
java.lang.ClassCircularityError only with Security Manager enabled

Hi all, I've got a weird problem under Tomcat 6 with a vendor supplied application. If I enable the security manager, the application starts fine but as soon as I attempt to access a jsp page within the app, I get a ClassCircularityError. If I disable the security manager, this no longer occurs. I originally had a number of security ...

Tomcat on Mac shows org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap in Application Bar

I have a vanilla tomcat 6.0.20 installation on Macintosh. Previously when it launched the process that showed up in Activity Monitor (and ps -w -w) was "java". Now it is org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap, and it shows up in the Application Bar, which is weird. Some time passed before we noticed this, so we don't know exactly what ...

Tomcat is installed with CATALINA_HOME in /usr/share/tomcat6 and CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat6

Hi, I think it is a good question. I found it also confusing. I installed tomcat few minutes ago (after a while) and I notice they are two different "webapps" places. at /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/default_root/ at /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ROOT/ The content of both are the same but none of them are symlinks. When I started tomcat it ...

Tomcat application creates new session on page reload when visited through apache

We have a tomcat application which works fine in IE7/8 and Firefox. The only browser we are having issues with (that we care about at this point) is google Chrome. Users can navigate to the application fine and log in and do whatever they need to do in Firefox and IE. However, when trying to log in with Chrome, the session is apparently ...

Java maven development slow

I am developing a war/java website that is built via maven. Currently, I have to make changes... tell maven to build them... then deploy to Tomcat. This is around 40seconds. So every change I make, I have to wait >=40seconds to see the change. This is becoming very frustrating, so I have tried to speed up the deployment. I deployed ...

Tomcat 6.0 classes on system classpath cannot access the classes from the application

I am running a web application in tomcat6.0 . My problem is that while starting the Tomcat I need classes from commons-lang.jar. And I need the commons-lang.jar also in my web-app. I placed thic jar in the system classpath of Tomcat. Now I get the SerializationException from SerializationUtils. It tries to find a class which is present ...

How to avoid twitter4j logging everything it does in Tomcat?

Hi, I'm quite new with Tomcat and Java in general. I'm deploying a Tomcat6 application and using the twitter4j library to make calls to I've setup logging in Tomcat to be log4j using the following configuration: log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, R log4j.appender.R=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.R.File=${catali...

Getting permission denied for logging in tomcat.

I have a file as part of my application. #Updated at Thu Apr 01 14:30:43 GST 2010 #Thu Apr 01 14:30:43 GST 2010 log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, R log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.Pat...

JPA2 on Tomcat - possible?

I'd like to use JPA along with Bean Validation, so JPA 2.0 sounds like what I need. I'm running my web application on Tomcat 6. Is Tomcat able to use JPA2? ...

Deploying JSf 2.0 app in tomcat 5.5

Hi, I have developed a JSF 2.0 application and tested it on Apache Tomcat 6.0. The problem is that the official server can only have version 5.5 installed. So I tried to deploy it as it was but I kept getting the JasperException. I figured out that the problem probably lies with the standard.jar and jstl.jar. How can I deploy it then? Ho...

JSF 2.0 and Hibernate error

Hi, I deployed my application to the official server and started getting this error: Stacktrace: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(Jsp...

Why doesn't my servlet load on TomCat 6.0.18 but loads fine on 5.5

I have a development environment where i use TomCat 5.5 and my application works fine. As soon as a transfer everything to a deployment server, that's running TomCat 6.0.18, a servlet class called DeviceComm doesn't seem to load. The error that i'm getting in "Ressource not available". I have brought modifications to this class recentl...

encounter "Error configuring application listener of class org.directwebremoting.servlet.DwrListener"

i found the error of "Error configuring application listener of class org.directwebremoting.servlet.DwrListener" when deploying application using dwr in tomcat6. Here is my web.xml <display-name>DWR (Direct Web Remoting)</display-name> <description>A Simple Demo DWR</description> <listener> <listener-class>org.directwebremoting....

How to implement cache synchronization in tomcat 6.0 cluster environment?

Hi, I'm currently working on a migration a web application to run in a cluster. This application uses caches. Some of this caches are reloaded in case the user saves something. I'ld like to inform the other nodes of the cluster about this, so that all nodes refresh their caches. It seems that the tomcat server has a group messaging bui...

log4j:ERROR with Tomcat 6

Hi folks, I programmed a Web Application with JEE. I am using log4j and Tomcat 6.0.28. When I am starting my app at tomcat following error message appears every 3 seconds at my console: log4j:ERROR LogMananger.repositorySelector was null likely due to error in class reloading, using NOPLoggerRepository. Has somebody an idea what that...

Can I run Tomcat securely on port 443 and insecurely on 8080

Let me explain my situation. Currently, I have a lot of applications running on Tomcat 6, on the default port 8080. I just created some applications that will need a log in. I'm going to buy an SSL certificate to install on this server. I don't like the idea of using port 8443 because it makes the URL more complicated. If I run Tomca...

HTTP Status 404 after deploying a web application with a custom realm to Tomcat 6

Hi to everyone. I develop a web application for Tomcat 6, and I'm face to face with a problem I don't know how to resolve. Let's consider the following small scenario. Imagine that it's required to authenticate users not just by user and password, the authentication is only granted if some extra conditions are true (e.g. user, password,...

How Do I Keep HttpSessions Alive in Tomcat?

I'm having a bit of trouble with Session timeouts in my Tomcat served web application. From reading over Tomcat's documentation, sessions expire after a time which can be configured in the web.xml file. <session-config> <session-timeout>30</session-timeout> </session-config> Quesion) Does this mean 30 minutes from when the...

Tomcat 6.0.x configure HTTP

Hello I need to configure the default maxHttpHeaderSize on the HTTP connector and I cant see where to configure it. I believe it should be under the coyote connector but can only find the catalina attribute in the server.xml. Can someone edify me where to properly configure this to I can increase the default size of the header? ...

Session invalidation in FF , Tomcat

Hi I am using Tomcat web container. I have an admin console app implemented. When I click on logout a session attribute is made null and invalidated see the below code in my logout.jsp file. After logout the user is taken to the login page. In fireFox I click back button I have the below issues. First I do not get page expired page lik...