
Making a Toggle Button with an image in Tkinter.

I know how to make an image a button in Tkinter, now how do I make th image a toggle button similar to a radio button? ...

jQuery toggle CSS?

I want to toggle between CSS so when a user clicks the button (#user_button) it shows the menu (#user_options) and changes the CSS, and when the user clicks it again it goes back to normal. So far this is all I have: $('#user_button').click(function() { $('#user_options').toggle(); $("#user_button").css({ borderBottom...

jQuery Toggle Div Switcher

I'm trying to build an FAQ page. The page will have 2 columns: first column will have list of questions, second column will have the answers. Essentially I'd like to hide the answer column and when a question is clicked, it will fade in. When another question is clicked, the old answer will fade out and the new answer fades in. So I gue...

Trigger second function in toggle()

Hi all, Is there a way I can call the second function in toggle(function(){},function(){}) Thanks in advance ...

jquery capture onToggle

I have set of DIVs and i render CheckBoxList in each of them. Number of DIVs and number of CheckBoxLists are dynamic. Each div has a button associated with it which will toggle the visibility of that particular DIV. Every time user clicks on a checkbox, i need to display the text of that checkbox in one label. I am thinking that i shud...

Trouble toggling the visibility of multiple divs, since toggle() tracks each element separately.

I have a series of input buttons. Let's say two for simplicity. Each button has its own associated content in a separate div. All the content is in invisible divs ( display: none ) to begin. If you click a button, its associated content is displayed. If you click it again, the content disappears. This is done with toggle(). The problem...

jquery toggle on dt element working in Firefox but not other browsers

The following works in Firefox but in no other browser. Is the parent child relationship of <dl>s different in the different browsers? $('dd').parent().find('h3').toggle( function(){ $(this).next('dd').slideDown(500); }, function(){ $(this).next('dd').slideUp(500); } ); HTML looks like: <dt><h3>stuff t...

Jquery toggle only fires once

I have the following code which is used to slidein/out a div (shopping basket) on a page. However, the code will only fire once (open once, close once). Does the toggle need to be reset in some way? $(document).ready(function(){ var miniBasketHeight = -$('#minibasket div.outer').height(); $('#minibasket a.opener').toggle( ...

change list selection to be a toggle selection

Hi All, I have an ASP.Net (3.5) Web application and I would like my users to be able to select the items from a simple HTML list using a toggle selection rather than the usual multiple selection (with CTRL and SHIFT). I guess the best way should be to achieve this on the client side using some jQuery or simple javascript. Does anyone ...

Toggle not working

Hi, I have a set of div pairs (a 'header' and a 'body'). When the user clicks on the header, the next body section should show/hide (and update the +/- icon). All the divs are written to be "shown" on page load but I'd like to "close" some of them and the user can open them if they wish. Just can't get it to work! Code is below if anyone...

jquery: toggling the siblings

Hi, I want to toggle the next sibling of a link in a list like this, <ul> <li><a href="#">1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2</a> <ul class="selected"> <li><a href="#">2.1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2.2</a></li> <li><a href="#">2.3</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#">3</a></li...

How to prevent toggle on element within toggle area using jquery

Hi there, I have a jquery toggle to show/hide a div tag using the h2 element in the code below. Within that h2 I have a clickable image (a context menu icon). The context menu works when clicking it, but the h2 also toggles the show/hide on the div. Is there a way you can cancel the toggle functionality on the icon within the h2 tag? <...

jquery slideUp menu toggle?

I have a slideUp menu, which is acting erratically in that sometimes if I flick too quickly across it, it slides up and down maybe 4 or 5 times. At other times, if I hover over it before it's finished loading properly, the menu will slideUp and that becomes its "normal" state so that if I hover over it, it slides down before I have a ch...

I need help using the jQuery toggle function to swap image and div content

I need help getting an image to toggle 'on' and 'off' states when clicked as well as toggle a div to show/hide. I need these to toggle back and forth when clicked. Any ideas? <a href="#" onclick="toggle();"><img src="/images/control.png" /></a> <div id="box1"> Showing first box content </div> <div id="box2" style="display:none;"> Show...

jQuery text() change on toggle()?

Hello. I want to make a script that is changing toggle link text depending on others element visibility. So while #form is visible I want the #form-container a text to be "Hide...", and while it's hidden I want the text to be "Show...". I've tried this line - if($('#form').is(":visible")){ another way: if($('#form').is(":visible") == ...

What could be making jQuery's toggle fire twice on the second click?

I have a FireWorks-generated HTML page and I added some jQuery to it for desired's for a pain study, so when you click a part of the spine, it lights up in red. I added jQuery's toggle for sort of an "unclick" option, but it's not working as expected. (Similar to a previous question I asked, but different enough IMO). When...

JQuery Toggle Button

I'm new to JQuery, so please bear with me =) I have a "Menu" button that should "slide down" a menu. My problem is that the menu is visible from the start, I want it to be hidden at first and then when clicking on the "Menu" button, should the menu "slide down" and then "slide up" again after pressing the "Menu" button again. My HTML:...

Having many JQuery Toggle buttons on the same page.

I just realized another problem with my so called "solution" =) My JS Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { function runEffect(){ var selectedEffect = $('#slide').val(); var options = {}; if(selectedEffect == 'scale'){ options = {percent: 0}; } else if(selecte...

JQuery Toggle Button and Accordion Problem

I have a "Menu" btn that should slide-open a div with an "accordion" menu in it. When I add the value hide() (in JS) or "hidden" (in CSS) for the div that contains the accordion, the accordion stops working properly. It doesn't view all the content in it when you click on an accordion section, after opening the div with the accordion w...

How can I change a ViewController list (by changing predicate) without popping and pushing?

I have a ViewController whose view results from data from a fetch request with Predicate 1. I'd like to repeat the fetch request with a more restrictive Predicate 2 that will give a SUBSET of the data using Predicate 1. Then I'd like to update (and possibly animate) that view on the iPhone screen by pressing a toggle button, so that ...