
Custom (round) toggle button

Hello, I am trying to build a custom toggle button in Android, I want it to look like radio button but function as toggle button. Can some one help me with this? any clue hints close to answer is appreciated. ...

jQuery element in a div and clicking area.

Hey. I have a big DIV called #bigDiv. In this div I have other elements like menus and images. I want jQuery to toggle the #bigDiv every time user clicks the #bigDiv NOT other elements (which are parts of this div). How to do this? For example: index.html: <div id="bigDiv"> <ul> <li><a href="site">Site</a></li> </ul> jQuery: $("#...

Jquery - using toggle() but disable it until the animations are done

Hey, i am using the jquery toggle function like this: $(".class").toggle( function() { //things to do... animations and so on }, function(){ // other things to do... } ); Now when I call the toggle effect by clicking very often the animations of the two functions don't wait for the other to finish. So I would like...

How to save a toggle state that is created using a MovieClip in Flash. How to save state in variable and pass to PHP, and save to XML?

I have MovieClips on my Flash Stage that when clicked on--they toggle ON/OFF. My goal is that when a user clicks either ON/OFF--then leaves the flash website--another user can visit the site--and see that state of that MovieClip was either left ON/OFF. I would need a way that when a user toggles ON/OFF--that state is saved in a variabl...

toggle image on hover using Jquery.

First of all please dont suggest me to do this using css. I need to toggle between two images on-hover using Jquery. I need that two images (two toggling images) should be downloaded at the time of page load. Cause else it will create a lag time for the first time. As my images are two banners on the home page.I need to do something cre...

Checkbox not checking when used in jQuery toggle()

Hi, I have this jQuery code, which uses the toggle() function on a checkbox input (via ID #rescheck), to reveal a hidden div on click/tick of the checkbox - it all works perfectly, except that the actualy "tick" or "check" does not appear in the box, on Chrome. In Firefox its the opposite, the check or tick is always present from page ...

Localising jQuery select/deselect all

Hello. I'm using the following snippet to create a select/deselect all checkboxes: This is a great help, but just wondering how you might go about localising the effected checkboxes to only those that are siblings (i.e. in the same group of li items...

jquery only toggle one element without having to use ids

i have multiple divs with the same class on my page. I want to be able to toggle them individually. Using this script: $(document).ready(function() { $('.file').hide(); $('a.toggle').click(function() { $('.file').slideToggle(1000); $(this).text($(this).text() == 'show' ? 'hide' : 'show'); return false; }); ...

Toggle background color with click in and out

I have a script that works great, but I need the background color to return to its original state when you leave or click outside the .test Is there a way to make it toggle back after clicking out of the .test? Here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var input = document.get...

jquery toggle bottom left to top right

hello i have got this script all works fine but i was wonder if its possible to toggle bottom left to top right $("a#slick-toggle").click(function() { $("#slickbox").animate({width: "toggle", height: "toggle"}, 1000); }); thank Gareth ...

Toggle TWO Panels with ONLY ONE VISIBLE Is it possible?

I have two sliding panels. I need ONLY ONE panel open at a time. Right now they can both open. My project link is: link text Here is my code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".btn-slide").click(function(){ $("#panel_quote").slideToggle("slow"); $(this).toggleClass("closeQ"); return false; }); }); $(document).r...

hide all visible <ul> when parent <li> is clicked

Good evening I've got a basic structure of ul, li and nested drop-down menus in the form of ul's. What I'm trying to do is that when the parent li is clicked, the child ul will show up. When the li is clicked again, the child ul hides. So this is what I've got so far $(document).ready(function() { $("ul#glass-buttons li").togg...

jQuery: How-to toggle display on hover

I have 2 spans. First one: <span class="body"> Second one: <span class="desc"> My CSS: .desc {display: none;} What I want to do, is show the second span, when hovering the first. No fancy effects or anything, just show the span. I know there is a simple jQuery solution out there, but I'm new to jQuery so I'd appreciate some help fin...

Toggle class on link click

Hi, I'm trying to toggle a class for a link when it is clicked so it either shows plus to expand or minus to reduce but I can't get it working. My jQuery is as follows: $(".viewdetails").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('viewdetailsoff'); $(this).parents("tr").next().toggle(); return false; }) My initial link <a ...

Toggle Posts in wordpress using jquery

I am trying to do something I have not seen before in wordpress. Basically, when you arrive at the blog, a title, thumbnail and an excerpt is displayed. When a toggle button is pushed, the post should slide down to reveal the content. (<?php the_content(); ?>) Here is my Jquery: $(document).ready(function() { $(' a')...

toggle multiple content and add text to the toggle link

I have about 25 show/hide (toggle) elements on a page like so... HTML: <h2><a href="#" class="link1">Headline One</a></h2> <div class="toggle-item-link1">content</div> <h2><a href="#" class="link2">Headline Two</a></h2> <div class="toggle-item-link2">content</div> JS: $('[class^=toggle-item]').hide(); //toggle content on click $('...

Toggling Boolean Problem

this code is written in simple ActionScript, but i'm assuming this problem of mine would occur in all languages that have boolean datatypes. i'm simply clicking the stage so that my boolean variable reverses its value and than traces/prints/logs it's new value. however, it's always tracing true instead of switching between true and fal...

prevent toggle when click on nested elements

Hello, i've developed this menu, the sub ul with li elements slide in and out with toggle() clicking on the parent li. If another sub ul is shown the sctipt close it. That's work pretty good with standard links but i want to replace link click with ajax request and if the page dosen't change, clicking on nested li link, makes the relativ...

Jquery toggle not working

hi there. i am trying to get jquery to hide this div and for some reason it is not working what am i doing wrong <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv=...

My js lightbox feature is canceling out my hidden checkbox toggle div

First off sorry i had to add -- to my links because of spam prevention;) Here is the file with the hidden div "yes" checkbox toggle working perfectly>> -- This is the .js file that makes it work>> -- Here is the file with the lightbox fe...