
Tooltip Visibility

I have the following code: <DataTemplate> <!--<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Description}" Header="Description" Width="205" />--> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Description}" Width="232"> <ToolTipService.ToolTip > <ToolTip Visibility="{Binding }"> <sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateCol...

Tooltips in PDFs: are they possible?

Hi. I'm using the tcpdf PHP class for creating PDFs. Is there any solution to add tooltips to links? ...

Adding a tool tip / bubble display without span tag or title

How would I go about displaying a tooltip when the user hover overs some text / keywords? This body of text is directly retrieved from the database so I am unable to add any span or div tags or title information to these keywords. Is there a way to automatically create tooltips for certain words that are contained in the page? Please le...

inline formatting of a tooltip of an itemrenderer of a datagrid?

How to style parts of the tooltip e.g. bold? I’m generating a tooltip in an itemrenderer for an datagrid, displaying the column name and then the value: I want to display the value bold… public override function set data(value:Object):void { var dg:DataGrid = this.listData.owner as DataGrid; var dataField:String = (dg.columns[this.l...

Getting jQuery tooltip to have a tip start as active when page first loads

Hi - I'm using the jQuery tooltip plug in on an image map. When a part of the image is hovered over, the tip appears. This is activated with the following code: $(function() { $("map > area").tooltip({ positionLeft: true }); }); </script> The html for the image map is set up like this: <map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="...

How to do a tooltip on an SVG generated by Raphael

I'm doing a bit of a pedagogical exercise, converting XML to SVG with XSLT, Javascript and Raphael. I'm sure it's the hard way...but it's educational. The problem I've run into is creating tooltips. So far, I've found three ways to do this: The first way is to use .attr({title: "blah"{) on an object. This works, but it's not supported...

How can you turn on word wrapping for all tool tips in Silverlight 4?

In my Silverlight 4 application I have some long tooltips. By default these tooltips appear one one very long line. For example: <TextBox Text="Test1" ToolTipService.ToolTip="One tasdg asdg as da sdg asdg asdg asdg asd gas dg a sdg a sdg a sd a sd g asdasdgasdg sadgasdgasdg asdg asdg asd as a sd g a sdg ...

WPF ToolTip containing buttons can not recieve Mouse events, alternative ?

I want a formatbar like in Office 2010 with WPF: Select Text and then click buttons on appearing tooltip to execute a command How can I make that work? ...

jQuery: How to remove the tipsy tooltip?

I add the tipsy tooltip to divs with the .placeTaken class. The user can then drag boxes around, so I remove the class and add it to a new div instead. When this happens, I add a new tipsy tooltip to that div and that works fine, but I want to remove the old one. They say if you wish to remove the tooltip by setting the title attribute...

jQuery Tooltip Problem (Position/Hover)

Hello, i have the following code example (see below), my problem is that the tooltip doesn't show the "old" text after i go away with the cursor - any ideas? Regards <style type="text/css"> #tooltip { position: absolute; background: #FFF; display: none; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.c...

Absolute positioning and scroll bar in Internet Explorer

Disclaimer This question is a repost. I originally asked it here. While there was one person who was kind enough to help me, he ultimately couldn't find an ideal solution. The reality of the situation is Doctype just doesn't have the huge number of users that Stack Overflow does. This is an important problem for me, and I really need...

Tooltip not showing for nested control

I have the following piece of code that works great in all but one instance. private void tbxLastName_EditValueChanging(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ChangingEventArgs e) { GetRemainingChars(sender); } public void GetRemainingChars(object sender) { var control = sender as TextEdit; var maxChars = control.Pr...

minimally invasive javascript tooltip utility (not a jQuery plug-in) needed

I want to use tooltips in my web app running in desktop and mobile touch browsers. To that end, I've written some touch-event code to generate a custom "linger" (pseudo-hover) event for touch. In touch devices, I want to display the tooltip when the user touches an element and lets her finger linger on it for ~500ms, like the tooltip on...

jQuery Tooltip only works for first row of table

The jQuery tooltip works great for the first row of data in my table. After that, I only get the old school windows default tooltip in both IE and FF. Here is the HTML that builds table data: foreach ($displayData as $row) { echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bgcolor[$a] . '">'; echo '<td><span id="fancy" title="Course Description: - '.$row[...

jQuery tipsy plugin - DelayIn not working

I just added jquery tipsy plug-in to my site and I cant seem to get it working properly! It fades in just fine and the html works fine, but the delay doesn't happen. Here is the code I am using: $(document).ready(function() { $('#navi li a').tipsy({delayIn: 500, fade: true, html: true}); }) Has anyone ever encountered this problem? ...

how to display all the tooltips that are already associated to controls

I have a form with controls and associated tooltips. I'm implementing a help-button witch should show all the tooltips at once. I would like to implement it somehow like this: private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.Control.All.Show.Their.Tooltips(); } Can't find a simple way to do it :-) I...

flex programmatically show tooltip chart

I have a chart with 2 line series in it. So, "Jan" (x-axis point) will have 2 Y-axis points The problem : Is there anyway to force flex to show tooltip on both series simultaneously? ...

jQueryUI Tooltip + JSON problems

Good Day, I'm having problems implementing jQueryUI Tooltip. Here's my code: $("input.tooltip").tooltip({ content: function(response) { $.getJSON('tooltipcontent.json', function(data) { response($.map(data, function(item) { return; } )) }); return 'tooltip content'; } }...

Change ToolTip font

I need a tooltip with custom Font. I have the following code, and this works... but the tooltip size does not fit the text. Where is the error? Public Class KeolisTooltip Inherits ToolTip Sub New() MyBase.New() Me.OwnerDraw = True AddHandler Me.Draw, AddressOf OnDraw End Sub Private _Font As Font Public Prope...

Why does the tooltip for Convert.ToDateTime() say that it always throws?

The tooltip displayed for Convert.ToDateTime() says that it always throws System.InvalidCastException. Why? ...