
Jquery - bind/unbind hover script, small bit of code, not sure what to do.

I've created DIV.cb-toggle, when the user hovers over this div, it animates to Orange, when they hover off of this div, it animates back to gray, when the user clicks this div, it animates to blue, telling the user that it's been selected. So when it's NOT selected, it has mouseenter mouseleave animations, but when it's selected i want t...

Toggle Images with Drop Down Panels

I have two panels that drop down. Only one can be open at a time. The links are images that need to toggle in response to the drop panel opening and closing. I can't seem to figure out how to get the images to appear correctly when the other link is click and vice versa. These links are located on the top of the page, "Fast Quote" an...

How to bind the 'toggle' event to a element

Hi, Is there a way I can use the 'bind' syntax for the 'toggle' event handler ? From the docs I can understand that the correct way is $('.selector').toggle( function() {}, function() {} ); My problem is that I am removing that element for some reason, and then again add it to the DOM. On adding it again, the toggle does not work....

jquery toggle can't be used with live, then how can I toggle images with live function?

The following code works fine when it is first loaded. However when I use ajax, then the toggle does not work. I found that I am not able use toggle with .live function. How can I change this code with using live function? This code toggle a div to show and hide and the same time change the icons up and down. Thanks in advance. $('...

jquery toggle the votes like stackoverflow

i have this voting jquery script, which works fine, but i want the option for the user to toggle the vote, just like stackoverflow, so basically you can vote up by clicking up arrow increase vote by 1 if they click again on the picture(arrow up) minus 1 from the vote my jquery script: $(document).ready(function() { $('.s...

Toggling jQuery function not workin on Safari Mobile

Hi everybody, I'm trying to make work a functionality that exists on my website but works bad on Safari for iPhone. Well, I have a "li" element: .. <li><input id='showOrHide' type='button' value='show or hide'/></li> <li><input type='text' value='ok'/></li> .. When I click on the 'show or hide' button, the text input should ...

links not active in show toggled Div in jQuery

I have a menu div which shows/hides based on click with jQuery, but none of the links are active when you put them in .. ideas? I only have one item in the list that is a hyperlink. Once I can get it to work, I'll add it to the rest of the items .. however that one link doesn't work. jQuery $(".sign_in").click(function() { $(...

jQuery: Toggle is not working, help??

Hello there, I am using the toggle function from jQuery and for some reason is not working, this is what I have: $(document).ready(function(){ var flip = 1; $("#tg1").click(function () { $("#tg1-contenido").toggle( flip++ % 2 == 0 ); });​ } I don't know what I am doing wrong, any he...

"Div hover" is working but not valid (yet)

I have a problem with this script : click here. Currently it's working perfectly. But if i would run this through the w3 validator it's not 'valid'. I also know why this is, it is because the entire div is within a link. I would like to make this work exactly the same, but also have it score as w3 valid. I have been struggeling for two...

How to disable toggling with flex buttonbar

How to disable the toggle nature of buttons in spark:Buttonbar so that it would behave similar to mx:ButtonBar? ...

jquery toggle votes using jquery toogle event?

i have got this script that works fine, that allows a user to vote, but im kind of stuff of how i can make the vote button, when clicked again it toggle back to normal image! just like stackoverflow: this is my script: $(document).ready(function() { $('.statuses').delegate('.vote_up', 'click', function(e) { //stop event ...

rails toggle problem - ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `[]' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator

After this rails app has been running fine for over two years... just started getting this one error on only one page. ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `[]' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0xb25fbc4>) on line #10 of app/views/notes/_form.rhtml: 7: <%= @n.text_field 'note', :size => 55 %> 8: </label> 9: <%= link_to_function('Cu...

nested div toggle problem

I have been struggling with this for days and I'm getting fed up :( I hope someone can figure this out? Ive got a set of divs (systems/blocks) each has a header h2 and a child div. Each child div (sub systems) each has a header h3 and a child div with some links. When I click on systemHeader I want to toggle only the subSystems div. Whe...

jquery .click overriding anchor href when i dont want it to!

Hi, I have a set of nested DIVs that slidetoggle using jQuery as the user clicks on them. Inside the innermost DIV there is an anchor tag with an HREF that should navigate somewhere. The problem is that when I click on the link it slidetoggles just like the parent DIVs instead of navigating to the url. If I right click the anchor and sel...

Toggle blog articles (expand/collapse) with jQuery

Hi, in my blog some articles are very long. So I want the long articles to be collapsed when the page is loaded. It works for me for just one article but if I have more articles something seems to be broken. Here's how I do it: $('div#ttoggle').hide(); $('#btoggle').click( function() { if($('div#btoggle p').text() == 'expand artic...

Jquery: animate .outerWidth()?

When animating a width toggle, it's not animating the padding, so i looked into .outerWidth() but i'm not exactly sure how to implement this... $('#shareheart').click(function(){ $('.share-text').animate({outerWidth: 'toggle'}, 2000) }) ...

Trying to toggle between two icons

I initiate two buttons (I'm using the JQuery built in CSS themeroller): $( ".upArrow" ).button({ icons: {secondary:'ui-icon-circle-arrow-n'} }); $( ".downArrow" ).button({ icons: {secondary:'ui-icon-circle-arrow-s'} }); I want to be able to toggle between these two icons when clicking the same button, and somehow switch between the .u...

swapping out an image when selector is clicked using jquery

Hello guys, I have an FAQ and would like to attach an image to the right of the question that tells the person to close if open and open if closed. This is what I have: $('.header-person').click(function() { $(this).next('.entry').slideToggle("fast") return false; }); I currently have the two images next to the question like...

How do I create an ajax toggle for an attribute in Rails?

I have a view of a Model, and there is an attribute 'direct' which can either be 'true' or 'false'. Am wondering if there's a standard way or even a plugin/gem or just good suggestions on how that can be toggled on or off in the view. I found myself writing alot of logic in the view so stopped and sought some guidance. A simple versio...

Toggling multiple divs when those divs are new (no IDs)

I am combining div toggling with complex forms: My specific situation: I have a few nested fields being built in table/new.html.erb and Customer/_customer_note_fields. Ordinarily, I would do something like the following to have toggled divs: # view <a class="toggle" rel="toggle[exp...