simple Prog". How do I make it so that the tk window has the title "Simple Prog" instead of having a new additional window. ...

Code a timer in a python GUI in TKinter

I need to code a program with GUI in python (I'm thinking of using TKinter, 'cause it's easy, but I'm open to suggestions). My major problem is that I don't know how to code a timer (like a clock... like 00:00:00,00 hh:mm:ss,00 ) I need it to update it self (that's what I don't know how to do) ...

Ubuntu System Tray in Python

How do I put a program in the system tray (I don't think it's called like that in Linux) in python TKINTER for UBUNTU 9.04. ...

Difference between wxwidgets and tkinter , non syntax wise and which one is better to use?

i am reading this tutorial which is helping me learn both tkinter and wxwidgets parallely , but i want to dig deep , so would like to know which GUI tool is better to learn in depth and why? ...

a log in window in Tkinter .

i am trying to code a login window in tkinter , but not able to hide the password text in asterisk format , which means the password entry is plain text , which has to be avoided . Any idea how to do it? ...

Error while posting a Twitter message through a python app

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import Tkinter import twitter class simpleapp_tk(Tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self,parent): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self,parent) self.parent = parent self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.grid() api=twitter.api()(username='-----',password='---...

Problem with Tk and Ping in Python

I'm not being able to make this line work with Tk import os while(1): ping = os.popen('ping -n 1') result = ping.readlines() msLine = result[-1].strip() print msLine.split(' = ')[-1] I'm trying to create a label and text = msLine.split... but everything freezes ...

As a newbie, where should I go if I want to create a small GUI program?

Hello, I'm a newbie with a little experience writing in BASIC, Python and, of all things, a smidgeon of assembler (as part of a videogame ROM hack). I wanted to create small tool for modifying the hex values at particular points, in a particular file, that would have a GUI interface. What I'm looking for is the ability to create small ...

Problem running python/matplotlib in background after ending ssh session.

Hi there, I have to VPN and then ssh from home to my work server and want to run a python script in the background, then log out of the ssh session. My script makes several histogram plots using matplotlib, and as long as I keep the connection open everything is fine, but if I log out I keep getting an error message in the log file I cre...

python gui events out of order

from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import * class Gui: def __init__(self, root): self.container = Frame(root) self.container.grid() self.inputText = Text(self.container, width=50, height=8) self.outputText = Text(self.container, width=50, height=8, bg='#E0E0E0', state=DISABLED) self.inputText.grid(row=0, column=0) self...

How to stop Python program execution in IDLE

I have a python script that uses as it's last instruction. When it runs, IDLE just hangs after the last instruction. I get the image but I don't get the prompt back. On other scripts I typically use ctrl-c to break the program (sometimes doesn't work immediately) but how do I get the prompt back with the Ctrl-c do...

python, tkinter,canvas - how to check if two object are overlapping?

Hi guys, Say I have objects within the canvas with a tags 'stopped' and 'flying'. How do I check if any of this objects overlap each other? Thanks! ...

Problems with tk85.dll when shutting down an application that embeds the Python interpreter.

My C++ application embeds the Python interpreter, but seems to be having some trouble when it shuts down. Right after the main window closes, I get a segmentation fault (this is Windows, but we'll call it a segmentation fault anyway). The stack trace is below: #0 102AD580 tk85!Tk_MainWindow() (C:\Users\... 1.3\bin\Debug\lib\tk85.dll:??)...

Python TKinter connect variable to entry widget

Hi everyone, I'm trying to associate a variable with a Tkinter entry widget, in a way that: Whenever I change the value (the "content") of the entry, mainly by typing something into it, the variable automatically gets assigned the value of what I've typed. Without me having to push a button "Update value " or something like that first...

How do I make a dialog box that waits for user response?

When you tkSimpleDialog.askinteger, the program stalls and waits for user input. What are the basics of writing my own method that would have the same effect? I want to make the same kind of dialog box, I just want to be able to request more information. The problem that I'm having is that when I open the new window using Tk.Toplevel, t...

python - tkinter - update label from variable

I wrote a python script that does some stuff to generate and then keep changing some text stored as a string variable. This works, and I can print the string each time it gets changed. Problems have arisen while trying to display that output in a GUI (just as a basic label) using tkinter. I can get the label to display the string for t...

Installation of Tkinter

Where can I download this programm? ...

Python Tkinter comparing PhotoImage objects

In a simple LightsOut game, when I click on a light I need to toggle the image on a button. I'm doing this with Tkinter, so I thought I'd just check and see what image is currently on the button (either 'on.gif' or 'off.gif') and set it to the other one, like this: def click(self,x,y): if self.buttons[x][y].image == self.on: ...

Python Tkinter - Edit external object within event handler?

Hey all, As the title says, I'm grabbing the cursor location within a motion triggered event handler in Tkinter. I'd like to update an existing label widget with the location, however I cannot for the life of me figure out how to edit the label's text field (or any external object for that matter) within the event handler. From what I u...